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Merge pull request #809 from dhardy/uniform-usize
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Uniform distribution: bias and usize portability
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dhardy committed Jun 3, 2019
2 parents d8a1254 + 0ac3766 commit e108c47
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Showing 6 changed files with 160 additions and 128 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions benches/
Expand Up @@ -149,6 +149,11 @@ distr_int!(distr_uniform_i16, i16, Uniform::new(-500i16, 2000));
distr_int!(distr_uniform_i32, i32, Uniform::new(-200_000_000i32, 800_000_000));
distr_int!(distr_uniform_i64, i64, Uniform::new(3i64, 123_456_789_123));
distr_int!(distr_uniform_i128, i128, Uniform::new(-123_456_789_123i128, 123_456_789_123_456_789));
distr_int!(distr_uniform_usize16, usize, Uniform::new(0usize, 0xb9d7));
distr_int!(distr_uniform_usize32, usize, Uniform::new(0usize, 0x548c0f43));
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
distr_int!(distr_uniform_usize64, usize, Uniform::new(0usize, 0x3a42714f2bf927a8));
distr_int!(distr_uniform_isize, isize, Uniform::new(-1060478432isize, 1858574057));

distr_float!(distr_uniform_f32, f32, Uniform::new(2.26f32, 2.319));
distr_float!(distr_uniform_f64, f64, Uniform::new(2.26f64, 2.319));
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106 changes: 48 additions & 58 deletions src/distributions/
Expand Up @@ -246,14 +246,11 @@ pub trait UniformSampler: Sized {
/// Sample a single value uniformly from a range with inclusive lower bound
/// and exclusive upper bound `[low, high)`.
/// Usually users should not call this directly but instead use
/// `Uniform::sample_single`, which asserts that `low < high` before calling
/// this.
/// Via this method, implementations can provide a method optimized for
/// sampling only a single value from the specified range. The default
/// implementation simply calls `UniformSampler::new` then `sample` on the
/// result.
/// By default this is implemented using
/// `UniformSampler::new(low, high).sample(rng)`. However, for some types
/// more optimal implementations for single usage may be provided via this
/// method (which is the case for integers and floats).
/// Results may not be identical.
fn sample_single<R: Rng + ?Sized, B1, B2>(low: B1, high: B2, rng: &mut R)
-> Self::X
where B1: SampleBorrow<Self::X> + Sized,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -309,31 +306,29 @@ impl<'a, Borrowed> SampleBorrow<Borrowed> for &'a Borrowed where Borrowed: Sampl
/// # Implementation notes
/// For simplicity, we use the same generic struct `UniformInt<X>` for all
/// integer types `X`. This gives us only one field type, `X`; to store unsigned
/// values of this size, we take use the fact that these conversions are no-ops.
/// For a closed range, the number of possible numbers we should generate is
/// `range = (high - low + 1)`. It is not possible to end up with a uniform
/// distribution if we map *all* the random integers that can be generated to
/// this range. We have to map integers from a `zone` that is a multiple of the
/// range. The rest of the integers, that cause a bias, are rejected.
/// `range = (high - low + 1)`. To avoid bias, we must ensure that the size of
/// our sample space, `zone`, is a multiple of `range`; other values must be
/// rejected (by replacing with a new random sample).
/// The problem with `range` is that to cover the full range of the type, it has
/// to store `unsigned_max + 1`, which can't be represented. But if the range
/// covers the full range of the type, no modulus is needed. A range of size 0
/// can't exist, so we use that to represent this special case. Wrapping
/// arithmetic even makes representing `unsigned_max + 1` as 0 simple.
/// As a special case, we use `range = 0` to represent the full range of the
/// result type (i.e. for `new_inclusive($ty::MIN, $ty::MAX)`).
/// We don't calculate `zone` directly, but first calculate the number of
/// integers to reject. To handle `unsigned_max + 1` not fitting in the type,
/// we use:
/// `ints_to_reject = (unsigned_max + 1) % range;`
/// `ints_to_reject = (unsigned_max - range + 1) % range;`
/// The optimum `zone` is the largest product of `range` which fits in our
/// (unsigned) target type. We calculate this by calculating how many numbers we
/// must reject: `reject = (MAX + 1) % range = (MAX - range + 1) % range`. Any (large)
/// product of `range` will suffice, thus in `sample_single` we multiply by a
/// power of 2 via bit-shifting (faster but may cause more rejections).
/// The smallest integer PRNGs generate is `u32`. That is why for small integer
/// sizes (`i8`/`u8` and `i16`/`u16`) there is an optimization: don't pick the
/// largest zone that can fit in the small type, but pick the largest zone that
/// can fit in an `u32`. `ints_to_reject` is always less than half the size of
/// the small integer. This means the first bit of `zone` is always 1, and so
/// are all the other preceding bits of a larger integer. The easiest way to
/// grow the `zone` for the larger type is to simply sign extend it.
/// The smallest integer PRNGs generate is `u32`. For 8- and 16-bit outputs we
/// use `u32` for our `zone` and samples (because it's not slower and because
/// it reduces the chance of having to reject a sample). In this case we cannot
/// store `zone` in the target type since it is too large, however we know
/// `ints_to_reject < range <= $unsigned::MAX`.
/// An alternative to using a modulus is widening multiply: After a widening
/// multiply by `range`, the result is in the high word. Then comparing the low
Expand All @@ -342,12 +337,11 @@ impl<'a, Borrowed> SampleBorrow<Borrowed> for &'a Borrowed where Borrowed: Sampl
pub struct UniformInt<X> {
low: X,
range: X,
zone: X,
z: X, // either ints_to_reject or zone depending on implementation

