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@servicebus/register-handlers provides convention based message/event handler definition for distributed services using servicebus.


sample service.js file:

const bus = require('./lib/bus');
const config = require('cconfig')();
const handleAudit = require('handle-audit');
const log = require('llog');
const registerHandlers = require('@servicebus/register-handlers');
const util = require('util');

module.exports.start = (cb) => {

  log.debug('registering event handlers');

    bus: bus,
    handleError: function handleError (msg, err) {
      log.error('error handling %s: %s. rejecting message w/ cid %s and correlationId %s.', msg.type, err, msg.cid, this.correlationId);
      msg.handle.reject(function () {
        throw err;
    onHandlerCompleted: handleAudit(bus, 'action.audited'), // publish auditing message after handler completed
    path: './lib/handlers',   // load all handlers defined in the provided directory
    queuePrefix: 'sample-svc' // prepend all subscribe queue names with provided string



Handler definition

Below is a sample subscribe handler. Additional documentation coming soon.

const log = require('llog');

module.exports.ack = true; // make queue persistent

module.exports.queueName = ''; // optional queue name

module.exports.routingKey = 'my.*.routing.key.#'; // routing keys for subscribes

module.exports.type = 'blotter.entry.removed'; // optionally match against amqp type header property

module.exports.where = function (msg) {
  return === ''; // filter messages to those matching where clause 

module.exports.subscribe = function (event, cb) {
  log.trace('received %j', event);

Command/Event API

Servicebus is often used in CQRS systems, so a simplified API is exposed to simplify it's usage for this pattern.

When using either command or event keys as exports, the option ack will automatically be set to true.


You may specify you command handlers by simply exporting a command property and a listen event.

When you do so a queueName will be implied from the command name, and ack will be set to true

module.exports.command = 'domain.command';

module.exports.listen = function (command, cb) {
  // no op

With modules:

export const command = 'domain.command'

export const listen = function (command, cb) {
  const { id, product } =
  // do something


You may specify you event handlers by simply exporting a event property and a subscribe event.

When you do so a routingKey will be implied from the event name, and ack will be set to true

module.exports.event = 'domain.event';

module.exports.subscribe = function (event, cb) {
  // no op

With modules:

export const event = 'domain.event'

export const subscribe = function (event, cb) {
  const { id, product } =
  // do something

Module support

MJS modules have recently been introduced to the Javascript ecosystem, however, you may not use a combination of both. When using MJS, it's necessary to use dynamic imports.

This will be done automatically for you when you specify the option modules to be true in the initial registerHandlers call.

import path from 'path'
import log from 'llog'
import errortrap from 'errortrap'
import registerHandlers from '@servicebus/register-handlers'
import sbc from 'servicebus-bus-common';
import { config } from '../config.mjs'
import server from 'express-api-common'


const bus = sbc.makeBus(config)
const { queuePrefix } = config

  path:  path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'handlers'),
  modules: true,

server.start()'service is running')