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AA-Turner committed May 28, 2022
1 parent c7cbe81 commit fd8c554
Showing 1 changed file with 380 additions and 0 deletions.
380 changes: 380 additions & 0 deletions tests/
@@ -1,7 +1,387 @@
"""Test the sphinx.config.Config class."""

import logging
from unittest import mock

import pytest

import sphinx
from sphinx.config import ENUM, Config, check_confval_types
from sphinx.errors import ConfigError, ExtensionError, VersionRequirementError
from sphinx.testing.path import path

@pytest.mark.sphinx(testroot='config', confoverrides={
'root_doc': 'root',
'nonexisting_value': 'True',
'latex_elements.maketitle': 'blah blah blah',
'modindex_common_prefix': 'path1,path2'})
def test_core_config(app, status, warning):
cfg = app.config

# simple values
assert 'project' in cfg.__dict__
assert cfg.project == 'Sphinx <Tests>'
assert cfg.templates_path == ['_templates']

# overrides
assert cfg.root_doc == 'root'
assert cfg.latex_elements['maketitle'] == 'blah blah blah'
assert cfg.modindex_common_prefix == ['path1', 'path2']

# simple default values
assert 'locale_dirs' not in cfg.__dict__
assert cfg.locale_dirs == ['locales']
assert cfg.trim_footnote_reference_space is False

# complex default values
assert 'html_title' not in cfg.__dict__
assert cfg.html_title == 'Sphinx <Tests> 0.6alpha1 documentation'

# complex default values mustn't raise
for valuename in cfg.config_values:
getattr(cfg, valuename)

# "contains" gives True both for set and unset values
assert 'project' in cfg
assert 'html_title' in cfg
assert 'nonexisting_value' not in cfg

# invalid values
with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
getattr(cfg, '_value')
with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
getattr(cfg, 'nonexisting_value')

# non-value attributes are deleted from the namespace
with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
getattr(cfg, 'sys')

# setting attributes
cfg.project = 'Foo'
assert cfg.project == 'Foo'

# alternative access via item interface
cfg['project'] = 'Sphinx Tests'
assert cfg['project'] == cfg.project == 'Sphinx Tests'

def test_config_not_found(tempdir):
with pytest.raises(ConfigError):

def test_extension_values():
config = Config()

# check standard settings
assert config.root_doc == 'index'

# can't override it by add_config_value()
with pytest.raises(ExtensionError) as excinfo:
config.add('root_doc', 'index', 'env', None)
assert 'already present' in str(excinfo.value)

# add a new config value
config.add('value_from_ext', [], 'env', None)
assert config.value_from_ext == []

# can't override it by add_config_value()
with pytest.raises(ExtensionError) as excinfo:
config.add('value_from_ext', [], 'env', None)
assert 'already present' in str(excinfo.value)

def test_overrides():
config = Config({'value1': '1', 'value2': 2, 'value6': {'default': 6}},
{'value2': 999, 'value3': '999', 'value5.attr1': 999, 'value6.attr1': 999,
'value7': 'abc,def,ghi', 'value8': 'abc,def,ghi'})
config.add('value1', None, 'env', ())
config.add('value2', None, 'env', ())
config.add('value3', 0, 'env', ())
config.add('value4', 0, 'env', ())
config.add('value5', {'default': 0}, 'env', ())
config.add('value6', {'default': 0}, 'env', ())
config.add('value7', None, 'env', ())
config.add('value8', [], 'env', ())

assert config.value1 == '1'
assert config.value2 == 999
assert config.value3 == 999
assert config.value4 == 0
assert config.value5 == {'attr1': 999}
assert config.value6 == {'default': 6, 'attr1': 999}
assert config.value7 == 'abc,def,ghi'
assert config.value8 == ['abc', 'def', 'ghi']

def test_overrides_boolean():
config = Config({}, {'value1': '1',
'value2': '0',
'value3': '0'})
config.add('value1', None, 'env', [bool])
config.add('value2', None, 'env', [bool])
config.add('value3', True, 'env', ())

assert config.value1 is True
assert config.value2 is False
assert config.value3 is False

def test_errors_warnings(logger, tempdir):
# test the error for syntax errors in the config file
(tempdir / '').write_text('project = \n', encoding='ascii')
with pytest.raises(ConfigError) as excinfo:, {}, None)
assert '' in str(excinfo.value)

