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Auto merge of #12609 - rust-lang:renovate/compatible, r=epage
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chore(deps): update compatible

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This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Type | Update | Change |
| [anyhow]( | workspace.dependencies | patch | `1.0.72` -> `1.0.75` |
| [base64]( | workspace.dependencies | patch | `0.21.2` -> `0.21.3` |
| [bytesize]( | workspace.dependencies | minor | `1.2` -> `1.3` |
| [clap]( | workspace.dependencies | minor | `4.3.23` -> `4.4.2` |
| [filetime]( | workspace.dependencies | patch | `0.2.21` -> `0.2.22` |
| [flate2]( | workspace.dependencies | patch | `1.0.26` -> `1.0.27` |
| [memchr]( | workspace.dependencies | minor | `2.5.0` -> `2.6.2` |
| [openssl]( | workspace.dependencies | patch | `0.10.55` -> `0.10.57` |
| [serde-untagged]( | workspace.dependencies | patch | `0.1.0` -> `0.1.1` |
| [serde_json]( | workspace.dependencies | patch | `1.0.104` -> `1.0.105` |
| [snapbox]( ([source]( | workspace.dependencies | patch | `0.4.11` -> `0.4.12` |
| [syn]( | workspace.dependencies | patch | `2.0.28` -> `2.0.29` |
| [tar]( | workspace.dependencies | patch | `0.4.39` -> `0.4.40` |
| [tempfile]( ([source]( | workspace.dependencies | minor | `3.7.0` -> `3.8.0` |
| [thiserror]( | workspace.dependencies | patch | `1.0.44` -> `1.0.47` |
| [unicase]( | workspace.dependencies | minor | `2.6.0` -> `2.7.0` |
| [url]( | workspace.dependencies | patch | `2.4.0` -> `2.4.1` |


### Release Notes

<summary>dtolnay/anyhow (anyhow)</summary>

### [`v1.0.75`](

[Compare Source](

-   Partially work around rust-analyzer bug ([rust-lang/rust-analyzer#9911)

### [`v1.0.74`](

[Compare Source](

-   Add bootstrap workaround to allow rustc to depend on anyhow ([#&#8203;320](, thanks [`@&#8203;RalfJung](`

### [`v1.0.73`](

[Compare Source](

-   Update backtrace support to nightly's new Error::provide API ([rust-lang/rust#113464, [#&#8203;319](


<summary>marshallpierce/rust-base64 (base64)</summary>

### [`v0.21.3`](

[Compare Source](

-   Implement `source` instead of `cause` on Error types
-   Roll back MSRV to 1.48.0 so Debian can continue to live in a time warp
-   Slightly faster chunked encoding for short inputs
-   Decrease binary size


<summary>hyunsik/bytesize (bytesize)</summary>

### [`v1.3.0`]( Release 1.3.0

[Compare Source](

#### Changes

-   Improved performance by eliminating String creation by utilizing the original \&str slice [#&#8203;31]( ([`@&#8203;ChanTsune](`


