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Python flavored tapir output of protoc.

A general API documentation can be found here.

(Disclaimer: this is my very first python module ever)


pytapir is usually distributed via python packages that are hosted on GitHub. We're trying to have the latest version available all the time; but since python is more of a side project we cannot keep that promise.

In case this library diverges from the tAPIr-API, please give me (@thisismana) a bump to fix this.


pipenv install -e git+


This should go into the Pipfile

pytapir = { git = "", ref = "v0.45.0"}

Lambda layers

Permissions should allow every account within our AWS organization to access the pytapir lambda layers.

The lambda layer contains everything you'll need to invoke our gRPC services. See ./examples/ folder for sample code.

tapir version Python Version Arch ARN
0.45.0 3.11 arm64 arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:053041861227:layer:PyTapir-311-Arm64:3
0.45.0 3.11 x86_64 arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:053041861227:layer:PyTapir-311-Amd64:3
0.45.0 3.12 arm64 arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:053041861227:layer:PyTapir-312-Arm64:3
0.45.0 3.12 x86_64 arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:053041861227:layer:PyTapir-312-Amd64:3
0.48.0 3.11 arm64 arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:053041861227:layer:PyTapir-311-Arm64:4
0.48.0 3.11 x86_64 arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:053041861227:layer:PyTapir-311-Amd64:4
0.48.0 3.12 arm64 arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:053041861227:layer:PyTapir-312-Arm64:4
0.48.0 3.12 x86_64 arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:053041861227:layer:PyTapir-312-Amd64:4

Build tapir


We're using a virtual env, so do the following within the project root after cloning this repo:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --requirement requirements.txt

# you can work now, e.g. compile .proto to .py
python3 protoc

# once your done, deactivate the venv

bump tapir submodule

tapir is mounted as a git submodule

# bump tapir to latest
git submodule update --init --recursive
git submodule foreach git fetch --all --tags --prune
git submodule foreach git pull origin main

# commit changes
git add tapir

# if there are changes, commit and push them:
git commit -m "bumped tapir to latest (origin/main)"
git push


You have to set an environment variable to create a proper GitHub release.

make release GITHUB_TOKEN=xxxx

AWS Lambda Layer

Useful reads:

NEXT_TAG=$(echo "import stroeer; print(stroeer.__version__)" | python3)
ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query 'Account' --output text)
for PYTHON_VERSION in 3.11 3.12 ; do
  for ARCH in arm64 x86_64 ; do
    docker buildx build --load --platform linux/${ARCH} --build-arg="PYTHON_VERSION=${PYTHON_VERSION}" --tag "${NEXT_TAG}:${ARCH}" .
    docker run --platform linux/${ARCH} --rm --entrypoint cat "${NEXT_TAG}:${ARCH}" > ${ARCH}
    aws s3 cp ${ARCH} s3://ci-${ACCOUNT_ID}-eu-west-1/pytapir/layer_${NEXT_TAG}_${ARCH}.zip
    if [ "$ARCH" = "x86_64" ] ; then
    # create lambda layer
    layer_version=$(aws lambda publish-layer-version \
      --layer-name PyTapir-${ARCH_Pretty} \
      --description "PyTapir ${NEXT_TAG}" \
      --license-info "MIT" \
      --content S3Bucket=ci-${ACCOUNT_ID}-eu-west-1,S3Key=pytapir/layer_${NEXT_TAG}_${ARCH}.zip \
      --compatible-runtimes python${PYTHON_VERSION} \
      --compatible-architectures ${ARCH} \
      --query "Version")
    # allow aws org to access layer
    org_id=$(aws organizations describe-organization --query 'Organization.Id' --output text)
    aws lambda add-layer-version-permission \
      --layer-name PyTapir-${ARCH_Pretty} \
      --statement-id xaccount \
      --action lambda:GetLayerVersion \
      --organization-id "${org_id}" \
      --principal '*' \
      --version-number "${layer_version}" 

Release 2024 version

# update submodule
make bump_tapir
# create python github release
make release
# build lambda layer for python 3.11/3.12 for amd64/arm64
make lambda_layer

Local testing lambda and lambda layer

To test, we need:

  • an environment that replicates the AWS environment (e.g. don't use native MacOS binaries).
  • our lambda layer mounted
  • our sample code mounted
export GRPC_ENDPOINT="$(aws ssm get-parameter --name /internal/api/endpoint --with-decryption --query 'Parameter.Value' --output text)"
export GRPC_AUTHORIZATION="Bearer $(aws ssm get-parameter --name /internal/api/auth.token --with-decryption --query 'Parameter.Value' --output text)"
docker run --rm \
  --volume "${PWD}/examples":/var/task:ro \
  --volume "${PWD}/python":/opt/python:ro \
  lambci/lambda:python3.8 lambda_function.lambda_handler