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Folders - Folds as Code

Note: This is not an officially supported Google product.

Folders is a library that uses product bifunctors to define generic, delimited folds and unfolds. In addition to providing predefined folds, Folders defines a number of generic functions that empower you to define folds of your own. Let's take a look at some examples:

;; The predefined fold, `squash` flattens lists of lists.
(squash '((a b) (c d) (e f)) 3)
;; => (a b c d e f)
;; The predefined unfold `nats` generates the sequence of successors of a natural number.
(nats 100 10)
;; => => (100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110)
;; You can define your own folds using `traverse` and `Traversal` functions
(fold suffixes '() '(Carp rules!) 2)
;; => ((rules!) ())
;; Likewise, you can define unfolds using `accumulate` and `Accumulations` functions.
(reverse (unfold (series +) 0 1 5))
;; => (0 1 2 3 4 5)

Delimited Folds

All of the folds and unfolds in Folders are delimited; they take an additional numeric argument that determines the number of times to apply the fold to the input. This enables you to process only a select segment of a structure using a fold.

For example, if we only want to sum the first three numbers in a list:

(fold (combine +) 0 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) 3)
;; => 6 (1 + 2 + 3)


Many folds produce the same result after their input is exhausted, even if their delimitation is greater than the number of elements in the input, in other words such folds become idempotent on subsequent applications.

For example, let's sum a list of 10 numbers 1000 times:

(fold (combine +) 0 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) 1000)
;; => 55

Not all folds are idempotent. Idempotency depends on the definition of the fold. For example, the following does not become idempotent:

(fold cycle '() '(1 2 3 4) 5)
;; => (1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4)
(fold cycle '() '(1 2 3 4) 10)
;; => (1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4)

Generally speaking, folds tend toward idempotency whenever the operation used to combine list elements is monoidal, that is:

  • It has an identity element (like 0 for +).
  • It is associative.

It's important to note that the operation used in a fold is given by its traversal and is a combination of the binary operation and consumers used to define the traversal rather than the binary operation on its lonesome.

Traversals over + are a good example of this nuance. The traversal given by combine above is defined by + and Consumers.each. Using a different consumer, Consumer.head-idr, with the same operation yields a traversal that is not idempotent:

(folder (traverse + head-idr) 0 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) 1000)
;; => 1000

This is because the head-idr consumer constantly returns the first value of the input, 1 without ever consuming the rest of the input. So, the fold never terminates "naturally" instead terminating only when it has been applied the number of times designated by the delimitation argument. Calling the above with 1001 as the delimitation would yield a result of 1001, 1002 a result of 1002 and so forth.

Defining your Own Folds

Two generic higher-order functions, traverse and accumulate, list-to-product transformations, called consumers, and a special function folder form the underlying machinery for defining folds. You can use combinations of these functions to define your own folds and unfolds.


Consumers are functions that transform a list into a product bifunctor. They are one of the fundamental building blocks for defining folds and "factor out" or abstract the notion of pattern matching or destructing a list into its component parts. Typically, a recursive function over some structure proceeds in two steps:

    1. Inspect the input, checking its structure.
    1. Based on the result of (1.) either recursively apply some operation to another segment of the input structure or cease recurring and return a computed result.

Consumers handle step (1.) in this process by standardizing the destructuring or matching on lists into transformation into products.

A Basic Consumer Each

each defines what is likely the most prevalent destructure on a list in terms of a product, namely separating a list into two components, its head and tail:

(defndynamic each [xs]
  (Folders.Product.fork car cdr xs))

Note: The function fork takes a value into a Product by applying two functions to it, one produces the left component of the product, the other produces the right component.

each takes a list and returns a product in which the left component is the list's head, or element at the front of the list, and the left component is the list's tail, or the remainder of the list.

Custom Consumers

To define your own consumer, define a function that takes a list as input and returns a product of two components. src/product.carp contains several functions for building and manipulating products.

Traversals and Accumulations

While consumers define ways to match on some input in a recursive context, traversals, defined using the higher order function traverse and accumulations, defined using the higher order function accumulate, describe an operation to perform on the desctructuresd input returned by a consumer.

Traversals define operations that breakdown input lists, while accumulations define operations that build up lists based on a seed input, that is, they define operations for folds and unfolds, respectively.

Both traversals and accumulations use consumers to manipulate the list structures they either build up or tear down.


You can define your own traversals using the traverse function. traverse requires two arguments to define a traversal:

  • a binary function f that will be applied to the results of the consumer t at each recursive step.
  • a consumer t that breaks down an input list into a product of two components.

Different combinations of consumers and binary functions yield different traversals (the prior section on idempotency gives one example of this.

For example, we can define a simple traversal sum as the combination of + and the each consumer, which will apply the operation to each value in the list:

(traverse + each)

Some traversals are also higher-order, allowing for either variable binary operations or consumers, such as combine, which takes a binary operation as an argument:

(defndynamic combine [m] (Folders.Traversals.traverse m Folders.Consumers.each))


Accumulations, like traversals, use consumers to manipulate lists in terms of products, but instead produce or build lists from a seed value instead of reducing them. Accumulations also take a binary operation to perform on the consumer results, but additionally take a "list construction" operation to use when accumulating results.

Just like traversals, different combinations of binary operation, consumer, and list construction strategies will yield different accumulations.

A simple accumulation, successors, is given by combining +, the head-idr consumer, and cons:

(accumulate + head-idr cons)

Accumulations can also be higher order; "successors" may be defined in terms of the more generic series accumulation:

(defndynamic series [m]
  (Folders.Accumulations.accumulate m Folders.Consumers.head-idr cons))


While consumers take care of pattern matching on input and traversals or accumulations handle performing some operation on the input, the special function folder handles delimited recursion, taking care of recursively calling the operations you've defined.

You can use folder to generically define a variety of folds. For example, the predefined fold squash is defined as follows:

(defndynamic squash [xs n]
  (Folders.folder Folders.Traversals.concat '() xs n 0))

And the predefined unfold nats is defined as:

(defndynamic nats [start n]
  (reverse (if (not (list? seed))
               (Folders.folder accumulation (list seed) step limit 0)
               (Folders.folder accumulation seed step limit 0))))


Generic folds for Carp







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