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Smart Send API

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PHP SDK for interacting with the Smart Send API.

Check our Swagger documentation for more details.


Via Composer

$ composer require smartsendio/api


Use Composer's autoload:

require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';

And finally create an instance of the SDK:

$client = new Smartsendio\Api\Adapters\GuzzleClientAdapter(new \GuzzleHttp\Client());
$api = new Smartsendio\Api\ApiFactory($client); // Any client that implements ClientInterface can be used
$api->apiToken('API_TOKEN_HERE')->website('WEBSITE'); // Set the authentication parameters

Demo mode

Demo mode can be used for testing and is activated like so:

$api->demo(); // Api is now in demo mode.

Fetching agents

Agents are fetched using the agents API.

// Example: All agents for a given carrier in a zipcode
$response = $api->agents() // AgentApiInterface
    ->get(); // PaginatedAgentApiResponseInterface

// Example: The closest agents for a given carrier based on a given address
$response = $api->agents() // AgentApiInterface
    ->street('Nordre Frihavnsgade 1')
    ->closest(); // PaginatedAgentApiResponseInterface

// Example: Get a single agent using the carries own unique agent number
$response = $api->agents() // AgentApiInterface
    ->lookup('1234567'); // AgentApiResponseInterface


Booking of shipments (creating shipping labels) are done by firstly creating the complex Shipment object and passing that to the shipments API:

$item = \Smartsendio\Api\Data\Item::make([
   'internal_id' => '000000123',
   'internal_reference' => 'PRODUCT-1231456',
   'sku' => '012345678',
   'name' => 'Product A',
   'description' => 'Small product A',
   'hs_code' => '10203040',
   'country_of_origin' => 'dk',
   'image_url' => '',
   'unit_weight' => 1.2,
   'unit_price_excluding_tax' => 40.6,
   'unit_price_including_tax' => 50.75,
   'quantity' => 2,
   'total_price_excluding_tax' => 81.2,
   'total_price_including_tax' => 101.5,
   'total_tax_amount' => 20.3,

$parcel = \Smartsendio\Api\Data\Parcel::make([
    'internal_id' => '00100025556',
    'internal_reference' => 'ABC12345678',
    'weight' => 9.3,
    'height' => 1,
    'width' => 1,
    'length' => 1,
    'freetext' => 'Please handle this package',
    'total_price_excluding_tax' => 141.2,
    'total_price_including_tax' => 176.5,
    'total_tax_amount' => 35.3,

$shipment = new \Smartsendio\Api\Data\Shipment();
    'internal_id' => '00000158895',
    'internal_reference' => '123456',
    'company' => 'Smart Send',
    'name_line1' => 'Sven',
    'name_line2' => 'Andersson',
    'address_line1' => 'Drottninggatan 75',
    'address_line2' => 'LGH 1102',
    'postal_code' => '46133',
    'city' => 'Trollhøttan',
    'state' => 'AL',
    'country' => 'SE',
    'sms' => '+46851972000',
    'email' => '',

$response = $api->booking()  // BookingApiInterface
    ->shipment($shipment); // BookingApiResponseInterface

Dealing with errors

This is how to deal with API errors:

$response = $api->booking()->shipment($shipment); // ApiResponseInterface
$response->isSuccessful(); // false
$error = $response->getError(); // ApiErrorInterface
$error->getId(); // Unique id of the error
$error->getCode(); // Error code describing the type of error
$error->getMessage(); // Description of the error
$error->getErrors(); // Return each individual error

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


$ composer test


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.