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Video Content Ideas

RV Mendoza edited this page Apr 2, 2019 · 7 revisions

We plan on making content that helps users understand Spark Design Systems in a way that is helpful and entertaining.

This is a place to add ideas for videos. Please write down the key take away the viewer would get.

  • Spark vs Twitter Bootsrap vs Google Material Design
    • Key takeaway: Explain the purpose of a design system and why it makes sense that Spark exists even though Bootsrap and Material Design exist.
    • People may want it to be just another version of Twitter bootstrap Actually, they want it to be like bootstrap, but it's not that

"When Dave was speaking at our all-team meeting it made me think about how I - as a computer layperson - think about a design system. As an analogy it's like building a car. Most people understand that a car is made up of components. But what if you had to make your own tires and fabricate your own engine block? Peoples cars would all be really different and probably pretty unreliable and dangerous. Standardization reduces time to market, reduces variability and likelihood of errors, and allows everyone to have (roughly) the same expectations for performance." - Natasha Hardy

  • Building a custom component using spark

    • Build some kind of app specific widget using spark components
    • Key takeaway: it's easy to implement spark!
  • How to know what components to use and when

    • What card variants do I use and when?
    • Typically a designer would be making those decisions, but here's a way to make your own in a pinch
    • Potential flow chart
    • when to use components and for what - where does spark end, and when does a custom component need to be made

Ideas can be turned into blog posts, videos, emails, etc.

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