# test the automatic conversion of 2.x only code in configs
(tempdir / '').write_text('project = u"Jägermeister"\n', encoding='utf8')
cfg =, {}, None)
assert cfg.project == 'Jägermeister'
assert logger.called is False

def test_errors_if_setup_is_not_callable(tempdir, make_app):
# test the error to call setup() in the config file
(tempdir / '').write_text('setup = 1', encoding='utf8')
with pytest.raises(ConfigError) as excinfo:
assert 'callable' in str(excinfo.value)

def make_app_with_empty_project(make_app, tempdir):
(tempdir / '').write_text('', encoding='utf8')

def _make_app(*args, **kw):
kw.setdefault('srcdir', path(tempdir))
return make_app(*args, **kw)
return _make_app

@mock.patch.object(sphinx, '__display_version__', '1.3.4')
def test_needs_sphinx(make_app_with_empty_project):
make_app = make_app_with_empty_project
# micro version
make_app(confoverrides={'needs_sphinx': '1.3.3'}) # OK: less
make_app(confoverrides={'needs_sphinx': '1.3.4'}) # OK: equals
with pytest.raises(VersionRequirementError):
make_app(confoverrides={'needs_sphinx': '1.3.5'}) # NG: greater

# minor version
make_app(confoverrides={'needs_sphinx': '1.2'}) # OK: less
make_app(confoverrides={'needs_sphinx': '1.3'}) # OK: equals
with pytest.raises(VersionRequirementError):
make_app(confoverrides={'needs_sphinx': '1.4'}) # NG: greater

# major version
make_app(confoverrides={'needs_sphinx': '0'}) # OK: less
make_app(confoverrides={'needs_sphinx': '1'}) # OK: equals
with pytest.raises(VersionRequirementError):
make_app(confoverrides={'needs_sphinx': '2'}) # NG: greater

def test_config_eol(logger, tempdir):
# test config file's eol patterns: LF, CRLF
configfile = tempdir / ''
for eol in (b'\n', b'\r\n'):
configfile.write_bytes(b'project = "spam"' + eol)
cfg =, {}, None)
assert cfg.project == 'spam'
assert logger.called is False

@pytest.mark.sphinx(confoverrides={'root_doc': 123,
'language': 'foo',
'primary_domain': None})
def test_builtin_conf(app, status, warning):
warnings = warning.getvalue()
assert 'root_doc' in warnings, (
'override on builtin "root_doc" should raise a type warning')
assert 'language' not in warnings, (
'explicitly permitted override on builtin "language" should NOT raise '
'a type warning')
assert 'primary_domain' not in warnings, (
'override to None on builtin "primary_domain" should NOT raise a type '

# example classes for type checking
class A:

class B(A):

class C(A):

# name, default, annotation, actual, warned
('value1', 'string', None, 123, True), # wrong type
('value2', lambda _: [], None, 123, True), # lambda with wrong type
('value3', lambda _: [], None, [], False), # lambda with correct type
('value4', 100, None, True, True), # child type
('value5', False, None, True, False), # parent type
('value6', [], None, (), True), # other sequence type
('value7', 'string', [list], ['foo'], False), # explicit type annotation
('value8', B(), None, C(), False), # sibling type
('value9', None, None, 'foo', False), # no default or no annotations
('value10', None, None, 123, False), # no default or no annotations
('value11', None, [str], 'bar', False), # str
('value12', 'string', None, 'bar', False), # str

@pytest.mark.parametrize("name,default,annotation,actual,warned", TYPECHECK_WARNINGS)
def test_check_types(logger, name, default, annotation, actual, warned):
config = Config({name: actual})
config.add(name, default, 'env', annotation or ())
check_confval_types(None, config)
assert logger.warning.called == warned

