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Helping Test

Brice Dobry edited this page Oct 7, 2023 · 2 revisions
  • This directory is home to the Clarity test files: tests/contracts/
  • tests/tests/ defines the tests
    • There's heavy macro use, so it might look a little weird, but hopefully you can see how they work
    • The majority of the tests are just calling a function and checking the response, e.g.
          |response: ResponseData| {
              assert_eq!(*, Value::Int(3));
      • In the above test, the contract bit-and.clar is loaded, compiled, and initialized, then we call the assert function
      • The result is expected to be (ok 3), so the assert!(response.committed); checks for ok and the assert_eq!(*, Value::Int(3)); checks for the 3
    • These are simple unit tests, each testing one specific expression and validating that the contract runs as expected
    • You can try out these contracts in clarinet to verify that the test contract is written correctly
  • If you go to the home page of the wiki, you can see the list of expressions that are implemented and the ones that are remaining
    • All of the expressions that are implemented have at least the basic unit test in place
    • All of the not-yet-implemented expressions need unit tests
      • This will greatly speed up development on those new implementations and would be my #1 request
    • All of the implemented tests could use more thorough testing
      • It would be great to define a set of contracts written in a way that we could use clarity contract property testing like @moodmosaic has implemented here
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