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Voogle is an open source project, maintained by Sogilis, that implements good pratices in cloud native application development, with a high degree of cybersecurity requirements.

For now, Voogle consists in a micro-service broadcasting and sharing video streams application. It is also used as a demonstration medium for the SquareScale platform.

Architecture overview


Needed tools

How to run the environment locally

To start Voogle on your machine, you need services (for now): webapp, api, encoder, gray-server-transformer, flip-server-transformer, a S3-like, a Rabbitmq and a Mariadb.

You don't have to set manually S3_HOST unless you know what you are doing.

  • Before starting Voogle with the Docker Compose, a .env is necessary. You can either fill one by hand based on the .env.template file or use the make generate-env-file command.
  • You can start all backend services with make start_all_services.
  • S3-like (MinIO), Rabbitmq and Mariadb will be launched first following docker-compose-external.yml file
  • MinIO that is a service that have the same API as S3. The API will be available on the port 9000 and the console one the port 9001.
  • The Rabbitmq server will be available on the port 5672 and the console one the port 15672.
  • Mariadb can be accessed using docker with command exec -it <mariadb_container_id> mysql -u root -p
  • API, encoder, gray-server-transformer and flip-server-transformer will then be launched following docker-compose-internal.yml file.
  • Observability (grafana, prometheus, node exporter) are available, you can start all services and observability with make start_all_services_and_observability
  • Finally, you can start the webapp (/src/webapp) with npm run serve to start the VueJS development server.
  • Credentials for Voogle account can be found in the .env file as USER_AUTH and PWD_AUTH environment variables.
  • All credentials for MinIO, Rabbitmq and Mariadb can be found in the .env file.
  • Note that you can launch only external services (means S3-like (MinIO), Rabbitmq and Mariadb) with make start_external_services. Then, you can launch each internal services (means API, encoder, gray-server-transformer, flip-server-transformer) from src/ with the make run-dev-<service_name> (example: make run-dev-api).
  • All running services can be stopped and cleaned up with make stop_services


How to install protobuf generator

  • Debian/Ubuntu: apt install protobuf-compiler
  • Fedora: dnf install protoc-gen-go

Doc API file (Swagger/Openapi)

Install tool

  • go get -u
  • go get -u
  • go get -u

Generate doc

  • cd src/cmd/api/
  • swag init -g main.go or make generate-docs

We use GitHub Pages to display our documentation. Before merging, please rebase on main and ensure the files are up to date using the above commands. Once the merge request is accepted, you can access to check the documentation.

Visual Studio Code

Configuration for multi-module workspaces

  • .vscode/setting.json
      "go.useLanguageServer": true,
      "gopls": {
        "experimentalWorkspaceModule": true