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PubSub - v2.2.4

An easy to use publish subscribe module, based on the mediator pattern.

What exactly is PubSub?

PubSub is a JavaScript module based around the Publish–Subscribe pattern. If you're unfamiliar with the Publish-Subscribe pattern, then please familiarise yourself by visiting the MSDN article about PubSub. You will be amazed as to why you didn't know this before and how you can't live without it.

How to use

    <!--Use the minified version for better performance-->
    <script src="dist/PubSub_es5.min.js"></script>

        // Call the following function when
        function subscribed() {
            // Display the alert when the 'onrefresh' is published to
            window.alert('The "onrefresh" subscription was published to.');

        // Register a subscription to 'onrefresh' with the 'subscribed' callback function.
        // The function will be called when a subscription is published to
        PubSub.subscribe('onrefresh', subscribed);

        // ... further along in the code ...

        // Publish to the 'onrefresh' subscription, in that any of those callback functions subscribed,
        // will be called. No additional arguments have been provided

        // See examples/index.html for additional examples


The module is written using ES2015, but is transpiled using babel to ES5. The reason for using babel, is not all browsers currently support the ES2015 specification, though will likely change very soon. The transpiled files are located in the dist directory.

How to install

If you use bower, then just copy and paste the following command to the shell window. (Note: pubsub was already taken.)

    bower install pubsub-module

Otherwise just include dist/PubSub_es5.min.js somewhere in your document. The following module also supports AMD or Node.js module type loaders.


The following documentation outlines in detail about using the following module.


To subscribe to a particular subscription or a list of subscriptions, pass either a string or an array of strings of the subscription(s). A callback function or an array of callback functions must be passed as the second argument, depending on the first argument type used. It's recommended that the callback function(s) be named and not anonymous functions (see unsubscribe). The function will return either a 'handle' or an array of 'handles', depending on what was passed as the first argument i.e. an array of subscriptions will return an array of 'handles' and a subscription string will return a 'handle'.

    // Using a string and callback function
    PubSub.subscribe('subscription', callbackFunction);

    // Using an array of strings and an array of callback functions. They must be the same length to work correctly
    PubSub.subscribe([subscription1, subscription2, subscriptionN], [callbackFunction1, callbackFunction2, callbackFunctionN]);


To unsubscribe from a particular subscription or a list of subscriptions, can be done by passing a string, an array of strings or a 'handle' returned by subscribe. If a string or an array of strings if passed, then pass either a callback function or array of callback functions respectively. The second argument is ignored if the first argument is passed a 'handle'. The function returns true on successful unsubscription; otherwise, false.

    // Using a string and callback function
    PubSub.unsubscribe('subscription', callbackFunction);

    // Using an array of strings and an array of callback functions. They must be the same length
    PubSub.unsubscribe(['subscription1', 'subscription2', 'subscriptionN'], [callbackFunction1, callbackFunction2, callbackFunctionN);

    // Using the 'handle' from subscribe()
    const subHandle = PubSub.subscribe('subscription', callbackFunction);

    // ... further along in the code ...

    // Unsubscribe using the 'handle'


To publish to a particular subscription or list of subscriptions, can be done by passing a string, an array of strings or a 'handle' returned by subscribe. The second argument is the argument(s) to pass to the callback functions that have registered with the subscription. The last argument passed to the callback function(s) will always be a comma delimited string (CSV), that outlines the subscription(s) that were published to (even if no arguments were passed). The function returns the number of subscribers publish to.

    // Publish to those who have subscribed to a subscription
    PubSub.publish('subscription', arg1, arg2, argN ... [args are optional]);

    // Using an array of strings
    PubSub.publish(['subscription1', 'subscription2', 'subscriptionN'], arg1, arg2, argN ... [args are optional]);

    // Using the 'handle' from subscribe()

    // Callback function that will be invoked when the subscription is published to
    function callBackFunction(arg1, arg2, argN, subscriptionsArg) {
        // Display the subscriptions that were published to. Note: This is a delimited string using the comma (,) character

    const subHandle = PubSub.subscribe('subscription', callbackFunction);

    // ... further along in the code ...

    // Publish using the 'handle'
    PubSub.publish(subHandle, arg1, arg2, argN ... [args are optional]);


To clear a particular subscription or list of subscriptions, can be done by passing a string, an array of strings or a 'handle' returned by subscribe. To clear all subscriptions, simply eliminate the first argument.

    // Clear all subscriptions

    // Using a string

    // Using an array of strings
    PubSub.clear(['subscription1', 'subscription2', 'subscriptionN']);

    // Using the 'handle' from subscribe()
    const subHandle = PubSub.subscribe('subscription', callbackFunction);

    // ... further along in the code ...

    // Clear using the 'handle'


The module uses an underlying interface which is exposed via the getInterface function and therefore can be used adjacent to the global PubSub module without interference. The functions exposed are subscribe, unsubscribe, publish, clear and getVersion. See above for details about usage.

    // Retrieve the module's interface
    // 'subscribe', 'unsubscribe', 'publish' and 'clear'
    const interface = PubSub.getInterface();

    // Create a new instance of the interface
    const myPubSub = new interface();

    // Publish to those who have subscribed to a subscription (see above for more details)
    // This does not publish to those subscribed to the global module
    myPubSub.publish('subscription', arg1, arg2, argN ... [args are optional]);

    // Publish to those who have subscribed to a subscription using the global module. This does not affect 'myPubSub'
    PubSub.publish('subscription', arg1, arg2, argN ... [args are optional]);


To retrieve the version number of the module, use getVersion.

    // Retrieve the version number of the module
    const version = PubSub.getVersion();

    // Display in the console


To contribute to the project, you will first need to install node globally on your system. Once installation has completed, change the working directory to the module's location and run the following command:

    npm install

After installation of the local modules, you're ready to start contributing to the project. Before you submit your PR, please don't forget to call gulp, which will run against ESlint for any errors, but will also minify the module and transpile using babel.


Call the following command to start 'watching' for any changes to the main JavaScript file(s). This will automatically invoke ESLint and Uglify.

    gulp watch

Call the following command to invoke ESLint and check that the changes meet the requirements set in .eslintrc.

    gulp eslint

Call the following command to invoke Uglify, which will minify the main JavaScript file(s) and output to a .min.js file respectively.

    gulp uglify

Call the following command to invoke babel, ESLint and Uglify.
