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NielsKSchjoedt edited this page May 31, 2012 · 26 revisions

Have a great success story in rolling out Sidekiq? Add it here!

Andre Arko, @indirect, Plex:

we replaced 12-15 EC2 medium instances running 4 delayed_job processes each with a single EC2 medium instance running 4 sidekiq workers with 25 concurrency each. The final tally is something like $2500 less per month in EC2 costs.

Fredrik Bjork, @fbjork, Banjo:

we went from around 160 dynos down to 10 now.

Jacob Gillespie, @jacobwg, Check a Film:

We load movie release and review information in real-time for any movie using Sidekiq - it's really fast.

Mooktakim Ahmed, @mooktakim,

We process all twitter stream posts incredibly fast using only a couple of Sidekiq workers.

Mustafa Turan, @mustafaturan,

We process all event recommendation mailings with sidekiq. We processed all the job with 1/4 time with same number of resque workers and with 1/10 of CPU requirements. Thanks sidekiq!

Kevin Menard, @nirvdrum, Mogotest:

We perform a lot of work as we test Web sites, including lots of I/O wait on external services and some rigorous calculations during data analysis. We segment logical "test runs" (what our customers see) into many subtasks to run in parallel. With Sidekiq we can process 3.5x - 5x as many jobs per EC2 c1.medium than we could with Resque. Plus with a long-lived process, we benefit from JITing on the JVM over the length of a deploy, speeding up our calculations. The switch was a big win all around.

Niels Kristian Schjødt, @NielsKSchjoedt,

This is the coolest thing since the big bang - simply!