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Mentored Sprints at PyCon India 2021

Pradhvan Bisht edited this page Sep 20, 2021 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the Mentored Sprints at PyCon India 2021. We are thrilled to have you.

The sprint will be run on: Monday, September 20, 2021 from 16:00 IST to 20:00 IST.

So let's see how you can participate!

Access Mentored Sprints at PyCon India 2021 System

Sprints are conducted over hopin. If you had registered for the sprints, you would have got an email to join the platform.

The async communication channel is Zulip. 2021/devsprints stream has a topic for ScanAPI.

Zulip streams are great for async conversation and discussion around the project/bug/feature requests.

Access ScanAPI Sprint room

In hopin session's you would find a room titled ScanAPI. The room is dedicated to help pair program on a particular issue, any feature request that you might want to talk about, or just API testing in general.

Find an issue to tackle

Ok, it is time to find an issue to tackle! We prepared a dashboard containing all good issues to be tackled during sprint sessions:


All issues that are in the To Do column and have no one assigned are possible issues for you. Find one that you feel comfortable with.

Issues mentioned on the dashboard are the ones that you can complete during the sprint duration but if you want to pick something a bit more challenging feel free to look into the issues of the repo.

If you have any questions about any issue, feel free to ask there, we will be more than happy to answer them!

Issue assignment

Once you have picked one to tackle, go to the issue's page and send a comment saying that you are interested in working on it. This way, we can assign the issue to you.

Run ScanAPI locally

Ok, it is time to start working. First things first, let's run ScanAPI locally, so you can have the development environment working:

Guide to Run ScanAPI Locally

Submit your changes for review

Once you have made your changes, it is time to open your pull request:

Guide to First Pull Request

Wait for the reviews

Ok, you are all set! You just need to wait for the reviews. Usually, there is some back and forth in this phase. Don't worry, it is part of the process! We will interact with you till we have a result that is ready for production.

All green

What happens when my PR was accepted and every check is passing? We will merge the PR as soon as possible. So you don't need to do anything else. Congratulations, now you are an official ScanAPI contributor!

Useful Links