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Merge pull request #370 from svenfuchs/revert-236-nil_errors
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Revert "Don't allow nil to be submitted as a key to i18n.translate()"
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radar committed May 31, 2017
2 parents 1e65808 + 062dcb0 commit f331b76
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Showing 10 changed files with 42 additions and 54 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions lib/i18n.rb
Expand Up @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ def translate(*args)
handling = options.delete(:throw) && :throw || options.delete(:raise) && :raise # TODO deprecate :raise

raise I18n::ArgumentError if key.nil? || (key.is_a?(String) && key.empty?)
raise I18n::ArgumentError if key.is_a?(String) && key.empty?

result = catch(:exception) do
if key.is_a?(Array)
Expand All @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ def translate!(key, options={})

# Returns true if a translation exists for a given key, otherwise returns false.
def exists?(key, locale = config.locale)
raise I18n::ArgumentError if key.nil? || (key.is_a?(String) && key.empty?)
raise I18n::ArgumentError if key.is_a?(String) && key.empty?
config.backend.exists?(locale, key)

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/i18n/backend/fallbacks.rb
Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ def translate(locale, key, options = {})
@fallback_locked = false

return super(locale, key, options.merge(:default => default)) if default
return super(locale, nil, options.merge(:default => default)) if default
throw(:exception,, key, options))

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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions lib/i18n/tests/defaults.rb
Expand Up @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ def setup

test "defaults: given nil as a key it returns the given default" do
assert_equal 'default', I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :default => 'default')
assert_equal 'default', I18n.t(nil, :default => 'default')

test "defaults: given a symbol as a default it translates the symbol" do
assert_equal 'bar', I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :default => :'')
assert_equal 'bar', I18n.t(nil, :default => :'')

test "defaults: given a symbol as a default and a scope it stays inside the scope when looking up the symbol" do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ def setup
test "defaults: using a custom scope separator" do
# data must have been stored using the custom separator when using the ActiveRecord backend
I18n.backend.store_translations(:en, { :foo => { :bar => 'bar' } }, { :separator => '|' })
assert_equal 'bar', I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :default => :'foo|bar', :separator => '|')
assert_equal 'bar', I18n.t(nil, :default => :'foo|bar', :separator => '|')
Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions lib/i18n/tests/pluralization.rb
Expand Up @@ -4,31 +4,31 @@ module I18n
module Tests
module Pluralization
test "pluralization: given 0 it returns the :zero translation if it is defined" do
assert_equal 'zero', I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :default => { :zero => 'zero' }, :count => 0)
assert_equal 'zero', I18n.t(:default => { :zero => 'zero' }, :count => 0)

test "pluralization: given 0 it returns the :other translation if :zero is not defined" do
assert_equal 'bars', I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :default => { :other => 'bars' }, :count => 0)
assert_equal 'bars', I18n.t(:default => { :other => 'bars' }, :count => 0)

test "pluralization: given 1 it returns the singular translation" do
assert_equal 'bar', I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :default => { :one => 'bar' }, :count => 1)
assert_equal 'bar', I18n.t(:default => { :one => 'bar' }, :count => 1)

test "pluralization: given 2 it returns the :other translation" do
assert_equal 'bars', I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :default => { :other => 'bars' }, :count => 2)
assert_equal 'bars', I18n.t(:default => { :other => 'bars' }, :count => 2)

test "pluralization: given 3 it returns the :other translation" do
assert_equal 'bars', I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :default => { :other => 'bars' }, :count => 3)
assert_equal 'bars', I18n.t(:default => { :other => 'bars' }, :count => 3)

test "pluralization: given nil it returns the whole entry" do
assert_equal({ :one => 'bar' }, I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :default => { :one => 'bar' }, :count => nil))
assert_equal({ :one => 'bar' }, I18n.t(:default => { :one => 'bar' }, :count => nil))

test "pluralization: given incomplete pluralization data it raises I18n::InvalidPluralizationData" do
assert_raise(I18n::InvalidPluralizationData) { I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :default => { :one => 'bar' }, :count => 2) }
assert_raise(I18n::InvalidPluralizationData) { I18n.t(:default => { :one => 'bar' }, :count => 2) }
Expand Down
24 changes: 12 additions & 12 deletions lib/i18n/tests/procs.rb
Expand Up @@ -3,47 +3,47 @@
module I18n
module Tests
module Procs
test "lookup: given a translation is a Proc it calls the Proc with the key and interpolation values" do
test "lookup: given a translation is a proc it calls the proc with the key and interpolation values" do
I18n.backend.store_translations(:en, :a_lambda => lambda { |*args| I18n::Tests::Procs.filter_args(*args) })
assert_equal '[:a_lambda, {:foo=>"foo"}]', I18n.t(:a_lambda, :foo => 'foo')