macro_rules! uniform_int_impl {
($ty:ty, $signed:ty, $unsigned:ident,
$i_large:ident, $u_large:ident) => {
($ty:ty, $unsigned:ident, $u_large:ident) => {
impl SampleUniform for $ty {
type Sampler = UniformInt<$ty>;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -382,34 +376,30 @@ macro_rules! uniform_int_impl {
let high = *high_b.borrow();
assert!(low <= high,
"Uniform::new_inclusive called with `low > high`");
let unsigned_max = ::core::$unsigned::MAX;
let unsigned_max = ::core::$u_large::MAX;

let range = high.wrapping_sub(low).wrapping_add(1) as $unsigned;
let ints_to_reject =
if range > 0 {
let range = range as $u_large;
(unsigned_max - range + 1) % range
} else {
let zone = unsigned_max - ints_to_reject;

UniformInt {
low: low,
// These are really $unsigned values, but store as $ty:
range: range as $ty,
zone: zone as $ty
z: ints_to_reject as $unsigned as $ty

fn sample<R: Rng + ?Sized>(&self, rng: &mut R) -> Self::X {
let range = self.range as $unsigned as $u_large;
if range > 0 {
// Grow `zone` to fit a type of at least 32 bits, by
// sign-extending it (the first bit is always 1, so are all
// the preceding bits of the larger type).
// For types that already have the right size, all the
// casting is a no-op.
let zone = as $signed as $i_large as $u_large;
let unsigned_max = ::core::$u_large::MAX;
let zone = unsigned_max - (self.z as $unsigned as $u_large);
loop {
let v: $u_large = rng.gen();
let (hi, lo) = v.wmul(range);
Expand All @@ -431,7 +421,7 @@ macro_rules! uniform_int_impl {
let low = *low_b.borrow();
let high = *high_b.borrow();
assert!(low < high,
"Uniform::sample_single called with low >= high");
"UniformSampler::sample_single: low >= high");
let range = high.wrapping_sub(low) as $unsigned as $u_large;
let zone =
if ::core::$unsigned::MAX <= ::core::u16::MAX as $unsigned {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -459,20 +449,20 @@ macro_rules! uniform_int_impl {

uniform_int_impl! { i8, i8, u8, i32, u32 }
uniform_int_impl! { i16, i16, u16, i32, u32 }
uniform_int_impl! { i32, i32, u32, i32, u32 }
uniform_int_impl! { i64, i64, u64, i64, u64 }
uniform_int_impl! { i8, u8, u32 }
uniform_int_impl! { i16, u16, u32 }
uniform_int_impl! { i32, u32, u32 }
uniform_int_impl! { i64, u64, u64 }
#[cfg(all(rustc_1_26, not(target_os = "emscripten")))]
uniform_int_impl! { i128, i128, u128, u128, u128 }
uniform_int_impl! { isize, isize, usize, isize, usize }
uniform_int_impl! { u8, i8, u8, i32, u32 }
uniform_int_impl! { u16, i16, u16, i32, u32 }
uniform_int_impl! { u32, i32, u32, i32, u32 }
uniform_int_impl! { u64, i64, u64, i64, u64 }
uniform_int_impl! { usize, isize, usize, isize, usize }
uniform_int_impl! { i128, u128, u128 }
uniform_int_impl! { isize, usize, usize }
uniform_int_impl! { u8, u8, u32 }
uniform_int_impl! { u16, u16, u32 }
uniform_int_impl! { u32, u32, u32 }
uniform_int_impl! { u64, u64, u64 }
uniform_int_impl! { usize, usize, usize }
#[cfg(all(rustc_1_26, not(target_os = "emscripten")))]
uniform_int_impl! { u128, u128, u128, i128, u128 }
uniform_int_impl! { u128, u128, u128 }

#[cfg(all(feature = "simd_support", feature = "nightly"))]
macro_rules! uniform_simd_int_impl {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -534,13 +524,13 @@ macro_rules! uniform_simd_int_impl {
low: low,
// These are really $unsigned values, but store as $ty:
range: range.cast(),
zone: zone.cast(),
z: zone.cast(),

fn sample<R: Rng + ?Sized>(&self, rng: &mut R) -> Self::X {
let range: $unsigned = self.range.cast();
let zone: $unsigned =;
let zone: $unsigned = self.z.cast();

// This might seem very slow, generating a whole new
// SIMD vector for every sample rejection. For most uses
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -736,7 +726,7 @@ macro_rules! uniform_float_impl {
let low = *low_b.borrow();
let high = *high_b.borrow();
"Uniform::sample_single called with low >= high");
"UniformSampler::sample_single: low >= high");
let mut scale = high - low;

loop {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -787,7 +777,7 @@ macro_rules! uniform_float_impl {
let mask = !scale.finite_mask();
if mask.any() {
assert!(low.all_finite() && high.all_finite(),
"Uniform::sample_single called with non-finite boundaries");
"Uniform::sample_single: low and high must be finite");
scale = scale.decrease_masked(mask);
Expand Down

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