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Playing with AWS lambda and snoozing slack every Thursday.


  • Read datetimes, duration & other config
    • from a file
    • from a db
      • provider table (Slack, Gmail)
      • account table (F4S, rocketspace, personal, work)
      • user table (Me!, Bruno etc)
      • snooze table (every thursday)
      • a provider can have users and accounts
      • a user can have multiple snoozes
      • a snooze belongs to a user & a account
      • a account can have many users, a user can have many accounts
  • UX - slack commands
    • set a snooze
    • list snoozes
    • delete a snooze
    • generally think about syntax
    • one off vs repeat (calendar)
    • nlp - what is out there already?
  • submitting to slack
  • pricing (stripe?)
  • landing page (netlify)
  • other notifications?
    • Gmail (OOO)
    • other chat providers
    • Chrome Extension (web notifications)
    • app notifications (mobile app)

a user creates multiple naps a nap has a start datetime and end datetime a nap has an optional text status and icon a nap can snooze notifications a nap can be applied to multiple accounts

an example of an account is a Slack Workspace a Slack Workspace is associated with an email an email can be associated with multiple Slack Workspaces a workspace is is a type of provider

Start datetime End datetime Status Optional Text Status - is this the end of onboarding? - do I have everything to schedule a single DnD on Slack?

CRON is for repeated tasks - what about one off tasks? cron(Minutes Hours Day-of-month Month Day-of-week Year)

  1. Add the Provider to the nap (essentially fully flesh out the Nap to be a actional unit of data)

  2. Create the nap in faunaDB

  3. Call a function to read naps from faunaDB and add them to [a Cron Service]

    • how should this function be called?

    • from the frontend - could do but opens naps to be in an unclean state/never getting scheduled if second request fails

    • from the previous function

    • every X period - NO

    • triggered from faunaDB - NO

  • how should this function work?
    • should it be per nap/per user/globally?
      • faunaDB lends itself to globally
      • query all naps that have a state of 'new'
      • then
  1. [Cron Service] calls faunaDB to read data to then execute the Naptime
    • this grabs the Slack user data and nap data from FaunaDB
    • makes the DnD API call to Slack
    • then update the status of the nap


A user can currently create duplicate naps Page animations for onboarding

Should a Nap have a state? - New, scheduled, Nap Started, Nap Finished New --> Scheduled --> Nap Started --> Nap Finished (--> Scheduled)

  • Status should be split - a dropdown with Online, Busy, Away, others? and a secondary text field for customised text

delagatable type

bucket - thing people have access to. relationship between a thing (id) and people. - no content bucketable - value of the bucket - eg. project name - immutable.

a recording is a piece of data - data to bucket recordable - contains the content. - immutable

API todo

  • user auth with slack

  • user auth with google (calendar)

  • register, login, logout

  • API setup

  • build out the models

  • build out the API itself

  • convert the login/sign up views to be on brand

  • could I convert the graphql view to be async? is that enabled in aridne?

  • we have normal oauth2 to google to sign up.. this is done.

  • how do we auth with the graphQL

  • remove accounts if a user removes social connection

May 2021

  1. User signs up with Google

  2. User adds Slack

  3. Present Calendar to user (there maybe other options to display/other onboarding screens)

  4. User creates a 'nap' on their calendar or selects an existing event to nap

    • Create a nap, that is linked to a calendar
    • Get an event from a the calendar
    • work out trigger for the nap
  5. API to recieve nap and call the relevant APIs to perform the snoozes

    • What does authentication look like at this point? What type of OAuth2 do I need to support?
    • The queue calling back to naptime.
  6. Drop on to the queue again to cancel snooze

  7. ought to be the same as 5 with an extra hook


Default off

start a nap: dnd - on set status and icon away minutes = length of nap

end a nap dnd - off set default status and icon auto minutes = 0

Default on: (every X time - set DND, away and icon)

start a 'nap' dnd - off icon & status auto mintues = length of nap

end a 'nap' dnd - on icon & status away minutes = 1 week


setting sun on top line moon on the bottom

Accounts TODO

  • when defaults (dnd, icon, status) change properate these to the actual Slack account

Next steps

  • fetching calendar data on demand from the API

  • events based on a date filter, it a week at a time?

  • (re)Start the frontend!

  • this means actually sorting out the auth flows...


  • split out schema into each django app?


Oauth2 flow

  • frontend calls to Google
    1. setup new frontend!
    2. Add Oauth library there...
    3. Configure Oauth ont the frontend
  • That flowthen completes
  • Frontend makes a call to the backend with
  • Backend verifies token and gives the frontend our own token (wihc could be an outh access token?)
  • Backend makes actual API requests to Google for Calendar stuff