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My learning journey to sqlalchemy


  • Basic understanding of python
  • Docker fundamentals

Getting Started

To get started, ensure to have python and docker installed and do make sure to have clone this repository. Below is an outline on how to run the application in no given order ( just make sure to have completed all the steps before running the application )

Environment setup ( docker and postgres )

SQLAlchemy is a database wrapper that helps to easily connect and interact with the database. To be able to connect to postgres database, we need to have one readily available. Docker comes to the rescue. Run the below commands on your terminal / command prompt


Do make sure to have docker installed before running the commands below

docker pull postgres:12-alpine

Above command will pull postgres image to your local machine. This can be used to spin up postgres instance at will.

docker run --env POSTGRES_USER=admin --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -d -p 5432:5432 postgres:12-alpine

Above command will run the postgres image which was just pulled with a couple of settings

--env POSTGRES_USER=admin sets the base user for which we can access the default database postgres as admin and you guess rightly --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password sets the user's password. -p 5432:5432 connects your local machine to the port where the postgres is running on ( port wouldn't be opened for connectivity if not done ).

To confirm that we've a postgres instance running within docker run the below command

docker ps -a

Above command simply says, show me the running containers. You should see a container whose IMAGE column holds value postgres:12-alpine and PORTS column hold values>5432/tcp. Now you'll have to pay attention to either of these column NAME or CONTAINER ID and take note of the values they've got as the below command will be needing either of them

docker exec -it (NAME value | CONTAINER_ID value ) bash

Above command gives access into the running database container within which we can proceed to creating the application database

Creating application database

Now that we've postgres instance up and have gain access into it, run the following command to create a database which we'll be working with.


Do make sure to have gained access into a running docker postgres:12-alpine container how to

psql --username=admin --password

The above will bring up an interactive interface for you to enter the password which was given to the admin user during creation of a postgres instance. After entering the password (which is password if you followed the instructions from to the T), press your return key or enter button.

This should give you access into postgres environment where you can proceed to creating a postgres database.

CREATE DATABASE learnsqlalchemy;
CREATE USER learner WITH PASSWORD 'StrongPassword123';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE learnsqlalchemy TO learner;

The above command would give us the database configuration

DATABASE_NAME = learnsqlalchemy


DATABASE_PASSWORD - StrongPassword123


This is just a learning process therefore, these values are not to be used in a real world application. Kindly ensure to use a stronger value for each setup. Something only you know

We're now ready to explore the application setup

Application setup

Aside to prefill application database values as environment variables, you'll also install the needed dependencies.

Prefill Application Database Values

The root directory has a config.ini.tpl which is a template of how the required environment variables. Rename this file to config.ini and fill the values ( those with xxxx ) accordingly. If you've followed the setup in this guide, your configuration should be


Install Application Dependencies

Run the following command to create and activate a virtual environment

python -m venv env

If you're on windows, use the first command and linux the second command to activate just created virtual environment


source env/Script/activate


source env/bin/activate

Now that virtual environment is created and activated, run the below command to install application dependencies

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Running the application

Run python to run the application.

To confirm that the setup is successful you should have an "Hello World" output

2022-10-03 17:16:31,150 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine select pg_catalog.version()
2022-10-03 17:16:31,150 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [raw sql] {}
2022-10-03 17:16:31,156 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine select current_schema()
2022-10-03 17:16:31,156 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [raw sql] {}
2022-10-03 17:16:31,165 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine show standard_conforming_strings
2022-10-03 17:16:31,165 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [raw sql] {}
2022-10-03 17:16:31,173 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine BEGIN (implicit)
2022-10-03 17:16:31,173 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine select 'Hello World'
2022-10-03 17:16:31,173 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [generated in 0.00092s] {}
[('Hello World',)]
2022-10-03 17:16:31,185 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine ROLLBACK

Codebase Structure


The application setup is by no means an opinionated approach to setting up sqlalchemy (especially when learning). I'm using what i'm most comfortable with at the moment.


If you're following along this setup, kindly ensure to follow to the T the setup in this repository (which cloning should have fixed) otherwise, you might have issues running the code

conf/ : All application configurations, goes in here

db/ : Houses all database related activities e.g engine initializer, orm e.t.c

src/ : Application source code resides here : Application entrypoint