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A repository containing useful code snippets or explanations behind certain functions/methods.


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Repository Purpose

This repository will contain information such as:

  • Explanations behind why certain concepts, functions, methods, properties, etc. work the way they do.
  • Useful code snippets and a brief explanation as to what they do.
  • Useful articles that explain concepts in detail.


General Information

The keyword this

  • The instance of this is not bound in an arrow function.
  • The instance of this IS bound to a regular function.
  • Example:
      const coolOuterFunction = () => {
        const coolImage = new Image();
        coolImage.onload = function innerFunction() {
           console.log(this) // this is scoped to innerFunction()
     const coolOuterFunction = () => {
       const coolImage = new Image();
       coolImage.onload = () => {
          console.log(this) // this is scoped to coolOuterFunction()
  • Codepen Example


Classes, new, instanceof, prototype chains and API design by Dan Abramov

Using .call() and .apply()

JavaScript Algorithms

General React Information

JavaScript Clean Code - Best Practices

Api Design

Post Request

  • Incoming post requests will contain data, and this data can be put on the post body.
  • If using axios on the FE, an example would be:, { data: { someKey: 'someValue' } } )
  • In your API on the backend, you can access this data with req.body and see someKey: 'someValue'
  • Alternatively, when you post data on the FE, you can put this data in query params.


General Information

API Querying

  • API calls to 3rd party APIs should be made in the componentDidMount() {} method.

Helper Functions


  • Grab images from within the project directory to map over
  • const importImages = r => ( r.keys().map(r) )
  • const images = importImages(require.context('../img/<Directory>', false, /\.(png|jpe?g|svg)$/));



  • <?= $variable; ?> is equivalent to <?php echo $variable; ?> -- It's just convenient shorthand.

Helper Functions


  • Display logged data in a more readable format to the browser window.
  • function fancyDataLogging($variable) { highlight_string("<?php\nloggedData =\n" . var_export($variable, true) . ";\n?>"); }


Built-in Methods

  • the_post();

    • This method iterates through an array, essentially.
    • It acts similarly to the unary operator, ++.
    • Due to it's similarity to ++, it kind of turns the while loop into a for loop.
    • Use case: While in a while loop, the_post(); will iterate through the array until the while loop condition is false and exits.
    • Developer -- Link to Wordpress Documentation
  • body_class();

    • This method will allow you to pass in a string or array to the body.
    • Use case: If you want to dynamically add CSS classes to the body based on whatever conditional, you can use this method.
    • Developer -- Link to Wordpress Documentation
  • wp_reset_postdata();

    • By default, there is a main WP_Query running.
    • By making a secondary WP_Query ($query = new WP_Query( $args )), you are no longer on the current page's data. You're on whatever page is being returned by the new, secondary WP_Query.
    • In order to return back to the current page's data, you have to use wp_reset_postdata(); to gain access to other built-in Wordpress methods again.
      • Examples are using the Wordpress methods that start with the_, such as the_title(); or the_content();
    • Use case: If you're on page A, and you want data from page B, you can create a new query. Once done with page B's data, you can return to page A with this method.
    • Codex -- Link to Wordpress Documentation


General Information

OAuth 1.0 Authentication over HTTP

  • Create API key in the Wordpress admin with Read/Write access.
  • Enable legacy REST API.
  • Hit the following endpoint: <your url here>/wc-api/v3/products
  • To change the number of results returned, go to: Wordpress admin -> Settings -> Reading -> "Blog pages show at most".
  • oauth_consumer_key, oauth_nonce, oauth_timestamp, oauth_signature_method and oauth_version are all used together at the same time to generate the OAuth 1.0 signature.
  • Use built-in Node.js crypto library with the following: const crypto = require('crypto');
  • Use OAuthSignature NPM package at the following link: NPM Package Link
  • Using the above package, the following snippet of code can be used: const encodedSignature = OAuthSignature.generate(requestMethod, requestURL, parameters, consumerSecret);
  • The parameters variable is made up of: oauth_consumer_key, oauth_nonce, oauth_timestamp, oauth_signature_method and oauth_version
  • If all settings are correct and the OAuth signature is being generated correctly, you can use the Axios library. Axios is at the following link: NPM Package Link


General Information

Accessing the JSON Response

  • onPick is the method that is called to allow uploading.
  • Use the onSuccess property and pass in response for the parameter.
  • In the return, access the url specifically with response.filesUploaded[0].url.
  • You can access other parts of the JSON response by looking into response.filesUploaded[0].


General Information

Creating a Canvas from External Server Content

  • Create canvas with const yourNewCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
  • Define the width and height of the canvas
  • Create the context for the canvas with const yourNewContext = yourNewCanvas.getContext('2d');
  • Create a new image with const yourNewImage = new Image();
  • VERY IMPORTANT -- Set the attribute on your new image BEFORE defining the src.
    • yourNewImage.setAttribute('crossOrigin', 'anonymous');
    • yourNewImage.src = <insert your 3rd party content as the source here>;
  • Call the drawImage() method on yourNewContext like so: yourNewContext.drawImage(yourNewImage, ...define widths and heights here)
  • You may now turn the new canvas into a blob and resolve the blob to an image
  • return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { canvas.toBlob(file => { = fileName; resolve(file); }, 'image/jpeg'); });



Adding a custom CSS class to Shopify forms

  • There is a class filter you can hook into.
  • Example: {% form 'create_customer', class: 'CUSTOM_CLASS_HERE' %}


Seeing all releases of Node

  • nvm ls-remote


Table Information Persists

  • Even when you delete something out of the UI portion of the CMS, the name remains in the database.

Column Character Limit in Postgres

  • The limit is 63 characters, so name your columns accordingly.

Asset Upload Limit

  • The max upload limit for the asset library is initially restricted by your Nginx conf file.
  • Go to /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
  • Make the following change:
http {
  client_max_body_size 10M;
  • This will change the upload size to 10MB.


A repository containing useful code snippets or explanations behind certain functions/methods.







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