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termoshtt committed Sep 7, 2022
1 parent 1ea3a76 commit ea1a629
Showing 1 changed file with 43 additions and 22 deletions.
65 changes: 43 additions & 22 deletions lax/src/
@@ -1,32 +1,53 @@
//! Linear Algebra eXtension (LAX)
//! ===============================
//! ndarray-free safe Rust wrapper for LAPACK FFI
//! Linear equation, Inverse matrix, Condition number
//! --------------------------------------------------
//! `Lapack` trait and sub-traits
//! -------------------------------
//! This crates provides LAPACK wrapper as `impl` of traits to base scalar types.
//! For example, LU factorization to double-precision matrix is provided like:
//! ```ignore
//! impl Solve_ for f64 {
//! fn lu(l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Self]) -> Result<Pivot> { ... }
//! }
//! ```
//! see [Solve_] for detail. You can use it like `f64::lu`:
//! As the property of $A$, several types of triangular factorization are used:
//! ```
//! use lax::{Solve_, layout::MatrixLayout};
//! - LU-decomposition for general matrix
//! - $PA = LU$, where $L$ is lower matrix, $U$ is upper matrix, and $P$ is permutation matrix
//! - Bunch-Kaufman diagonal pivoting method for nonpositive-definite Hermitian matrix
//! - $A = U D U^\dagger$, where $U$ is upper matrix,
//! $D$ is Hermitian and block diagonal with 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks.
//! let mut a = vec![
//! 1.0, 2.0,
//! 3.0, 4.0
//! ];
//! let layout = MatrixLayout::C { row: 2, lda: 2 };
//! let pivot = f64::lu(layout, &mut a).unwrap();
//! ```
//! | matrix type | Triangler factorization (TRF) | Solve (TRS) | Inverse matrix (TRI) | Reciprocal condition number (CON) |
//! |:--------------------------------|:------------------------------|:------------|:---------------------|:----------------------------------|
//! | General (GE) | [lu] | [solve] | [inv] | [rcond] |
//! | Symmetric (SY) / Hermitian (HE) | [bk] | [solveh] | [invh] | - |
//! When you want to write generic algorithm for real and complex matrices,
//! this trait can be used as a trait bound:
//! ```
//! use lax::{Solve_, layout::MatrixLayout, Transpose};
//! fn solve_at_once<T: Solve_>(layout: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [T], b: &mut [T]) -> Result<(), lax::error::Error> {
//! let pivot = T::lu(layout, a)?
//! T::solve(layout, Transpose::No, a, pivot, b)?;
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
//! There are several similar traits as described below to keep development easy.
//! They are merged into a single trait, [Lapack].
//! Linear equation, Inverse matrix, Condition number
//! --------------------------------------------------
//! [lu]: solve/
//! [solve]: solve/trait.Solve_.html#tymethod.solve
//! [inv]: solve/trait.Solve_.html#tymethod.inv
//! [rcond]: solve/trait.Solve_.html#tymethod.rcond
//! According to the property input metrix, several types of triangular factorization are used:
//! [bk]: solveh/trait.Solveh_.html#tymethod.bk
//! [solveh]: solveh/trait.Solveh_.html#tymethod.solveh
//! [invh]: solveh/trait.Solveh_.html#tymethod.invh
//! - [Solve_] trait provides methods for LU-decomposition for general matrix.
//! - [Solveh_] triat provides methods for Bunch-Kaufman diagonal pivoting method for symmetric/hermite indefinite matrix
//! Eigenvalue Problem
//! -------------------
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