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This is the source code for my personal website and portfolio, where I have tried to put all the best practices and technologies I enjoy working with.

Don't hesitate to open issues, or ask whatever you want about the decisions taken

Used technologies

Useful commands

  • yarn start: To run the development server and start the application. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:4200/.
  • yarn test:all: To run all the tests, web + packages minus e2e and api. These 2 run in separate commands.
  • yarn build:web: To generate the Next.JS build. Additionally you can set the EXPORT_STATIC_FILES environment variable to export static files. EXPORT_STATIC_FILES=true yarn build:web


Each library should have its own readme for further information. This is just a small summary

  • assets: to maintain common static files
  • button: simple button component with small logic
  • circle-link: a link with an icon and some animations
  • footer: reusable footer that accept params for customization
  • global-types: shared types
  • header: reusable header that accept params for customization
  • i18n-client: to use the internationalization client side methods across multiple projects
  • i18n-server: to use the internationalization server side methods across multiple projects
  • i18n-config: shared configuration to initialize internationalization
  • i18n-tools: shared methods for internationalization
  • link: link with added styles and some logic
  • main-theme: shared styled-components theme
  • mocks: shared mocks between multiple libraries and apps
  • storage: interface library to create and share storage like localStorage, sessionStorage...
  • test-utils: shared testing tools
  • typography: for writing text in different sizes according to the design library
  • use-container-dimensions: custom hook that responds to a increase or decrease of a given ref
  • use-debounce: custom hook to debounce a function
  • use-is-bot: custom hook to check if a bot is crawling the website
  • visually-hidden: accessibility component to give screen reader info without modifying the visual layout

Code coverage and quality

You can check code coverage with codecov and code quality at sonarcloud.


Website is hosted at Vercel at the moment as it gives the simplest approach.

I use Github actions ecosystem for CI/CD to my needs to have a small assurance at every deploy running the tests and a small build to verify nothing will crash.

About the design

To build a website you usually need a design, and I'm not a designer. I enjoy transforming designs into websites, but after a few tries I found myself absolutely incapable of making my own design.

This is where Valentina showed up bringing me an amazing help and designed this stunning website with ideas that I haven't imagined by myself. So I want to give a special mention to her and her work.

If you are curious, you can take a look to the Figma designs here.

Future work

This is an ongoing work and it will be including new features:

  • an internal api
  • more e2e tests
  • experience and portfolio pages
  • more cooking ideas...


Yes, have built this website, but honestly some stuff would not be possible without help for friends and colleagues that have assisted me and gave me ideas. From here I wish to thank:

  • Borja González: Amazing Frontend Developer that used his time for helping me and giving me styling advice to resolve the mysteries of css animations.
  • Josep Fornies: He claims himself as a frontend developer, he always has an amazing approach and the enough knowledge to rewrite everything in a smarter and more efficient way of all known technologies. Twice.
  • Paula Guijarro: She has the power of SRE in her veins and she showed me the art of Github Actions. Thanks to her I have CI/CD here and I will not merge never something into main branch without a passing pipeline. Just in case.
  • People that have helped me testing and finding bugs or giving me more ideas (or including more flying icons, there are never enough floating icons).