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MLDrop client

Easily deploy PyTorch models for serving with a few lines.

MLDrop is a platform by Scattering AI that allows you to deploy PyTorch models for serving.

MLDrop client is the python lib that allows to deploy models to MLDrop.


  • MLDrop is a serving platform specifically designed for TorchScript models.
  • Easily deploy your PyTorch model with a few lines.
  • Focus on your model, not DevOps, MLDrop takes care of launching instances, scaling, packaging, monitoring, etc.
  • Your models can easily be invoked from anywhere using a simple REST API.
  • MLDrop focus is efficient model inference, it doesn't add any constrain to your training pipeline.

How does MLDrop work

  • Your model is converted to TorchScript and deployed for serving behind the scenes.
  • The platform scales on demand as needed.
  • Serving is performed using our own inference server optimized for TorchScript.


  1. Install mldrop_client module:
pip install --upgrade mldrop_client
  1. Create an account here and get the access token from your email.


  1. Load your PyTorch model and deploy it to MLDrop (see full example here):
# Import MLDrop
import mldrop_client

# Import PyTorch
import torch

# Init mldrop (using your account token)
mldrop = mldrop_client.init(MLDROP_ACCESS_TOKEN)

# Your PyTorch model (in this example a dummy model that adds two numbers)
class MyPytorchModel(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):

    def forward(self, a: torch.Tensor, b: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        return a + b

# Load your PyTorch model (place your model here)
model: torch.nn.Module = MyPytorchModel()

# Define some basic metadata: name + inputs + outputs
model_metadata = mldrop.create_model_metadata(
    model_name="my_hello_world_model", # Unique name for this model
        mldrop.input_float("a"), # First input
        mldrop.input_float("b"), # Second input
        mldrop.output_float("result"), # Mode output

# Deploy model to MLDrop and get model_id
model_id = mldrop.deploy_pytorch_model(model_metadata, model)
# Done! Your model is up and running in the cloud ready to be invoked
  1. Invoke model through Python API:
# Use model_id to invoke model
# Invocation samples are defined as key-value dictionaries where keys should match the model expected inputs
samples = [
    {"a": 3, "b": 5},
    {"a": 7, "b": 2},
output = mldrop.invoke_model(model_id, samples)

# You get one output for each invocation sample, in the same order
  1. Invoke model through REST - GET
curl ""
  1. Invoke model through REST - POST
curl -X POST -d '{
    "samples": [
        {"a": 3, "b": 5}, 
        {"a": 7, "b": 2}
