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Confidence OpenFeature Java Provider

Java library for the Confidence feature flag provider.

The library includes a Provider for the OpenFeature Java SDK, that can be used to resolve feature flag values from the Confidence platform.

To learn more about the basic concepts (flags, targeting key, evaluation contexts), the OpenFeature reference documentation can be useful.




Depending on a development snapshot

We deploy snapshots from the main branch to Sonatype OSSRH. To use a snapshot, add the following repository to your pom.xml:



The provider is instantiated using a client token that is configured in the Confidence UI or via the management API. After that all interaction with the feature flags happens using the OpenFeature client APIs.

package com.spotify.confidence.openfeature;

import com.spotify.confidence.ConfidenceFeatureProvider;
import dev.openfeature.sdk.Client;
import dev.openfeature.sdk.MutableContext;
import dev.openfeature.sdk.OpenFeatureAPI;
import dev.openfeature.sdk.Value;
import java.util.Map;

public final class ResolveFlags {

  public static final String CLIENT_TOKEN = "<>";

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    final OpenFeatureAPI api = OpenFeatureAPI.getInstance();
    api.setProvider(new ConfidenceFeatureProvider(CLIENT_TOKEN));
    final Client client = api.getClient();

    final String targetingKey = "userId";
    final Map<String, Value> context = Map.of("country", new Value("SE"));
    final MutableContext ctx = new MutableContext(targetingKey, context);
    final String propertyValue = client.getStringValue("flagName.propertyName", "defaultValue",