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fix: missing language-id (#2999)
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fix: #2998

* fix: missing language-id
* Use verbose mode in the test
  • Loading branch information
Jason3S committed Jun 2, 2022
1 parent 0e53d2c commit 0e6b241
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Showing 6 changed files with 92 additions and 30 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions packages/cspell-lib/src/spellCheckFile.ts
Expand Up @@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ async function spellCheckFullDocument(
options: SpellCheckFileOptions,
settings: CSpellUserSettings
): Promise<SpellCheckFileResult> {
const { uri, text: content } = document;
const doc = createTextDocument({ uri, content });
const { uri, text: content, languageId, locale } = document;
const doc = createTextDocument({ uri, content, languageId, locale });
const docValOptions: DocumentValidatorOptions = options;
const docValidator = new DocumentValidator(doc, docValOptions, settings);
await docValidator.prepare();
Expand Down
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions packages/cspell/fixtures/issue-2998/cspell.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"dictionaryDefinitions": [
"name": "fixture",
"path": "./fix-words.txt"
"languageSettings": [
"languageId": "fix",
"dictionaries": ["fixture"]
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions packages/cspell/fixtures/issue-2998/fix-words.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions packages/cspell/fixtures/issue-2998/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
../../bin.js -v --language-id=fix fix-words.txt

cat fix-words.txt | ../../bin.js -v --language-id=fix "--locale=*" stdin
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions packages/cspell/src/__snapshots__/app.test.ts.snap
Expand Up @@ -370,6 +370,39 @@ exports[`Validate cli app current_file languageId Expect Error: undefined 3`] =
1/1 ./src/app.test.ts"
exports[`Validate cli app issue-2998 --language-id Expect Error: undefined 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`Validate cli app issue-2998 --language-id Expect Error: undefined 2`] = `
info cspell;
info Date: Sat, 03 Apr 2021 11:25:33 GMT
info Options:
info verbose: Yes
info config: default
info exclude: node_modules/**
info files: fix-words.txt
info wordsOnly: No
info unique: No
info Config Files Found:
info ./fixtures/issue-2998/cspell.json
info Exclusion Globs:
info Glob: node_modules/** from command line
info Checking: ./fixtures/issue-2998/fix-words.txt, File type: fix, Language: default
info Checked: ./fixtures/issue-2998/fix-words.txt, File type: fix, Language: en ... Issues: 0 0.00S
info Config file Used: ./fixtures/issue-2998/cspell.json
info Dictionaries Used: backwards-compatibility, companies, filetypes, public-licenses, softwareTerms, aws, cryptocurrencies, en_us, fixture
error 0.00ms
error CSpell: Files checked: 1, Issues found: 0 in 0 files"
exports[`Validate cli app issue-2998 --language-id Expect Error: undefined 3`] = `
1/1 ./fixtures/issue-2998/fix-words.txt"
exports[`Validate cli app link 1`] = `""`;
exports[`Validate cli app link add 1`] = `""`;
Expand Down
61 changes: 33 additions & 28 deletions packages/cspell/src/app.test.ts
Expand Up @@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ function pathSamples( string[]): string {
return pathRoot('samples',;

function pathFix( string[]): string {
return pathRoot('fixtures',;

// [message, args, resolve, error, log, info]
type ErrorCheck = undefined | jest.Constructable | string | RegExp;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -130,34 +134,35 @@ describe('Validate cli', () => {
const failFastRoot = pathSamples('fail-fast');

