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"Choice of forum" problem

eugene yokota edited this page Jul 17, 2018 · 1 revision

Communication work like flow of water -- they start and go where it's convenient, where there is least barrier. Bug reports or discussion could happen in person at work, on Twitter, on Gitter chat rooms, or on GitHub issues.

Maintainers, on the other hand, want specific information on specific places. For sbt:

Often, we get into a meta discussion of "ok. but not this forum." Let's call this "Choice of forum" problem.

Basically, by the time the problem is happening, it's counter-productive to engage in the Choice of forum discussion. (Exception may be if someone tries to contact you personally without invitation) But let's say if there's a lively discussion going on in Twitter/Gitter, the best you can do would be to gather as much as information there instead of trying to move the forum elsewhere.

Once the discussion has settled, you can then gather up the info, and re-post them yourself; or ask the original reporter if they are up for reposting the information to GitHub Issues or Discuss, if you think it needs further investigation.