<summary>clap-rs/clap (clap)</summary>

### [`v4.4.2`](

[Compare Source](

##### Performance

-   Improve build times by removing `once_cell` dependency

### [`v4.4.1`](

[Compare Source](

##### Features

-   Stabilize `Command::styles`

### [`v4.4.0`](

[Compare Source](

##### Compatibility

-   Update MSRV to 1.70.0

### [`v4.3.24`](

[Compare Source](

##### Fixes

-   Ensure column padding is preserved in `--help` with custom templates


<summary>alexcrichton/filetime (filetime)</summary>

### [`v0.2.22`](

[Compare Source](


<summary>rust-lang/flate2-rs (flate2)</summary>

### [`v1.0.27`](

[Compare Source](

#### What's Changed

-   Move GzHeader into GzState by [`@&#8203;jongiddy](` in [rust-lang/flate2-rs#344
-   Move blocked_partial_header_read test to read module by [`@&#8203;jongiddy](` in [rust-lang/flate2-rs#345
-   Move gzip header parsing out of bufread module by [`@&#8203;jongiddy](` in [rust-lang/flate2-rs#346
-   Fix a comment on the `Compression` struct by [`@&#8203;JohnTitor](` in [rust-lang/flate2-rs#351
-   Add notes about multiple streams to `GzDecoder` by [`@&#8203;JohnTitor](` in [rust-lang/flate2-rs#347
-   better error message when compiling with `--no-default-features` or `default-features = false` by [`@&#8203;Byron](` in [rust-lang/flate2-rs#360
-   Fix Read encoder examples by [`@&#8203;markgoddard](` in [rust-lang/flate2-rs#356
-   Add CIFuzz Github action by [`@&#8203;DavidKorczynski](` in [rust-lang/flate2-rs#326
-   Fix GzDecoder Write partial filenames and comments by [`@&#8203;jongiddy](` in [rust-lang/flate2-rs#323
-   Fix header CRC calculation of trailing zeros by [`@&#8203;jongiddy](` in [rust-lang/flate2-rs#363
-   Fix broken link on by [`@&#8203;wcampbell0x2a](` in [rust-lang/flate2-rs#366
-   Recommend MultiGzDecoder over GzDecoder in docs by [`@&#8203;jsha](` in [rust-lang/flate2-rs#324
-   Add functionality for custom (de)compress instances by [`@&#8203;PierreV23](` in [rust-lang/flate2-rs#361
-   Add maintenance document by [`@&#8203;Byron](` in [rust-lang/flate2-rs#362
-   Document that `read::GzDecoder` consumes bytes after end of gzip by [`@&#8203;jongiddy](` in [rust-lang/flate2-rs#367
-   prepare 1.0.27 release by [`@&#8203;Byron](` in [rust-lang/flate2-rs#369

#### New Contributors

-   [`@&#8203;Byron](` made their first contribution in [rust-lang/flate2-rs#360
-   [`@&#8203;markgoddard](` made their first contribution in [rust-lang/flate2-rs#356
-   [`@&#8203;jsha](` made their first contribution in [rust-lang/flate2-rs#324
-   [`@&#8203;PierreV23](` made their first contribution in [rust-lang/flate2-rs#361

**Full Changelog**: rust-lang/flate2-rs@1.0.26...1.0.27


<summary>BurntSushi/memchr (memchr)</summary>

### [`v2.6.2`](

[Compare Source](

### [`v2.6.1`](

[Compare Source](

### [`v2.6.0`](

[Compare Source](


<summary>sfackler/rust-openssl (openssl)</summary>

### [`v0.10.57`](

[Compare Source](

#### What's Changed

-   Expose chacha20\_poly1305 on LibreSSL by [`@&#8203;alex](` in [sfackler/rust-openssl#2011
-   Add openssl::cipher_ctx::CipherCtx::clone by [`@&#8203;johntyner](` in [sfackler/rust-openssl#2017
-   Add X509VerifyParam::set_email by [`@&#8203;dhouck](` in [sfackler/rust-openssl#2018
-   Add perl-FindBin dep for fedora by [`@&#8203;JadedBlueEyes](` in [sfackler/rust-openssl#2023
-   Update to bitflags 2.2.1. by [`@&#8203;qwandor](` in [sfackler/rust-openssl#1906
-   Release openssl v0.10.57 and openssl-sys v0.9.92 by [`@&#8203;alex](` in [sfackler/rust-openssl#2025

#### New Contributors

-   [`@&#8203;johntyner](` made their first contribution in [sfackler/rust-openssl#2017
-   [`@&#8203;dhouck](` made their first contribution in [sfackler/rust-openssl#2018
-   [`@&#8203;JadedBlueEyes](` made their first contribution in [sfackler/rust-openssl#2023
-   [`@&#8203;qwandor](` made their first contribution in [sfackler/rust-openssl#1906