msg | testArgs | errorCheck | eError | eLog | eInfo
${'with errors and excludes'} | ${['-r', 'samples', '*', '-e', 'Dutch.txt', '-c', 'samples/.cspell.json']} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false}
${'no-args'} | ${[]} | ${'outputHelp'} | ${false} | ${false} | ${false}
${'--help'} | ${['--help']} | ${'outputHelp'} | ${false} | ${false} | ${false}
${'current_file'} | ${[__filename]} | ${undefined} | ${true} | ${false} | ${false}
${'with spelling errors Dutch.txt'} | ${[pathSamples('Dutch.txt')]} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false}
${'with spelling errors Dutch.txt words only'} | ${[pathSamples('Dutch.txt'), '--wordsOnly']} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false}
${'with spelling errors Dutch.txt --legacy'} | ${[pathSamples('Dutch.txt'), '--legacy']} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false}
${'with spelling errors --silent Dutch.txt'} | ${['--silent', pathSamples('Dutch.txt')]} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${false} | ${false} | ${false}
${'current_file languageId'} | ${[__filename, '--languageId=typescript']} | ${undefined} | ${true} | ${false} | ${false}
${'check help'} | ${['check', '--help']} | ${'outputHelp'} | ${false} | ${false} | ${false}
${'check LICENSE'} | ${['check', pathRoot('LICENSE')]} | ${undefined} | ${false} | ${true} | ${false}
${'check missing'} | ${['check', pathRoot('missing-file.txt')]} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false}
${'check with spelling errors'} | ${['check', pathSamples('Dutch.txt')]} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${false} | ${true} | ${false}
${'LICENSE'} | ${[pathRoot('LICENSE')]} | ${undefined} | ${true} | ${false} | ${false}
${'samples/Dutch.txt'} | ${[pathSamples('Dutch.txt')]} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false}
${'with forbidden words'} | ${[pathSamples('src/')]} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false}
${'current_file --verbose'} | ${['--verbose', __filename]} | ${undefined} | ${true} | ${false} | ${true}
${'bad config'} | ${['-c', __filename, __filename]} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${false} | ${false}
${'not found error by default'} | ${['*.not']} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${false} | ${false}
${'must find with error'} | ${['*.not', '--must-find-files']} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${false} | ${false}
${'must find force no error'} | ${['*.not', '--no-must-find-files']} | ${undefined} | ${true} | ${false} | ${false}
${'cspell-bad.json'} | ${['-c', pathSamples('cspell-bad.json'), __filename]} | ${undefined} | ${true} | ${false} | ${false}
${'cspell-import-missing.json'} | ${['-c', pathSamples('linked/cspell-import-missing.json'), __filename]} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${false} | ${false}
${'--fail-fast no option'} | ${['-r', failFastRoot, '*.txt']} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false}
${'--fail-fast with option'} | ${['-r', failFastRoot, '--fail-fast', '*.txt']} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false}
${'--fail-fast with config'} | ${['-r', failFastRoot, '-c', failFastConfig, '*.txt']} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false}
${'--no-fail-fast with config'} | ${['-r', failFastRoot, '--no-fail-fast', '-c', failFastConfig, '*.txt']} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false}
msg | testArgs | errorCheck | eError | eLog | eInfo
${'with errors and excludes'} | ${['-r', 'samples', '*', '-e', 'Dutch.txt', '-c', 'samples/.cspell.json']} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false}
${'no-args'} | ${[]} | ${'outputHelp'} | ${false} | ${false} | ${false}
${'--help'} | ${['--help']} | ${'outputHelp'} | ${false} | ${false} | ${false}
${'current_file'} | ${[__filename]} | ${undefined} | ${true} | ${false} | ${false}
${'with spelling errors Dutch.txt'} | ${[pathSamples('Dutch.txt')]} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false}
${'with spelling errors Dutch.txt words only'} | ${[pathSamples('Dutch.txt'), '--wordsOnly']} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false}
${'with spelling errors Dutch.txt --legacy'} | ${[pathSamples('Dutch.txt'), '--legacy']} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false}
${'with spelling errors --silent Dutch.txt'} | ${['--silent', pathSamples('Dutch.txt')]} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${false} | ${false} | ${false}
${'current_file languageId'} | ${[__filename, '--languageId=typescript']} | ${undefined} | ${true} | ${false} | ${false}
${'check help'} | ${['check', '--help']} | ${'outputHelp'} | ${false} | ${false} | ${false}
${'check LICENSE'} | ${['check', pathRoot('LICENSE')]} | ${undefined} | ${false} | ${true} | ${false}
${'check missing'} | ${['check', pathRoot('missing-file.txt')]} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false}
${'check with spelling errors'} | ${['check', pathSamples('Dutch.txt')]} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${false} | ${true} | ${false}
${'LICENSE'} | ${[pathRoot('LICENSE')]} | ${undefined} | ${true} | ${false} | ${false}
${'samples/Dutch.txt'} | ${[pathSamples('Dutch.txt')]} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false}
${'with forbidden words'} | ${[pathSamples('src/')]} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false}
${'current_file --verbose'} | ${['--verbose', __filename]} | ${undefined} | ${true} | ${false} | ${true}
${'bad config'} | ${['-c', __filename, __filename]} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${false} | ${false}
${'not found error by default'} | ${['*.not']} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${false} | ${false}
${'must find with error'} | ${['*.not', '--must-find-files']} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${false} | ${false}
${'must find force no error'} | ${['*.not', '--no-must-find-files']} | ${undefined} | ${true} | ${false} | ${false}
${'cspell-bad.json'} | ${['-c', pathSamples('cspell-bad.json'), __filename]} | ${undefined} | ${true} | ${false} | ${false}
${'cspell-import-missing.json'} | ${['-c', pathSamples('linked/cspell-import-missing.json'), __filename]} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${false} | ${false}
${'--fail-fast no option'} | ${['-r', failFastRoot, '*.txt']} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false}
${'--fail-fast with option'} | ${['-r', failFastRoot, '--fail-fast', '*.txt']} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false}
${'--fail-fast with config'} | ${['-r', failFastRoot, '-c', failFastConfig, '*.txt']} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false}
${'--no-fail-fast with config'} | ${['-r', failFastRoot, '--no-fail-fast', '-c', failFastConfig, '*.txt']} | ${app.CheckFailed} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false}
${'issue-2998 --language-id'} | ${['-r', pathFix('issue-2998'), '-v', '--language-id=fix', pathFix('issue-2998/fix-words.txt')]} | ${undefined} | ${true} | ${false} | ${true}
`('app $msg Expect Error: $errorCheck', async ({ testArgs, errorCheck, eError, eLog, eInfo }: TestCase) => {
chalk.level = 1;
const commander = getCommander();
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