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Typecheck ConstantAnnotations normally, not like Java annotations
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So far we handled ConstantAnnotations the same as Java annotations.
Instead of typechecking the full parse tree `Apply(New(annot), args)`,
the `New` and the individual `args` were typed individually. This is
needed for Java annotations as there's no corresponding constructor.
But for ConstantAnnotations we can just type check them normally and
then extract the constants.
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lrytz committed Dec 11, 2020
1 parent 95cb259 commit ebb5ab1
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Showing 9 changed files with 96 additions and 81 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/ContextErrors.scala
Expand Up @@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ trait ContextErrors {
NormalTypeError(tree, "expected annotation of type " + expected + ", found " + found)

def MultipleArgumentListForAnnotationError(tree: Tree) =
NormalTypeError(tree, "multiple argument lists on Java annotation or subclass of ConstantAnnotation")
NormalTypeError(tree, "multiple argument lists on Java annotation")

def UnknownAnnotationNameError(tree: Tree, name: Name) =
NormalTypeError(tree, "unknown annotation argument name: " + name)
Expand All @@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ trait ContextErrors {
NormalTypeError(tree, "duplicate value for annotation argument " + name)

def ClassfileAnnotationsAsNamedArgsError(tree: Tree) =
NormalTypeError(tree, "arguments to Java annotations or subclasses of ConstantAnnotation have to be supplied as named arguments")
NormalTypeError(tree, "arguments to Java annotations have to be supplied as named arguments")

def AnnotationMissingArgError(tree: Tree, annType: Type, sym: Symbol) =
NormalTypeError(tree, "annotation " + annType.typeSymbol.fullName + " is missing argument " +
Expand Down
66 changes: 47 additions & 19 deletions src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
Expand Up @@ -3933,9 +3933,14 @@ trait Typers extends Adaptations with Tags with TypersTracking with PatternTyper

def isDefaultArg(tree: Tree) = tree match {
case treeInfo.Applied(fun, _, _) => fun.symbol.isDefaultGetter
case _ => false

if (const == null) {
if (unit.isJava) unmappable = true
else reportAnnotationError(AnnotationNotAConstantError(ttree))
else if (!isDefaultArg(ttree)) reportAnnotationError(AnnotationNotAConstantError(ttree))
} else if (const.value == null) {
reportAnnotationError(AnnotationArgNullError(tr)); None
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3969,7 +3974,7 @@ trait Typers extends Adaptations with Tags with TypersTracking with PatternTyper

// use of Array.apply[T: ClassTag](xs: T*): Array[T]
// and Array.apply(x: Int, xs: Int*): Array[Int] (and similar)
case Apply(fun, args) =>
case treeInfo.Applied(fun, _, args :: _) =>
val typedFun = typed(fun, mode.forFunMode)
if (typedFun.symbol.owner == ArrayModule.moduleClass && == nme.apply)
pt match {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4026,13 +4031,10 @@ trait Typers extends Adaptations with Tags with TypersTracking with PatternTyper
} else {
// TODO: annType may have undetermined type params for Scala ConstantAnnotations, see scala/bug#11724.
// Can we infer them, e.g., `typed(argss.foldLeft(fun0)(Apply(_, _)))`?
val annScopeJava =
if (isJava) annType.decls.filter(sym => sym.isMethod && !sym.isConstructor && sym.isJavaDefined)
else EmptyScope // annScopeJava is only used if isJava
val annScopeJava = annType.decls.filter(sym => sym.isMethod && !sym.isConstructor && sym.isJavaDefined)

val names = mutable.Set[Symbol]()
names ++= (if (isJava) annScopeJava.iterator
else typedFun.tpe.params.iterator)
names ++= annScopeJava.iterator

def hasValue = names exists ( == nme.value)
val namedArgs = argss match {
Expand All @@ -4043,8 +4045,7 @@ trait Typers extends Adaptations with Tags with TypersTracking with PatternTyper

