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File metadata and controls

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Storybook Docs Props Tables

Storybook Docs automatically generates props tables for components in supported frameworks. This document is a consolidated summary of prop tables, provides instructions for reporting bugs, and list known limitations for each framework.


For framework-specific setup instructions, see the framework's README: React, Vue, Angular, Web Components, Ember.


To use the props table in DocsPage, simply export a component property on your stories metadata:

// MyComponent.stories.js
import { MyComponent } from './MyComponent';

export default {
  title: 'MyComponent',
  component: MyComponent,
// stories etc...


To use the props table in MDX, use the ArgsTable block:

// MyComponent.stories.mdx
import { ArgsTable } from '@storybook/addon-docs/blocks';
import { MyComponent } from './MyComponent';

# My Component!

<ArgsTable of={MyComponent} />


Starting in SB 6.0, the ArgsTable block has built-in Controls (formerly known as "knobs") for editing stories dynamically.

These controls are implemented appear automatically in the props table when your story accepts Storybook Args as its input. This is done slightly differently depending on whether you're using DocsPage or MDX.

DocsPage. In DocsPage, simply write your story to consume args and the auto-generated props table will display controls in the right-most column:

export default {
  title: 'MyComponent',
  component: MyComponent,

export const WithControls = (args) => <MyComponent {...args} />;

MDX. In MDX, the ArgsTable controls are more configurable than in DocsPage. In order to show controls, ArgsTable must be a function of a story, not a component:

<Story name="WithControls">
  {args => <MyComponent {...args} />}

<ArgsTable story="Controls" />

For a very detailed walkthrough of how to write stories that use controls, see the addon-controls README.


Props tables are automatically inferred from your components and stories, but sometimes it's useful to customize the results.

Props tables are rendered from an internal data structure called ArgTypes. When you declare a story's component metadata, Docs automatically extracts ArgTypes based on the component's properties.

You can can customize what's shown in the props table by customizing the ArgTypes data. This is currently available for DocsPage and <ArgsTable story="xxx"> construct, but not for the <ArgsTable of={component} /> construct,

Customizing ArgTypes

NOTE: This API is experimental and may change outside of the typical semver release cycle

When you declare a component in for your DocsPage as described above or use the <ArgsTable story="xxx" /> construct in MDX, the props table shows the story.argTypes that gets extracted by Storybook.

Consider the following input:

// Button.js
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
export const Button = ({ label }) => <button>{label}</button>;
Button.propTypes = {
  /** demo description */
  label: PropTypes.string,
Button.defaultProps = {
  label: 'Hello',

// Button.stories.js
export default { title: 'Button', component: Button };

This generates the equivalent of following in-memory data structure for the Button component:

const argTypes = {
  label: {
    name: 'label',
    type: { name: 'string', required: false },
    defaultValue: 'Hello',
    description: 'demo description',
    table: {
      type: { summary: 'string' },
      defaultValue: { summary: 'Hello' },
    control: {
      type: 'text'

In this ArgTypes data structure, name, type, defaultValue, and description are standard fields in all ArgTypes (analogous to PropTypes in React). The table and control fields are addon-specific annotations. So, for example, the table annotation provides extra information to customize how label gets rendered, and the control annotation provides extra information for the control for editing the property.

As a user, you can customize the prop table by selectively overriding these values. Consider the following modification to Button.stories.js from above:

export default {
  title: 'Button',
  component: Button,
  argTypes: {
    label: {
      description: 'overwritten description',
      table: {
        type: { summary: 'something short', detail: 'something really really long' },
      control: {
        type: null,

These values--description, table.type, and controls.type--get merged over the defaults that are extracted by Storybook. The final merged values would be:

const argTypes = {
  label: {
    name: 'label',
    type: { name: 'string', required: false },
    defaultValue: 'Hello',
    description: 'overwritten description',
    table: {
      type: { summary: 'something short', detail: 'something really really long' },
      defaultValue: { summary: 'Hello' },
    control: {
      type: null

This would render a row with a modified description, a type display with a dropdown that shows the detail, and no control.

NOTE: @storybook/addon-docs provide shorthand for common tasks:

  • type: 'number' is shorthand for type: { name: 'number' }
  • control: 'radio' is shorthand for control: { type: 'radio' }

Controls customization has an entire section in the addon-controls README.

Here are the possible customizations for the rest of the prop table:

Field Description
name The name of the property
type.required Whether or not the property is required
description A markdown description for the property
table.type.summary A short version of the type
table.type.detail A longer version of the type (if it's a complex type)
table.defaultValue.summary A short version of the default value
table.defaultValue.detail A longer version of the default value (if it's a complex value)
control See addon-controls README

Custom ArgTypes in MDX

To do the equivalent of the above customization in MDX, use the following.

Overriding at the component level:

    label: { name: 'label' /* ... */ },

And at the story level:

<Story name="some story" argTypes={{
  label: { name: 'label', ... }
  {/* story contents */}

Reporting a bug

Extracting component properties from source is a tricky problem with thousands of corner cases. We've designed this package and its tests to accurately isolate problems, since the cause could either be in this package or (likely) one of the packages it depends on.

If you're seeing a problem with your prop table, here's what to do.

First, look to see if there's already a test case that corresponds to your situation. If there is, it should be documented in the Known Limitations section below. There should also be one or more corresponding test fixtures contained in this package. For example, if you are using React, look under the directory ./src/frameworks/react/__testfixtures__.

If your problem is not already represented here, do the following:

  1. Create a MINIMAL repro for your problem. Each case should be just a few lines of code.
  2. Place it in the appropriate directory ./src/frameworks/<framework>/__testfixtures__/, e.g. ./src/frameworks/react/__testfixtures__/XXXX-some-description, where XXXX is the corresponding github issue.
  3. Run the tests for your <framework>, e.g. yarn jest --testPathPattern=react-properties.test.ts --watch
  4. Inspect the output files for your test case.
  5. Add the example to the appropriate stories file, e.g. react-properties.stories.ts for react, for a visual repro

If the problem appears to be an issue with this library, file an issue and include a PR that includes your repro.

If the problem appears to be an issue with the sub-package, please file an issue on the appropriate sub-package, document the limitation in Known Limitations below, link to that issue, and submit a PR including the updated documentation and fixtures/snapshots.

Known limitations

This package relies on a variety of sub-packages to extract property information from components. Many of the bugs in this package correspond to bugs in a sub-package. Since we don't maintain the sub-packages, the best we can do for now is (1) document these limitations, (2) provide clean reproductions to the sub-package, (3) optionally provide PRs to those packages to fix the problems.

Framework Underlying library Docs Open issues
React react-docgen react-docgen-typescript Docs Open issues
Vue vue-docgen-api Docs Open issues
Angular compodoc Docs Open issues
Web-components custom-elements.json Docs Open issues
Ember yui-doc Docs Open issues

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