('value1', 'string', [str], ['foo', 'bar'],
"The config value `value1' has type `list'; expected `str'."),
('value1', 'string', [str, int], ['foo', 'bar'],
"The config value `value1' has type `list'; expected `str' or `int'."),
('value1', 'string', [str, int, tuple], ['foo', 'bar'],
"The config value `value1' has type `list'; expected `str', `int', or `tuple'."),

@pytest.mark.parametrize("name,default,annotation,actual,message", TYPECHECK_WARNING_MESSAGES)
def test_conf_warning_message(logger, name, default, annotation, actual, message):
config = Config({name: actual})
config.add(name, default, False, annotation or ())
check_confval_types(None, config)
assert logger.warning.called
assert logger.warning.call_args[0][0] == message

def test_check_enum(logger):
config = Config()
config.add('value', 'default', False, ENUM('default', 'one', 'two'))
check_confval_types(None, config)
logger.warning.assert_not_called() # not warned

def test_check_enum_failed(logger):
config = Config({'value': 'invalid'})
config.add('value', 'default', False, ENUM('default', 'one', 'two'))
check_confval_types(None, config)
assert logger.warning.called

def test_check_enum_for_list(logger):
config = Config({'value': ['one', 'two']})
config.add('value', 'default', False, ENUM('default', 'one', 'two'))
check_confval_types(None, config)
logger.warning.assert_not_called() # not warned

def test_check_enum_for_list_failed(logger):
config = Config({'value': ['one', 'two', 'invalid']})
config.add('value', 'default', False, ENUM('default', 'one', 'two'))
check_confval_types(None, config)
assert logger.warning.called

nitpick_warnings = [
"WARNING: py:const reference target not found: prefix.anything.postfix",
"WARNING: py:class reference target not found: prefix.anything",
"WARNING: py:class reference target not found: anything.postfix",
"WARNING: js:class reference target not found: prefix.anything.postfix",

def test_nitpick_base(app, status, warning):

warning = warning.getvalue().strip().split('\n')
assert len(warning) == len(nitpick_warnings)
for actual, expected in zip(warning, nitpick_warnings):
assert expected in actual

@pytest.mark.sphinx(testroot='nitpicky-warnings', confoverrides={
'nitpick_ignore': [
('py:const', 'prefix.anything.postfix'),
('py:class', 'prefix.anything'),
('py:class', 'anything.postfix'),
('js:class', 'prefix.anything.postfix'),
def test_nitpick_ignore(app, status, warning):
assert not len(warning.getvalue().strip())

@pytest.mark.sphinx(testroot='nitpicky-warnings', confoverrides={
'nitpick_ignore_regex': [
(r'py:.*', r'.*postfix'),
(r'.*:class', r'prefix.*'),
def test_nitpick_ignore_regex1(app, status, warning):
assert not len(warning.getvalue().strip())

@pytest.mark.sphinx(testroot='nitpicky-warnings', confoverrides={
'nitpick_ignore_regex': [
(r'py:.*', r'prefix.*'),
(r'.*:class', r'.*postfix'),
def test_nitpick_ignore_regex2(app, status, warning):
assert not len(warning.getvalue().strip())

@pytest.mark.sphinx(testroot='nitpicky-warnings', confoverrides={
'nitpick_ignore_regex': [
# None of these should match
(r'py:', r'.*'),
(r':class', r'.*'),
(r'', r'.*'),
(r'.*', r'anything'),
(r'.*', r'prefix'),
(r'.*', r'postfix'),
(r'.*', r''),
def test_nitpick_ignore_regex_fullmatch(app, status, warning):

warning = warning.getvalue().strip().split('\n')
assert len(warning) == len(nitpick_warnings)
for actual, expected in zip(warning, nitpick_warnings):
assert expected in actual

def test_conf_py_language_none(tempdir):
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