val nvPairs = namedArgs map {
case arg @ NamedArg(Ident(name), rhs) =>
val sym = if (isJava) annScopeJava.lookup(name)
else findSymbol(typedFun.tpe.params)( == name)
val sym = annScopeJava.lookup(name)
if (sym == NoSymbol) {
reportAnnotationError(UnknownAnnotationNameError(arg, name))
(nme.ERROR, None)
Expand All @@ -4053,7 +4054,7 @@ trait Typers extends Adaptations with Tags with TypersTracking with PatternTyper
(nme.ERROR, None)
} else {
names -= sym
if (isJava) sym.cookJavaRawInfo() // #3429
sym.cookJavaRawInfo() // #3429
val annArg = tree2ConstArg(rhs, sym.tpe.resultType)
(, annArg)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4086,10 +4087,11 @@ trait Typers extends Adaptations with Tags with TypersTracking with PatternTyper
AnnotationInfo(tpt.tpe, args, Nil).setOriginal(typedAnn).setPos(t.pos)

case Block(_, expr) =>
context.warning(t.pos, "Usage of named or default arguments transformed this annotation\n"+
"constructor call into a block. The corresponding AnnotationInfo\n"+
"will contain references to local values and default getters instead\n"+
"of the actual argument trees", WarningCategory.Other)
if (!annTypeSym.isNonBottomSubClass(ConstantAnnotationClass))
context.warning(t.pos, "Usage of named or default arguments transformed this annotation\n"+
"constructor call into a block. The corresponding AnnotationInfo\n"+
"will contain references to local values and default getters instead\n"+
"of the actual argument trees", WarningCategory.Other)

case Apply(fun, args) =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4124,12 +4126,38 @@ trait Typers extends Adaptations with Tags with TypersTracking with PatternTyper

if (isJava || annTypeSym.isNonBottomSubClass(ConstantAnnotationClass))
finish {
if (isJava)
else {
val info = statically
if (!info.isErroneous && annTypeSym.isNonBottomSubClass(ConstantAnnotationClass)) {
var namedArgs: Map[Name, Tree] = Map.empty
val treeInfo.Applied(constr, _, _) = info.original match {
case Block(stats, call) =>
// when named / default args are used
namedArgs = Map.from(stats collect {
case ValDef(_, name, _, rhs) => (name, rhs)
case call => call
val params = constr.symbol.paramss.headOption.getOrElse(Nil)
val assocs = map {
case (arg, param) =>
val origArg = arg match {
case Ident(n) => namedArgs.getOrElse(n, arg)
case _ => arg
(, tree2ConstArg(origArg, param.tpe.resultType))
if (hasError) ErroneousAnnotation
else if (unmappable) UnmappableAnnotation
else AnnotationInfo(info.atp, Nil, assocs.collect({ case (n, Some(arg)) => (n, arg) })).setOriginal(info.original).setPos(info.pos)
} else

