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Showdown Options

Estevão Soares dos Santos edited this page Dec 3, 2017 · 8 revisions

Setting options

Options can be set:


Setting a "global" option affects all instances of showdown

showdown.setOption('optionKey', 'value');


Setting a "local" option only affects the specified Converter object. Local options can be set:

  • through the constructor

    var converter = new showdown.Converter({optionKey: 'value'});
    // example of multiple options
    var converter = new showdown.Converter({tables: true, strikethrough: true});
  • through the setOption() method

    var converter = new showdown.Converter();
    converter.setOption('optionKey', 'value');

Getting an option

Showdown provides 2 methods (both local and global) to retrieve previous set options.


// Global
var myOption = showdown.getOption('optionKey');

var myOption = converter.getOption('optionKey');


// Global
var showdownGlobalOptions = showdown.getOptions();

var thisConverterSpecificOptions = converter.getOptions();

Retrieve the default options

You can get showdown's default options with:

var defaultOptions = showdown.getDefaultOptions();

Valid Options

Please note that until version 1.6.0, all of these options are DISABLED by default in the cli tool.


type default since description
boolean false 1.0.0 Omit the trailing newline in a code block

By default, showdown adds a newline before the closing tags in code blocks. By enabling this option, that newline is removed.
This option affects both indented and fenced (gfm style) code blocks.



    var foo = 'bar';

omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks = false:

<code><pre>var foo = 'bar';

omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks = true:

<code><pre>var foo = 'bar';</pre></code>


type default since description
boolean false 1.1.0 Disable the automatic generation of header ids

Showdown generates an id for headings automatically. This is useful for linking to a specific header. This behavior, however, can be disabled with this option.



# This is a header

noHeaderId = false

<h1 id="thisisaheader">This is a header</h1>

noHeaderId = true

<h1>This is a header</h1>

NOTE: Setting to true overrides prefixHeaderId and ghCompatibleHeaderId options


type default since description
boolean false 1.5.5 Generate header ids compatible with github style

This changes the format of the generated header IDs: spaces are replaced with dashes and a bunch of non alphanumeric chars are removed.



# This is a header with @#$%

ghCompatibleHeaderId = false

<h1 id="thisisaheader">This is a header</h1>

ghCompatibleHeaderId = true

<h1 id="this-is-a-header-with-">This is a header with @#$%</h1>


type default since description
string | boolean 1.0.0 Add a prefix to the generated header ids

Adds a prefix to the generated header ids. Passing a string will prefix that string to the header id. Setting to true will add a generic 'section' prefix.


type default since description
integer 1 1.1.0 Set the header starting level

Sets the level from which header tags should start


# header

headerLevelStart = 1


headerLevelStart = 3



type default since description
boolean false 1.1.0 Enable support for setting image dimensions from within markdown syntax

Enables support for setting image dimensions from within markdown syntax.

![foo](foo.jpg =100x80)   simple, assumes units are in px
![bar](bar.jpg =100x*)    sets the height to "auto"
![baz](baz.jpg =80%x5em)  Image with width of 80% and height of 5em


type default since description
boolean false 1.2.0 Enable automatic linking in plain text urls

Turning this option on will enable automatic linking when the parser find plain text urls


some text

simplifiedAutoLink = false

<p>some text</p>

simplifiedAutoLink = true

<p>some text <a href=""></a></p>


type default since description
boolean false 1.5.1 Excludes trailing punctuation from autolinked urls

Excludes the follow characters from links: . ! ? ( ) This option only applies to links generated by simplifiedAutoLink.


   check this link

excludeTrailingPunctuationFromURLs = false

<p>check this link <a href=""></a></p>

excludeTrailingPunctuationFromURLs = true

<p>check this link <a href=""></a>.</p>


type default since description
boolean false 1.2.0 Treats underscores in middle of words as literal characters

Underscores are magic characters in markdown (as they delimit words that should be emphasised). Turning this on will stop showdown from interpreting underscores in the middle of words as <em> and <strong> and instead treat them as literal underscores.


