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Rails Application Generator

My default Rails application generator. This is a WIP specialized to my needs, use at your own risk. Time zone defaults to Tokyo, Japan, I18n.default_locale is set to :ja and I18n.available_locales to [:ja, :en], etc.

Other preferences:

  • only includes required Rails gems in Gemfile by explicitly including each component separately (rather than all at once with the usual gem 'rails')
  • completely banishes Sprockets (removes asset path, etc) if --skip-sprockets flag is set (Sprockets can be entirely replaced by Webpack)
  • uses slim as template engine, and converts application templates from erb to slim when generating application.
  • assumes postgres as database
  • if --webpack is used, installs Semantic UI for styling along with other dependencies to customize it (less, etc.). This is loosely based on the setup described here.
  • if --webpack, installs jQuery (with yarn) and adds js to load it using Provide plugin.
  • uses rspec + factory_bot for testing.
  • with --webpack enabled, uses /frontend as its source path, following the component-based approach described in this article.


To use it, set the following in your .railsrc file:


Then specify the template when generating your Rails app:

rails new foo -m

You can also try the generator with different skip settings, and things should work, but I haven't tested with other combinations very extensively.


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