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Refine links in docs for the chain! macro
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tranzystorekk committed May 2, 2021
1 parent ba7d4e2 commit dcb6f77
Showing 1 changed file with 5 additions and 8 deletions.
13 changes: 5 additions & 8 deletions src/
Expand Up @@ -354,31 +354,28 @@ macro_rules! izip {
/// The comma-separated arguments must implement [`IntoIterator`].
/// The final argument may be followed by a trailing comma.
/// [`chain`]:
/// [`IntoIterator`]:
/// [`chain`]: Iterator::chain
/// # Examples
/// [`iter::empty`]:
/// Empty invocations of `chain!` expand to an invocation of [`iter::empty`]:
/// Empty invocations of `chain!` expand to an invocation of [`std::iter::empty`]:
/// ```
/// # use std::iter;
/// use std::iter;
/// use itertools::chain;
/// let _: iter::Empty<()> = chain!();
/// let _: iter::Empty<i8> = chain!();
/// ```
/// Invocations of `chain!` with one argument expand to [`arg.into_iter()`][`IntoIterator`]:
/// Invocations of `chain!` with one argument expand to [`arg.into_iter()`](IntoIterator):
/// ```
/// use std::{ops::Range, slice};
/// use itertools::chain;
/// let _: <Range<_> as IntoIterator>::IntoIter = chain!((2..6),); // trailing comma optional!
/// let _: <&[_] as IntoIterator>::IntoIter = chain!(&[2, 3, 4]);
/// ```
/// Invocations of `chain!` with multiple arguments [`.into_iter()`][`IntoIterator`] each
/// Invocations of `chain!` with multiple arguments [`.into_iter()`](IntoIterator) each
/// argument, and then [`chain`] them together:
/// ```
/// use std::{iter::*, ops::Range, slice};
Expand Down

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