def typedMacroAnnotation(cdef: ClassDef) = {
Expand Down
68 changes: 26 additions & 42 deletions test/files/neg/annots-constant-neg.check
Expand Up @@ -10,16 +10,16 @@ Test.scala:25: error: annotation argument needs to be a constant; found:
Test.scala:27: error: annotation JAnn is missing argument value
@JAnn() def t4 = 0 // err
Test.scala:30: error: arguments to Java annotations or subclasses of ConstantAnnotation have to be supplied as named arguments
Test.scala:30: error: arguments to Java annotations have to be supplied as named arguments
@JAnn(0, "") def t7 = 0 // err
Test.scala:30: error: arguments to Java annotations or subclasses of ConstantAnnotation have to be supplied as named arguments
Test.scala:30: error: arguments to Java annotations have to be supplied as named arguments
@JAnn(0, "") def t7 = 0 // err
Test.scala:30: error: annotation JAnn is missing argument value
@JAnn(0, "") def t7 = 0 // err
Test.scala:31: error: arguments to Java annotations or subclasses of ConstantAnnotation have to be supplied as named arguments
Test.scala:31: error: arguments to Java annotations have to be supplied as named arguments
@JAnn(0, a = "") def t8 = 0 // err
Test.scala:31: error: annotation JAnn is missing argument value
Expand All @@ -46,24 +46,10 @@ Test.scala:41: error: annotation argument needs to be a constant; found:
Test.scala:45: error: annotation argument needs to be a constant; found: Test.this.nonConst
@Ann(nonConst) def u3 = 0 // err
Test.scala:47: error: annotation Ann is missing argument value
Test.scala:47: error: not enough arguments for constructor Ann: (value: Int, a: String, b: Class[_], c: Array[Object]): Ann.
Unspecified value parameter value.
@Ann() def u4 = 0 // err
Test.scala:50: error: arguments to Java annotations or subclasses of ConstantAnnotation have to be supplied as named arguments
@Ann(0, "") def u7 = 0 // err
Test.scala:50: error: arguments to Java annotations or subclasses of ConstantAnnotation have to be supplied as named arguments
@Ann(0, "") def u7 = 0 // err
Test.scala:50: error: annotation Ann is missing argument value
@Ann(0, "") def u7 = 0 // err
Test.scala:51: error: arguments to Java annotations or subclasses of ConstantAnnotation have to be supplied as named arguments
@Ann(0, a = "") def u8 = 0 // err
Test.scala:51: error: annotation Ann is missing argument value
@Ann(0, a = "") def u8 = 0 // err
Test.scala:54: error: annotation argument cannot be null
@Ann(value = 0, a = null) def u10 = 0 // err
Expand All @@ -76,37 +62,35 @@ Test.scala:56: error: Array constants have to be specified using the `Array(...)
Test.scala:59: error: annotation argument needs to be a constant; found: java.lang.Integer.TYPE
@Ann(value = 0, b = java.lang.Integer.TYPE) def u16 = 0 // err
Test.scala:62: error: arguments to Java annotations or subclasses of ConstantAnnotation have to be supplied as named arguments
@Ann1(0) def v2 = 0 // err
Test.scala:63: error: unknown annotation argument name: value
@Ann1(value = 0) def v3 = 0 // err
Test.scala:64: error: unknown annotation argument name: x
Test.scala:64: error: multiple constructors for Ann1 with alternatives:
(s: String)Ann1 <and>
(value: Int)Ann1
cannot be invoked with (x: String)
@Ann1(x = "") def v4 = 0 // err
Test.scala:66: error: multiple argument lists on Java annotation or subclass of ConstantAnnotation
Test.scala:66: error: Ann1 does not take parameters
@Ann1(0)(0) def v6 = 0 // err
Test.scala:67: error: annotation Ann2 is missing argument x
Test.scala:67: error: not enough arguments for constructor Ann2: (x: Int)(y: Int): Ann2.
Unspecified value parameter x.
@Ann2 def v7 = 0 // err
Test.scala:69: error: multiple argument lists on Java annotation or subclass of ConstantAnnotation
@Ann2(x = 0)(y = 0) def v9 = 0 // err
Test.scala:68: error: missing argument list for constructor Ann2 in class Ann2
@Ann2(x = 0) def v8 = 0 // err
Test.scala:71: error: arguments to Java annotations or subclasses of ConstantAnnotation have to be supplied as named arguments
Test.scala:71: error: no arguments allowed for nullary constructor Ann3: (): Ann3
@Ann3(0) def v11 = 0 // err
Test.scala:73: error: arguments to Java annotations or subclasses of ConstantAnnotation have to be supplied as named arguments
@Ann4(0, 1) def v13 = 0 // err
Test.scala:73: error: arguments to Java annotations or subclasses of ConstantAnnotation have to be supplied as named arguments
@Ann4(0, 1) def v13 = 0 // err
Test.scala:73: error: annotation Ann4 is missing argument value
@Ann4(0, 1) def v13 = 0 // err
Test.scala:72: error: not enough arguments for constructor Ann4: (x: Int, value: Int): Ann4.
Unspecified value parameter value.
@Ann4(0) def v12 = 0
Test.scala:78: error: arguments to Java annotations or subclasses of ConstantAnnotation have to be supplied as named arguments
Test.scala:78: error: no arguments allowed for nullary constructor Ann5: (): Ann5
@Ann5(0) def v18 = 0 // err
37 errors
Test.scala:69: warning: Implementation limitation: multiple argument lists on annotations are
currently not supported; ignoring arguments List(0)
@Ann2(x = 0)(y = 0) def v9 = 0 // warn
1 warning
28 errors
23 changes: 15 additions & 8 deletions test/files/neg/annots-constant-neg/Test.scala
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ class Ann2(x: Int)(y: Int) extends ConstantAnnotation // err
class Ann3 extends ConstantAnnotation
class Ann4(x: Int = 0, value: Int) extends ConstantAnnotation
class Ann5() extends ConstantAnnotation
class Ann6(x: Int) extends ConstantAnnotation // scala/bug#11724
class Ann7[T](x: T) extends annotation.ConstantAnnotation // scala/bug#11724

