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About me

I'm Simon, a software engineer who's into open-source development and teaching. My most cherished project is RepoBee, a tool to manage Git repositories for education. Occasionally, I write a post on my blog.

Favorite repos

Here's a table of the repos I'm most actively contributing to, or am most proud of to have contributed to, or both! Click the badges in the My Contributions column to see my contributions to the respective repos.

Repo Description Language Stars My Contributions
repobee CLI tool for managing Git repositories on GitHub and GitLab in the context of education Python GitHub stars My commits My commits past 30 days
spoon Spoon is a metaprogramming library to analyze and transform Java source code. 🥄 is made with ❤️, 🍻 and ✨. It parses source files to build a well-designed AST with powerful analysis and transformation API. Java GitHub stars My commits My commits past 30 days
spork AST-based structured merge tool for Java, fully Git compatible Java GitHub stars My commits My commits past 30 days
rut A clone of Git written in Rust as a learning experience of both Rust GitHub stars My commits My commits past 30 days
rusthon A Python-like language implemented in Rust Rust GitHub stars My commits My commits past 30 days
pygitviz A tool for visualizing Git repositories Python GitHub stars My commits My commits past 30 days
sorald Automatic repair system for static analysis warnings from SonarQube's SonarJava, TDSC 2022 Java GitHub stars My commits My commits past 30 days

Latest blog posts

Title Excerpt
PostgreSQL indexing: The basics Back when I was in university, I had a teacher in database systems who also did contract work as a database administrator. He told me that 90% of his work was to just add and reorganize indexes to speed up queries. That was almost 10 years ago, and I'm now …
Configuring touchpad tap in Sway One thing that didn't carry over from my i3 setup when moving over to Sway (i.e. Wayland) was the touchpad configuration. Input devices was a display server concern under X.Org, so the window manager had nothing to do with it. Notably, now click-on-tap is not working for me …
Syntax highlight anything with Tree-sitter As of my previous post on extending NeoVim for commenting and uncommenting code blocks, I'm on something of a NeoVim extension streak. The flavor of the week is syntax highlighting. I've been using the highly customizable nvim-treesitter for the past few years. This depends on there being a Tree-sitter parser …
Extending NeoVim for commenting and uncommenting code blocks I've been using some variation of Vim for going on a decade now, yet I've never bothered with an efficient way of commenting out code. It just isn't something that I do very often. But I saw a colleague comment out and uncomment lines of code like a breeze in …
Adding guardrails to psql for PostgreSQL I've been using psql for many years to interface with PostgreSQL databases. It's simple, pretty much always available as it's usually bundled with PostgreSQL and just does what it's supposed to. It does, however, have some pretty dangerous defaults. Not only are writes allowed, but it also automatically commits any …


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