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Google Cloud Fluent Client

Unit Testing Deployment PyPI version

Version: 1.2.1

This is a lightweight wrapper on top of Google Cloud Platform Python SDK client libraries BigQuery, Storage and Spreadsheet. It is a great package for Data Engineers for craft data pipeline by using BigQuery and Storage as major services from Google Cloud Platform.

The purpose of this package are,

  • Having a consistent way of using the GCP client libraries
  • Manage the version in a single place if multiple teams are using the GCP client libraries
  • Make it easier to accomplish the typical Data Engineering tasks (copy data, load and export)
  • The code explains what it does

The current embedded client libraires versions are,

  • google-api-python-client==2.36.0
  • google-cloud-bigquery==2.32.0
  • google-cloud-storage==2.1.0

Build Data Pipeline on BigQuery

You (A Data Engineer) are asked to,

  • Upload multiple json files from your local drive to GCS
  • Import those files to a BigQuery staging table
  • Run a SQL query based on the staging table by joining existing tables, and store the result to a new table

To accomplish the task, here are the source code,

from gfluent import BQ, GCS

project_id = "here-is-you-project-id"
bucket_name = "my-bucket"
dataset = "sales"
table_name = "products"
prefix = "import"
local_path = "/user/tom/products/" # there are few *.json files in this directory

# uplaod files to GCS bucket
    .local(path=local_path, suffix=".json" )

# create the target dataset (in case not exists)
BQ(project_id).create_dataset(dataset, location="US")

# load json files to BigQuery table
uri = f"gs://{bucket_name}/{prefix}/*.json"
number_of_rows = (
    .mode("WRITE_APPEND")               # don't have to, default mode
    .create_mode("CREATE_IF_NEEDED")    # don't have to, default mode
    .format("NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON")   # don't have to, default format

print(f"{number_of_rows} rows are loaded")

# run a SQL query and save to a final table
final_table = "sales_summary"
sql = """
    select t1.col1, t2.col2, t2.col3
        sales.products t1
        other.category t2
    ON  t1.prod_id = t2.prod_id

number_of_rows = (
    .create_mode("CREATE_NEVER")    # have to, don't want to create new table

print(f"{number_of_rows} rows are loaded to {final_table}")

# now let's query the new table
rows = (
    .sql(f"select col1, col2 from {dataset}.{final_table} limit 10")

for row in rows:
    print(row.col1, row.col2)

Loading data from Spreadsheet to BigQuery

Here is another example to use the Sheet class for loading data from Google Spreadsheet.

import os
from gfluent import Sheet, BQ

project_id = 'your-project-id'
sheet_id = 'the-google-spreadsheet-id'

# assume the data is on the sheet `data` and range is `A1:B4`
sheet = Sheet(

bq = BQ(project=project_id).table("target_dataset.table")"EU")


Here is the document, and please refer to the test cases to see more real examples.


Install from PyPi,

pip install -U gfluent

Or build and install from source code,

git clone
cd gfluent
make test-ut
python install


Any kinds of contribution is welcome, including report bugs, add feature or enhance the document. Please be noted,

  • Unit Testing with mock is intensively used, because we don't want to connect to a real GCP project
  • Please install pre-commit by using pip install pre-commit then pre-commit install
  • bump2version is used for update the version tag in various files