object Test {
final val const = 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,8 +49,8 @@ object Test {
@Ann() def u4 = 0 // err
@Ann(value = 0) def u5 = 0
@Ann(value = 0, a = "") def u6 = 0
@Ann(0, "") def u7 = 0 // err
@Ann(0, a = "") def u8 = 0 // err
@Ann(0, "") def u7 = 0
@Ann(0, a = "") def u8 = 0

@Ann(value = 0, a = "moin", b = classOf[Object], c = Array("")) def u9 = 0
@Ann(value = 0, a = null) def u10 = 0 // err
Expand All @@ -59,21 +61,26 @@ object Test {
@Ann(value = 0, b = java.lang.Integer.TYPE) def u16 = 0 // err

@Ann1() def v1 = 0
@Ann1(0) def v2 = 0 // err
@Ann1(value = 0) def v3 = 0 // err
@Ann1(0) def v2 = 0
@Ann1(value = 0) def v3 = 0
@Ann1(x = "") def v4 = 0 // err
@Ann1 def v5 = 0 // err
@Ann1 def v5 = 0
@Ann1(0)(0) def v6 = 0 // err
@Ann2 def v7 = 0 // err
@Ann2(x = 0) def v8 = 0
@Ann2(x = 0)(y = 0) def v9 = 0 // err
@Ann2(x = 0) def v8 = 0 // err
@Ann2(x = 0)(y = 0) def v9 = 0 // warn
@Ann3 def v10 = 0
@Ann3(0) def v11 = 0 // err
@Ann4(0) def v12 = 0
@Ann4(0, 1) def v13 = 0 // err
@Ann4(0, 1) def v13 = 0
@Ann4(x = 0, value = 1) def v14 = 0
@Ann4(value = 1, x = 0) def v15 = 0
@Ann5 def v16 = 0
@Ann5() def v17 = 0
@Ann5(0) def v18 = 0 // err

@Ann6(1) def w1 = 0

@Ann7(1) def x1 = 0
@Ann7(Array("")) def x2 = 0
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion test/files/neg/nested-annotation.check
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
nested-annotation.scala:8: error: nested classfile annotations must be defined in java; found: inline
@ComplexAnnotation(new inline) def bippy(): Int = 1
1 error
nested-annotation.scala:11: error: no arguments allowed for nullary constructor SuppressWarnings: (): SuppressWarnings
@ComplexAnnotation(new SuppressWarnings(Array("blup"))) def huppy(): Int = 2
2 errors
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/files/neg/t5182.check
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
t5182.scala:4: error: unknown annotation argument name: qwe
@java.lang.Deprecated(qwe = "wer") def ok(q:Int) = 1
t5182.scala:5: error: arguments to Java annotations or subclasses of ConstantAnnotation have to be supplied as named arguments
t5182.scala:5: error: arguments to Java annotations have to be supplied as named arguments
@java.lang.Deprecated("wer") def whereAmI(q:Int) = 1
2 errors
7 changes: 0 additions & 7 deletions test/files/neg/t6082.check

This file was deleted.

File renamed without changes.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/files/run/reflection-scala-annotations.check
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
new sann(1, scala.`package`.List.apply[Int](1, 2))
new jann(y = Array(1, 2), x = 2)
new jann(x = 2, y = Array(1, 2))

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