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jacobwg edited this page Apr 28, 2012 · 26 revisions

Have a great success story in rolling out Sidekiq? Add it here!

Andre Arko, @indirect, Plex:

we replaced 12-15 EC2 medium instances running 4 delayed_job processes each with a single EC2 medium instance running 4 sidekiq workers with 25 concurrency each. The final tally is something like $2500 less per month in EC2 costs.

Fredrik Bjork, @fbjork, Banjo:

we went from around 160 dynos down to 10 now.

Jacob Gillespie, @jacobwg, Check a Film:

We load move release and review information in real-time for any movie using Sidekiq - it's really fast.

Mooktakim Ahmed, @mooktakim,

We process all twitter stream posts incredibly fast using only a couple of Sidekiq workers.

Mustafa Turan, @mustafaturan,

We process all event recommendation mailings with sidekiq. We processed all the job with 1/4 time with same number of resque workers and with 1/10 of CPU requirements. Thanks sidekiq!