some text with__underscores__in middle

literalMidWordUnderscores = false

<p>some text with<strong>underscores</strong>in middle</p>

literalMidWordUnderscores = true

<p>some text with__underscores__in middle</p>


type default since description
boolean false 1.2.0 Enable support for strikethrough syntax

Enables support for strikethrough (<del>)




type default since description
boolean false 1.2.0 Enable support for tables syntax

Enables support for table syntax.


| h1    |    h2   |      h3 |
| 100   | [a][1]  | ![b][2] |
| *foo* | **bar** | ~~baz~~ |


type default since description
boolean false 1.2.0 Enable automatic generation of table headers ids

If enabled, generates automatic ids for table headers. Only applies if tables is enabled.


type default since description
boolean true 1.2.0 Enable support for GFM code block style syntax (fenced codeblocks)


	some code here

NOTE: ghCodeBlocks are enabled by default since version 0.3.1

tasklists**:(boolean) [default false] Enable support for GFM takslists. Example:

type default since description
boolean false 1.2.0 Enable support for GFM takslists

Enables support for github style tasklists


 - [x] This task is done
 - [ ] This is still pending


type default since description
boolean false 1.6.0 Enable support for github @mentions

Enables support for github @mentions, which links to the github profile page of the username mentioned


hello there @tivie

ghMentions = false

<p>hello there @tivie</p>

ghMentions = true

<p>hello there <a href=">@tivie</a></p>


type default since description
boolean{u} 1.6.2 Set link @mentions should point to

Changes the link generated by @mentions. {u} is replaced by the text of the mentions. Only applies if ghMentions is enabled.


hello there @tivie

ghMentionsLink ={u}

<p>hello there <a href=">@tivie</a></p>

ghMentionsLink ={u}/profile

<p>hello there <a href="//">@tivie</a></p>


type default since description
boolean false 1.2.1 Fix weird effects due to parsing incomplete input

On some circumstances, in live preview editors, when a paragraph is followed by a list it can cause an awkward effect.

awkward effect

You can prevent this by enabling this option


type default since description
boolean false 1.4.2 Fix indentation problems related to es6 template strings in the midst of indented code

Tries to smartly fix indentation problems related to es6 template strings in the midst of indented code


type default since description
boolean false 1.5.0 Disable the requirement of indenting sublists by 4 spaces for them to be nested

Disables the requirement of indenting sublists by 4 spaces for them to be nested, effectively reverting to the old behavior where 2 or 3 spaces were enough.


- one
  - two


- one
    - two

disableForced4SpacesIndentedSublists = false


disableForced4SpacesIndentedSublists = true



type default since description
boolean false 1.5.1 Parse line breaks as <br/> in paragraphs (like GitHub does)

Every newline character inside paragraphs and spans is parsed as <br/>


a line
wrapped in two

simpleLineBreaks = false

<p>a line
wrapped in two</p>

simpleLineBreaks = true

<p>a line<br>
wrapped in two</p>


type default since description
boolean false 1.5.3 Require a spance between # and header text

Makes adding a space between # and the header text mandatory.



requireSpaceBeforeHeadingText = false

<h1 id="header">header</h1>

simpleLineBreaks = true



type default since description
boolean true 1.6.1 Enable e-mail address automatic obfuscation

Enables e-mail addresses encoding through the use of Character Entities, transforming ASCII e-mail addresses into its equivalent decimal entities. (since v1.6.1)

NOTE: Prior to version 1.6.1, emails would always be obfuscated through dec and hex encoding.



encodeEmails = false

<a href=""></a>

encodeEmails = true

<a href="&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;t&#x6f;&#x3a;&#109;&#x79;s&#x65;&#x6c;&#102;&#64;&#x65;xa&#109;&#112;&#108;&#101;&#x2e;c&#x6f;&#109;">&#x6d;&#121;s&#101;&#108;f&#x40;&#x65;&#120;a&#x6d;&#x70;&#108;&#x65;&#x2e;&#99;&#x6f;&#109;</a>