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This is the template for a new containerized wordpress project. It is intended for use in local development, but the beauty of containers is that we can dev in an environment that mirrors our production environment. That said, the instructions that follow are only for local dev:

How to use this template

Create your local dev project folder wherever you usually do. This is probably going to mirror the name of the project or client you're dev'ing for, but it doesn't have to.

mkdir my-new-wp-project

Now cd into your new directory

cd my-new-wp-project

Now clone this projects's files into the directory you're sitting in:

git clone .

Note: The '.' following the url will drop the files from this project into the directory you're sitting in. If you forget the '.' git clone will create a new directory named /wp-docker inside of the one you're in.

Your project should now look like this:

├── .gitignore
├── Dockerfile
├── Dockerfile-alipine
├── docker-compose-local.yml
├── travis.yml
└── uploads.ini

Fire up your docker container

From your project dir my-new-project

docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml up -d --build

This will build your project. You'll now have a new directory named wordpress-data in your project. Your container is now running. It will remain running in the background (because of the -d switch) until you bring it down: docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml down

Complete your WordPress install

If you have dnsmasq configured locally or your tld is defined in your hosts file, you can use your project name dot your local develop tld of choice. ie. my-new-project.shark Otherwise, go to (localhost) in your browser and you'll see the WordPress install screen.

Useful docker commands:

Update the wordpress container to :latest. This is occassionally necessary because caching.

docker pull wordpress:latest

Find out what docker's running and format it nicely

docker ps -a --format "{{.Names}}\t\t{{.Status}}"

See all of the docker containers, running or not, on your machine

docker container ls --all

See all of the docker images on your machine

docker images

To get a shell on your wordpress container:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml exec wordpress bash

Note that in this command, "wordpress" comes from the name we gave the service in our docker compose file, and "bash" is the cmd we want to exec on it

To jump into your mysql container's command line interface:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml exec db mysql -uroot -p

Note that in this command, "db" comes from the name we gave the service in our docker compose file, and "mysql -uroot -p" is the cmd we want to exec on the container

Bring your project up:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml up -d

Bring your project down

docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml down

Manage the node container (for gulp, npm install, etc)

The usefulness of the additional node container comes from the fact that we want to make sure we can always access the necessary version of python. This is necessary when using the gulpfile attached to the _underscores framework, as well as our BS5 fork named _bootstrapped.

You should run this container from within your theme's directory at my-new-project/wordpress-data/wp-content/themes/{theme_dir}

Get your bash shell

docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/var/www/html shark/npm:02 bash

Note that in this command, we are opening an interactive shell, so she's not just running in the background. Once you're on that shell, you'll be able to run your usual npm commands

run npm init

root@8ca332e6b16b:/var/www/html# npm init

run gulp watch root@8ca332e6b16b:/var/www/html# gulp watch

run gulp compile root@8ca332e6b16b:/var/www/html# gulp compile

To jump into your mysql container's command line interface:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml exec db mysql -uroot -p

Note that in this command, "db" comes from the name we gave the service in our docker compose file, and "mysql -uroot -p" is the cmd we want to exec on the container


Our containerized method for WP development






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