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Releases: strawberry-graphql/strawberry

馃崜 0.233.3

31 May 23:01
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This release fixes a typing issue where trying to type a root argument with
strawberry.Parent would fail, like in the following example:

import strawberry

class SomeType:
    def hello(self, root: strawberry.Parent[str]) -> str:
        return "world"

This should now work as intended.

Releases contributed by @bellini666 via #3529

馃崜 0.233.2

31 May 14:28
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This release fixes an introspection issue when requesting isOneOf on built-in
scalars, like String.

Releases contributed by @patrick91 via #3528

馃崜 0.233.1

30 May 11:33
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This release exposes get_arguments in the schema_converter module to allow
integrations, such as strawberry-django, to reuse that functionality if needed.

This is an internal change with no impact for end users.

Releases contributed by @bellini666 via #3527

馃崜 0.233.0

29 May 17:44
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This release refactors our Federation integration to create types using
Strawberry directly, instead of using low level types from GraphQL-core.

The only user facing change is that now the info object passed to the
resolve_reference function is the strawberry.Info object instead of the one
coming coming from GraphQL-core. This is a breaking change for users that
were using the info object directly.

If you need to access the original info object you can do so by accessing the
_raw_info attribute.

import strawberry

class Product:
    upc: str

    def resolve_reference(cls, info: strawberry.Info, upc: str) -> "Product":
        # Access the original info object
        original_info = info._raw_info

        return Product(upc=upc)

Releases contributed by @patrick91 via #3525

馃崜 0.232.2

28 May 21:37
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This release fixes an issue that would prevent using lazy aliased connections to
annotate a connection field.

For example, this should now work correctly:


class Fruit: ...

FruitConnection: TypeAlias = ListConnection[Fruit]

class Query:
    fruits: Annotated["FruitConnection", strawberry.lazy("types")] = (

Releases contributed by @bellini666 via #3524

馃崜 0.232.1

27 May 23:21
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This release fixes an issue where mypy would complain when using a typed async
resolver with strawberry.field(resolver=...).

Now the code will type check correctly. We also updated our test suite to make
we catch similar issues in the future.

Releases contributed by @patrick91 via #3516

馃崜 0.232.0

25 May 15:13
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This release improves type checking for async resolver functions when used as

Now doing this will raise a type error:

import strawberry

def some_resolver() -> int:
    return 0

class User:
    # Note the field being typed as str instead of int
    name: str = strawberry.field(resolver=some_resolver)

Releases contributed by @bricker via #3241

馃崜 0.231.1

25 May 10:15
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Fixes an issue where lazy annotations raised an error when used together with a List

Releases contributed by @jeich via #3388

馃崜 0.231.0

25 May 09:10
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When calling the CLI without all the necessary dependencies installed,
a MissingOptionalDependenciesError will be raised instead of a
ModuleNotFoundError. This new exception will provide a more helpful
hint regarding how to fix the problem.

Releases contributed by @parafoxia via #3511

馃崜 0.230.0

22 May 17:33
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This release adds support for @oneOf on input types! 馃帀 You can use
one_of=True on input types to create an input type that should only have one
of the fields set.

import strawberry

class ExampleInputTagged:
    a: str | None = strawberry.UNSET
    b: int | None = strawberry.UNSET

Releases contributed by @patrick91 via #3429