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Example App for Ruby-Hyperloop with opal-webpack-loader


  • webpack based build process (no sprockets/no webpacker)
  • fast builds
  • source maps
  • hot reloads for hyperloop code
  • hot reloads for css/sass
  • hot reloads for app/views
  • minification and compression for production
  • other webpack features possible
  • opal ruby with automatic ES6 imports/exports


are all listed in detail in the Gemfile and package.json. Notable:

  • opal es6_import_export branch (based on master 0.11.1-dev)
  • hyperloop pinata branch (based on lap28)
  • opal-webpack-loader
  • opal-webpack-resolver-plugin
  • opal-webpack-compile-server
  • webpack >= 4.10
  • yarn >= 1.7
  • node >= 10

for running the servers in development: a foreman compatible runner, for example node-foreman

npm i -g node-foreman

(we had problems with the ruby foreman)

Introduction to configuration

for managing javascript dependencies yarn is recommended and used here. All dependencies are listed in package.json in the app root directory. To install all dependencies run yarn install.

Packages used in the browser must then be imported in


The files in this directory are configured as entry points for the webpack build process.

The webpack configuration is in


Each environment has its own config. The actual build commands refer to the environment configs. The build commands are configured in package.json, in the scripts section. There are:

  • yarn run build, refers to config/webpack/production.js, build the production assets
  • yarn run start, refers to config/webpack/development.js, starts webpack-serve to provide assets for development and hot reloading
  • yarn run test, refers to config/webpack/test.js, did not receive much attention yet

config/webpack/development.js, config/webpack/development.js and app/javascript/app.js are commented in details, please see there for further configuration details.

hyperloop requires and imports are in app/hyperloop/hyperloop_webpack_loader.rb

Accessing assets from the app

The standard rails javascript_include_tag alone is not very useful here. To support the different asset sources (production assets with hashes in the filenames, development assets from webpack-serve, etc) a owl_include_tag is provided in app/helpers/application_helper.rb. See example usage in the app/views/layouts/*. To resolve the assets with hashes in the filename for production, the webpack manifest is consulted by the OpalWebpackManifest, located in config/initalizers/assets.rb.

Lazy Loading Components

Is done using react-loadable and webpack imports. Webpack automatically creates and loads at runtime the necessary chunks of javascript. Example is in app/hyperloop/components/app.rb with the lazy loaded component being app/hyperloop/components/lazy.rb

Mobile Apps from the same code base

Included is a example config for cordova. Webpack simply builds a bundle, which is imported from the cordova main app.js. If hyper-router is used, the initial routes of the various platforms must be considered, they are empty or pint to index.html. Certain Hyperloop config and the initial component to be mounted must be configured for the app, this is done in cordova/www/index.html.

To get going:

  • install cordova and the required platform development kits (XCode for IOS, Android Studio for Android etc.)
  • go to app root, run yarn run cordova, it will build the app js chunks for the cordova app and store it in cordova/www/js/app
  • go to the cordova directory, do a yarn install, and run the appropriate cordova commands, like cordova run browser
  • enjoy the app

In principle the config works the same way for react-native or electron.

Deploy to Heroku (or others)

include the heroku/nodejs buildpack to get recent node, yarn and webpack. Likewise for others.

TL;DR; Running this app

  1. git clone
  2. yarn install
  3. bundle install
  4. nf start
  5. browse to http://localhost:5000


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