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sugiyama-drawings step1: heuristics for cycle removal (dfs, leftward edges, greedy by Eads) in javascript and visualization with d3.js

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An overview on hierarchical graph

In a hierarchical drawing of a directed graph: nodes are drawn on a collection of horizontal lines (levels or layers), edges are represented with polylines (polygonal chains).

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Hierarchical drawings are used to represent precedence relationships. Applications include: computer network visualization, web maps visualization, visualization of biologic maps, social networks visualization, others...

Sugiyama methodology

Layered graph drawing or hierarchical graph drawing is a type of graph drawing in which the vertices of a directed graph are drawn in horizontal rows or layers with the edges generally directed downwards.It is also known as Sugiyama-style graph drawing after Kozo Sugiyama, who first developed this drawing style.

The four steps of the methodology:

  1. Cycle removal: temporarily reverts the direction of some edges in such a way to have an acyclic input graph, this step is not needed if the input graph has no directed cycle.
  2. Level assignment assigns nodes to levels (hence determining their y-coordinate) the graph is changed in such a way that each edge connects nodes on adjacent levels: this is obtained by introducing dummy nodes.
  3. Crossing reduction: sorts the nodes of each level in such a way to reduce the number of edge crossings.
  4. X-coordinate assignment: assigns an x-coordinate (hence a placement) to each node, dummy nodes are replaced with bends.

Several alternative algorithms and heuristics are nowadays available for each step.


I'm going to explore the various alternatives (heuristics) for the removal of the direct cycles of a directed graph, the goal is reducing the number of edges that have been inverted.

I would compare the following heuristics (see resources):

  1. Depth-first search
  2. Leftward-edges
  3. Greedy approach proposed by Eades

Focus on cycle removal

Simply we have a graph G with a set of edege E and a set of vertices V (nodes), the problem is the following:

INPUT:    A directed graph G
OUTPUT:   A directed acyclic graph (DAG) G’
TARGET:   Reverse the direction of a small subset of the edges of G

If G=(V,E) is a directed graph and R is a set of edges, Grev(R) is the graph obtained by reversing the edges in R. We would like to reverse a set of edges R, our target is obtain a Grev(R) such that Grev(R) is acyclic and |R| is minimum.

Feedback set vs feedback arc set

A set R of edges of a directed graph G=(V,E) is a feedback set if Grev(R) is acyclic, whereas a feedback arc set is a set of edges whose removal makes the graph acyclic.

Feedback set and feedback arc set are related but different concepts removing all edges of a cycle makes it trivially acyclic, reversing all edges of a cycle only changes its direction


A simple heuristic based on DFS: Depth First Search

A simple algorithm to find a feedback set R of a directed graph G consists of performing a series of DFS traversals of G and add all back edges to R, DFS visits are launched on non-explored nodes until the whole graph is explored.

Size of the feedback set R: we assume G is connected, if a single DFS is performed then the forward edges are a spanning tree with |V|-1 edges, if more DFS’s are performed each DFS gives a tree and at least one edge links nodes of one exploration to some nodes of the previous explorations. Hence, once again we have |V|-1 "good" edges, the size of R is:

|R| = |E|-(|V|-1) = |E|-|V|+1

A simple heuristic based on leftward edges

Lets look at the problem from a different perspective, let us choose a permutation: π = (v1, v2, ..., vn) of the nodes of G any edge (vi, vj) with i > j is said to be a leftward edge (with respect to π) Alt text

A topological sort of a directed graph is a linear ordering of its nodes such that for every directed edge (u,v), u comes before v in the ordering, a topological sort is possible if and only if the graph has no directed cycles

Given a permutation π of the nodes of G, the set of leftward egdes is a feedback set (it is also a feedback arc set). On the other hand, let R be a feedback set: if you compute a topological sort of the directed graph obtained by reverting all edges in R, you obtain a permutation of the nodes whose leftward edge set coincides with R.

Hence, the problem of finding a minimum size feedback set is equivalent to the problem of finding a permutation with the minimum number of leftward edges

Arbitrarily choose a permutation of the nodes of G and count the number of leftward egdes, if this number is greater than half the edges of G, we choose the opposite node sequence. Size of R: the number of reverted edges is at most half the total number of the edges of G, this heuristic is surely preferable with respect to the previous one whenever:

|E|/2 < |E|-|V|+1

that is, whenever

|E| > 2|V| - 2

Greedy approach proposed by Eades

A more sophisticated strategy has been proposed by eads, it based on a greedy technique. It searches for a sub-optimum sulution through a sequence of steps focused on local optima.

The algorithm iteratively removes nodes from G and adds them to one of two lists: SL and SR. When all nodes have been removed the sequence S is obtained as a concatenation of the two sequences SL and SR.

The algorithm chooses in a greedy way the node to be removed from G and adds it to SL or SR:

  • if there is a source add it at the end of SL
  • if there is a sinks add it at the beginnig of SR (isolated nodes are also considered sinks)
  • if there is no sink or source choose a node u for which outdeg(u)-indeg(u) is maximum and add it at the end of SL the number of rightward egdes is locally maximized with respect to the leftward edges.

Pseudo code for Eads cycle removal algorithm


	Input: a directed graph G
	Output: a node sequence S for G

	Initialize both Sl and Sr to be empty lists

	While G is not empty do 
		(a) While G contains a sink do choose a sink u, remove u from G, add u as the first element of Sr.
		(b) While G contains a source do choose a source v, remove v from G, add v as the last element of Sl.
		(c) if G is not empty then choose a node u, such that the difference outdeg(u)-indeg(u) is maximum,
		remove u from G an add u as the last element of Sl.

	return Sl concatenates Sr



sugiyama-drawings step1: heuristics for cycle removal (dfs, leftward edges, greedy by Eads) in javascript and visualization with d3.js







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