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AllDay DJ

Radio playout for the modern, cloud-driven world. The API is Django with DRF. Celery runs asynchronous jobs. The front-end is React with TypeScript.

Test and Build DeepSource

Project Plan

The plan for delivering AllDay DJ in stages:

  • JWT auth integration.
  • Audio library (can store and edit carts).
  • Search
  • Log editing.
  • VT.
  • Scheduling.
  • Audio playout.

Some of these are absolute beasts (i.e. not a simple feature). Nice to have some ambition though!


For the virtual environment, run the following: python3.9 -m venv addjvenv

Once activated, remember to:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Environment variables are used to configure the application. For any deployment / test / whatever, you'll need the following variables.

  • ADDJ_SECRET_KEY - The Django secret key.
  • ADDJ_DEBUG - Indicates if debug mode should be enabled. Defaults to False.
  • ADDJ_DB_NAME - Name of the database to connect to.
  • ADDJ_DB_USER - Username to connect to the database as.
  • ADDJ_DB_PASS - The password to connect to the database with.
  • ADDJ_DB_HOST - The host to connect to the database on.
  • ADDJ_DB_PORT - The port to connect to the database on. Defaults to 5432.
  • ADDJ_LANG_CODE - The language code we're installed with. Defaults to en-gb.
  • ADDJ_TIMEZONE - The server timezone. Defaults to UTC.
  • ADDJ_USERS_DOMAIN - The URL the application is installed on.
  • ADDJ_RABBIT_HOST - The host RabbitMQ is running on. Defaults to localhost.
  • ADDJ_RABBIT_PORT - The port RabbitMQ is running on. Defaults to 5672.
  • ADDJ_RABBIT_USER - The username to log into RabbitMQ with. Defaults to "guest".
  • ADDJ_RABBIT_PASS - The password to log into RabbitMQ with. Defaults to "".
  • ADDJ_CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER - Indicates if Celery should run immediately (test environment).
  • ADDJ_S3_REGION - The S3 bucket region.
  • ADDJ_S3_ENDPOINT - The S3 endpoint to use.
  • ADDJ_S3_KEY_ID - The S3 key.
  • ADDJ_S3_KEY_SECRET - The S3 secret.
  • ADDJ_FROM_EMAIL - The e-mail address to send message from.
  • ADDJ_SMTP_HOST - The SMTP server to send e-mails through.
  • ADDJ_SMTP_PORT - SMTP port number. Defaults to 25.
  • ADDJ_SMTP_USERNAME - Username to send e-mails with.
  • ADDJ_SMTP_PASSWORD - Password to send e-mails with.
  • ADDJ_SMTP_TLS - Indicates if TLS should be used. Ideally this is TRUE in the modern world...
  • ADDJ_SMTP_SSL - Indicates if SSL should be used. Ideally this is FALSE in the modern world...

A simple shell script that exports the environment variables should be enough for dev work. Remember to execute it correctly inside the Python virtualenv:


Note the lack of forward slash!

PostgreSQL on macOS

You'll need to install through homebrew:

brew install postgresql

Same as for installing modern Python versions:

brew install python@3.9

To start the database engine:

brew services start postgresql

This creates a user with your username but no password.

Rabbit... Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit!

RabbitMQ is required to make the Celery magic work. On macOS you can use homebrew:

brew install rabbitmq
brew services start rabbitmq


Celery is used for async tasks. You need to have the running going for it to do anything. ;)

celery -A alldaydj worker -l INFO


On macOS, libmagic needs to be manually installed:

brew install libmagic


FFMPEG is used to handle the odd and wonderous array of codecs out there. It needs to be installed as a binary we can call.

Cypress on WSL

To make Cypress run on WSL, you'll need to re-point the DISPLAY variable. Add the following to your bashrc file:

# set DISPLAY variable to the IP automatically assigned to WSL2
export DISPLAY=$(cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver | awk '{print $2; exit;}'):0.0
sudo /etc/init.d/dbus start &> /dev/null
npx cypress open

You will also need VcXsrv running on Windows and DBUS passwordless sudo access. Details can be found at


A fake SMTP server can be downloaded and run locally.

export DISPLAY=$(cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver | awk '{print $2; exit;}'):0.0
sudo java -jar fakeSMTP-2.0.jar