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Playing around with concepts of NgRx Store (actions, reducers, selectors and effects).

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NgRx Sandbox


  • Installed @ngrx packages, and proceeded to downgrade them from v11 due to compile error out of the box
  • Created basic actions/reducers/selectors/effects
  • Discovered that the declarations in forRoot must match with the AppState properties declared, otherwise the correct States won't happen
  • Discovered you have to install a special package to get Redux extensions in browsers to pick up on your App State

Feature Slice Notes

  • createFeatureSelector seemingly shortcuts all the way down to the object?
    • Example: AppState has foo: TodoState property
    • TodoState has todoItems: TodoItem[]
    • const fs = createFeatureSeelctor('foo') and createSelector(fs, (todoState: TodoState) => todoState.todoItems) is what's needed to select.
  • StoreModule.forFeature('foo', { todoItems: todosReducer }), here, the reducer is just for the todoItems property!
    • Like root, a different reducer is needed for each property, and a reducer should only work with that one property!
    • That is, if you assign the reducer to the property instead of the whole state. See PizzaState for an example.
  • These feature states don't necessarily need to be added to the AppState interface
    • I split out the Todo stuff into its own feature module as a demonstration of this

Testing Selectors

  • Using projector() works nicely, feeding it what will get projected (i.e. after the first argument of the selector filters it down) and testing the result
  • mySelector.projector(pizzaState) is equivalent of the following:
    • of(state).pipe(select(selectPizzaFeature)).subscribe(selected => { /* selected === pizzaState */ });

Hot vs. Cold Observables

  • Cold Observables create their producers of data within the observable itself
    • Unicast / different execution for every subscription
    • Example: Making an API call within an observable
  • Hot Observables use a producer created/etc. outside of the observable itself
    • Multicast / multiple subscriptions utilize the same producer
    • Example: Generate a random number, then have the Observable return the only-one-time generated number, every time

Testing with Marbles

  • Using jasmine-marbles NPM package: npm i jasmine-marbles --save-dev
  • hot(): Creating an observable that is "already subscribed to"
  • cold(): Creating an observable whose subscription starts when test begins
    • Based on the - frames, cold() waits for whatever calls it to happen within the test.
    • hot() will immediately start counting frames the instant everything starts.
  • Not sure if these are the same as hot/cold observable definitions
  • Testing Use Cases
    • Mocked Service API Calls
      • I'm mocking as cold() since each one produces its own API call
      • The NgRx Documentation sets them up this way
    • Effects Actions and Expected Observables: hot()
      • they have no data they produce themselves (not sure if this is correct)
      • The NgRx Documentation sets them up this way

Testing Subscriptions to Actions within Components

  • use of() instead of Marbles (hot() or cold()), as we usually don't care about when exactly the Actions occur
    • of() is more synchronous / easier to test anyway
  • if you subscribe within ngOnInit(), you must set the actions$ within your test before calling fixture.detectChanges()
    • The first time that's called, it invokes ngOnInit()
  • Generally, these subscriptions should be handled/encapsulated within Effects
    • Consider using State to do things like display messages/toasts, etc.

Mocking Notes

  • To mock an API/Observable error
    • todosServiceSpy.getTodos.and.returnValue(throwError(''));
    • Writing as todosServiceSpy.getTodos.and.throwError(''); is wrong apparently!
      • I think it makes the whole function call throw
      • In reality we just want the returned mocked API/HTTP call to return a status of "error"


Playing around with concepts of NgRx Store (actions, reducers, selectors and effects).







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