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SE05X driver

This crate contains a Rust driver for the SE05x series of secure elements from NXP. It contains an implementation of the T=1 protocol and the ISO7816-4 APDUs that are used to communicate with the SE050.

This crate is under heavy development.

let i2c: impl I2CForT1 = todo!();
let delay: impl DelayUs<u32> = todo!();
let mut se050 = Se050::new(i2c, address, delay);
let user_id = ObjectId(hex!("01020304"));

let atr = se050.enable();

// Running a WriteUserId command:
se050.run_command(&WriteUserId {
    policy: None,
    max_attempts: None,
    object_id: user_id,
    value: b"Some value"

// Creating a file with a policy
let policy = &[Policy {
    object_id: user_id,
    access_rule: ObjectAccessRule::from_flags(

    &WriteBinary {
        transient: false,
        policy: Some(PolicySet(policy)),
        offset: None,
        file_length: Some(9.into()),
        data: Some(&b"Some data"),
    &mut buf,

// Opening a session with teh UserID
let session = se050.run_command(&CreateSession { object_id: user_id }, &mut buf)?;

// Verifying the UserId
    &ProcessSessionCmd {
        session_id: session.session_id,
        apdu: VerifySessionUserId {
            user_id: b"Some value",
    &mut buf,
// Reading the data with the verified session
let data = se050.run_command(
    &ProcessSessionCmd {
        session_id: session.session_id,
        apdu: ReadObject {
            offset: Some(0.into()),
            length: Some(9.into()),
            rsa_key_component: None,
    &mut buf,



This driver communicates with the SE050 over the T=1 protocol over I2C, as described in UM11225.

To do so and be compatible with most embedded controlers, it depends on the I2C Read and Write from embedded-hal. However these traits do not expose the enough, as the T=1 protocol requires detecting I2C NACKs, which are not exposed in this protocol.

Nacks are exposed in the Error types for each HAL crate. As such an extension to the embedded-hal traits is defined as I2CErrorNack, exposing the missing information. It is implemented for the NRF and LPC55 Hals in src/t1/, gated by the features nrf and lpc55 respectively.

This may not be necessary with future releases of embedded-hal, which adds the missing information.


This driver uses the iso7816 crate to implement serialization of APDUs.

Generation of commands

To simplify implementation, all supported SE050 APDUs are described in src/se050/commands.toml. The python script parses the command.toml file and generates src/se050/, which implements all the APDUs.


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This project was funded through the NGI Assure Fund, a fund established by NLnet with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No 957073.


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