**Full Changelog**: sfackler/rust-openssl@openssl-v0.10.56...openssl-v0.10.57

### [`v0.10.56`]( openssl v0.10.56

[Compare Source](


<summary>dtolnay/serde-untagged (serde-untagged)</summary>

### [`v0.1.1`](

[Compare Source](


<summary>serde-rs/json (serde_json)</summary>

### [`v1.0.105`](

[Compare Source](

-   Support bool in map keys ([#&#8203;1054](


<summary>assert-rs/trycmd (snapbox)</summary>

### [`v0.4.12`](

[Compare Source](


<summary>dtolnay/syn (syn)</summary>

### [`v2.0.29`](

[Compare Source](

-   Partially work around rust-analyzer bug ([rust-lang/rust-analyzer#9911)


<summary>alexcrichton/tar-rs (tar)</summary>

### [`v0.4.40`](

[Compare Source](


<summary>Stebalien/tempfile (tempfile)</summary>

### [`v3.8.0`](

[Compare Source](

-   Added `with_prefix` and `with_prefix_in` to `TempDir` and `NamedTempFile` to make it easier to create temporary files/directories with nice prefixes.
-   Misc cleanups.

### [`v3.7.1`](

[Compare Source](

-   Tempfile builds on haiku again.
-   Under the hood, we've switched from the unlinkat/linkat syscalls to the regular unlink/link syscalls where possible.


<summary>dtolnay/thiserror (thiserror)</summary>

### [`v1.0.47`](

[Compare Source](

-   Work around rust-analyzer bug ([rust-lang/rust-analyzer#9911)

### [`v1.0.46`](

[Compare Source](

-   Add bootstrap workaround to allow rustc to depend on thiserror ([#&#8203;248](, thanks [`@&#8203;RalfJung](`

### [`v1.0.45`](

[Compare Source](

-   Update backtrace support to nightly's new Error::provide API ([rust-lang/rust#113464, [#&#8203;246](


<summary>seanmonstar/unicase (unicase)</summary>

### [`v2.7.0`](

[Compare Source](

#### What's Changed

-   Update to Unicode 15.0.0 by [`@&#8203;seanmonstar](` in [seanmonstar/unicase#59


<summary>servo/rust-url (url)</summary>

### [`v2.4.1`](

[Compare Source](

##### What's Changed

-   Move debugger_visualizer tests to separate crate by [`@&#8203;lucacasonato](` in [servo/rust-url#853
-   Remove obsolete badge references by [`@&#8203;atouchet](` in [servo/rust-url#852
-   Fix trailing spaces in scheme / pathname / search setters by [`@&#8203;lucacasonato](` in [servo/rust-url#848
-   fix: implement std::error::Error for data-url by [`@&#8203;lucacasonato](` in [servo/rust-url#698
-   Enable the GitHub merge queue by [`@&#8203;mrobinson](` in [servo/rust-url#851
-   Rewrite WPT runner by [`@&#8203;lucacasonato](` in [servo/rust-url#857
-   Implement std::error::Error for InvalidBase64 by [`@&#8203;lucacasonato](` in [servo/rust-url#856
-   Add `--generate-link-to-definition` option when building on by [`@&#8203;GuillaumeGomez](` in [servo/rust-url#858
-   Stabilize debugger_visualizer feature by [`@&#8203;lucacasonato](` in [servo/rust-url#855
-   Update WPT data and expectations by [`@&#8203;lucacasonato](` in [servo/rust-url#859
-   Fix no_std Support for idna by [`@&#8203;domenukk](` in [servo/rust-url#843
-   Fix panic in set_path for file URLs  by [`@&#8203;valenting](` in [servo/rust-url#865

##### New Contributors

-   [`@&#8203;mrobinson](` made their first contribution in [servo/rust-url#851
-   [`@&#8203;GuillaumeGomez](` made their first contribution in [servo/rust-url#858
-   [`@&#8203;domenukk](` made their first contribution in [servo/rust-url#843

**Full Changelog**: servo/rust-url@v2.4.0...v2.4.1



### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - "before 5am on the first day of the month" (UTC), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

👻 **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get [config help]( if that's undesired.


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bors committed Sep 1, 2023
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