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Become a sponsor to Ricardo Gobbo de Souza


Ricardo Gobbo de Souza

São José dos Campos, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Hi 👋

My name is Ricardo Gobbo de Souza. Working at Datalogix.

A few projects:

Laravel packages
cknow/laravel-money - Laravel Money
datalogix/tall-kit - A set of components to utilise in your Laravel Blade views using TALL stack
datalogix/laravel-utils - Laravel Utils is a package that configure simple things, which we usually forget about in our projects.
datalogix/laravel-hash-fields - Laravel Hash Fields automatically hash ​model fields.
datalogix/laravel-builder-macros - A set of useful Laravel builder macros.
datalogix/laravel-translation - Laravel translation is a package the power of register paths of translations
datalogix/laravel-validation - Laravel Validation is a package the power of Respect Validation.

Nuxt modules
@nuxtjs/google-analytics - Google Analytics Module for Nuxt.js
@nuxtjs/router - Nuxt.js module to use router.js instead of pages/ directory
@nuxtjs/localforage - Localforage module for Nuxt.js
@nuxtjs/moment - Efficient Moment.js integration for Nuxt.js
@nuxtjs/eslint-module - ESLint module for Nuxt.js
@nuxtjs/date-fns - Modern JavaScript date utility library - date-fns for Nuxt.js
@nuxtjs/robots - A Nuxt.js module thats inject a middleware to generate a robots.txt file
@nuxtjs/stylelint-module - Stylelint module for Nuxt.js
@nuxtjs/laravel-echo - Laravel Echo for Nuxt.js
@nuxtjs/imagemin - Automatically optimize (compress) all images used in Nuxt.js
@nuxtjs/google-fonts - Google Fonts module for NuxtJS

eslint-webpack-plugin - A ESLint plugin for webpack
stylelint-webpack-plugin - A Stylelint plugin for webpack

google-fonts-helper - Google Fonts Helper

Vue plugin
v-localforage - A plugin wrapped from localForage for Vue.js

Your sponsorship means a lot to me. It will help me sustain my projects actively and make more of my ideas come true. Much appreciated! 💖 🙏

My current focus:

  • Support nuxt 3 modules
  • Maintaining and improving all my projects
  • New ideas from time to time 💡

1 sponsor has funded ricardogobbosouza’s work.

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