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Releases: sainsburys-tech/next-logger

Security & version updates

24 Apr 12:57
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This release focuses on fixing security issues with dependency versions, and updating other non-breaking versions.

  • async and minimatch have both been upgrade to mitigate high severity security issues.
  • Toolchain dependencies, like ESLint, Prettier and Jest have been upgraded.
  • The Node version used to test this repository has been upgraded from Node 14 to 18, to avoid it going EOL.
  • Pino has been upgraded to version 8, which brings no breaking changes. This closes #19 - thanks @ristomatti!

Additionally, this repository has had a change of ownership; moving from @atkinchris into @sainsburys-tech. There's no change to the package name, license or publishing.

Support trace (and future logger methods)

10 Apr 09:29
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This adds support for trace logs, introduced in Next.js 12.

Support configuring Pino and custom loggers

06 Jan 16:41
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This major release brings support for configuring the underlying Pino instance used for logging, or to replace it entirely with a custom logger. The existing logger behaviour has been put into the default logger, to avoid breaking changes.

This also updates the testing strategy to additionally run some test suites within containers, to provide further assurance on the package working in isolation.

Simplify the requiring of Next's output logger

19 Oct 17:41
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This release simplifies how Next's output logger is required. This should resolve issues with non-standard node_modules, such as Yarn workspaces.

This fixes #8 and closes #2.

Dependencies & npm audit

19 Oct 17:32
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The fixes all current npm audit issues, and upgrades Pino.

Fix handling undefined and null values

14 Sep 13:21
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This fixes handling of null and undefined logs, which would otherwise have thrown an error when accessing .length.

Thanks to @timoweiss for raising the fix in #5!

Fix exception logging

27 Jul 16:23
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This release includes a fix to exception logging, ensuring Error style objects are correctly logged, along with their properties.

Thanks to @kmikko for raising the bug in #3 and then fixing it in #4!


27 Jul 16:15
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Fix audit issues within dev dependencies

Patch global console methods

30 Apr 10:12
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This adds patches for the global console logging methods. This allows this library to intercept logs made by Next.js, where they are made directly to the console object.

While pino logging remains intact, this may cause issues with other libraries which patch or use console methods. Use the next-only preset to opt-out of this patching.

Support presets for opt-out patches

30 Apr 08:49
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This adds support for "presets", allowing consumers to opt-in or out of the patches they want to use.