test "defaults: given a default is a Proc it calls it with the key and interpolation values" do
proc = lambda { |*args| I18n::Tests::Procs.filter_args(*args) }
assert_equal '[:does_not_exist, {:foo=>"foo"}]', I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :default => proc, :foo => 'foo')
assert_equal '[nil, {:foo=>"foo"}]', I18n.t(nil, :default => proc, :foo => 'foo')

test "defaults: given a default is a key that resolves to a Proc it calls it with the key and interpolation values" do
the_lambda = lambda { |*args| I18n::Tests::Procs.filter_args(*args) }
I18n.backend.store_translations(:en, :a_lambda => the_lambda)
assert_equal '[:a_lambda, {:foo=>"foo"}]', I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :default => :a_lambda, :foo => 'foo')
assert_equal '[:a_lambda, {:foo=>"foo"}]', I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :default => [nil, :a_lambda], :foo => 'foo')
assert_equal '[:a_lambda, {:foo=>"foo"}]', I18n.t(nil, :default => :a_lambda, :foo => 'foo')
assert_equal '[:a_lambda, {:foo=>"foo"}]', I18n.t(nil, :default => [nil, :a_lambda], :foo => 'foo')

test "interpolation: given an interpolation value is a lambda it calls it with key and values before interpolating it" do
proc = lambda { |*args| I18n::Tests::Procs.filter_args(*args) }
assert_match %r(\[\{:foo=>#<Proc.*>\}\]), I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :default => '%{foo}', :foo => proc)
assert_match %r(\[\{:foo=>#<Proc.*>\}\]), I18n.t(nil, :default => '%{foo}', :foo => proc)

test "interpolation: given a key resolves to a Proc that returns a string then interpolation still works" do
proc = lambda { |*args| "%{foo}: " + I18n::Tests::Procs.filter_args(*args) }
assert_equal 'foo: [:does_not_exist, {:foo=>"foo"}]', I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :default => proc, :foo => 'foo')
assert_equal 'foo: [nil, {:foo=>"foo"}]', I18n.t(nil, :default => proc, :foo => 'foo')

test "pluralization: given a key resolves to a Proc that returns valid data then pluralization still works" do
proc = lambda { |*args| { :zero => 'zero', :one => 'one', :other => 'other' } }
assert_equal 'zero', I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :default => proc, :count => 0)
assert_equal 'one', I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :default => proc, :count => 1)
assert_equal 'other', I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :default => proc, :count => 2)
assert_equal 'zero', I18n.t(:default => proc, :count => 0)
assert_equal 'one', I18n.t(:default => proc, :count => 1)
assert_equal 'other', I18n.t(:default => proc, :count => 2)

test "lookup: given the option :resolve => false was passed it does not resolve Proc translations" do
test "lookup: given the option :resolve => false was passed it does not resolve proc translations" do
I18n.backend.store_translations(:en, :a_lambda => lambda { |*args| I18n::Tests::Procs.filter_args(*args) })
assert_equal Proc, I18n.t(:a_lambda, :resolve => false).class

test "lookup: given the option :resolve => false was passed it does not resolve Proc default" do
assert_equal Proc, I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :default => lambda { |*args| I18n::Tests::Procs.filter_args(*args) }, :resolve => false).class
test "lookup: given the option :resolve => false was passed it does not resolve proc default" do
assert_equal Proc, I18n.t(nil, :default => lambda { |*args| I18n::Tests::Procs.filter_args(*args) }, :resolve => false).class

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/backend/cascade_test.rb
Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def lookup(key, options = {})

test "cascades defaults, too" do
assert_equal 'foo', lookup(:does_not_exist, :default => [:'missing.missing', :''])
assert_equal 'foo', lookup(nil, :default => [:'missing.missing', :''])

test "works with :offset => 2 and a single key" do
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions test/backend/chain_test.rb
Expand Up @@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ def setup

test "default" do
assert_equal 'Fuh', I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :default => 'Fuh')
assert_equal 'Zero', I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :default => { :zero => 'Zero' }, :count => 0)
assert_equal({ :zero => 'Zero' }, I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :default => { :zero => 'Zero' }))
assert_equal 'Foo', I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :default => :foo)
assert_equal 'Fuh', I18n.t(:default => 'Fuh')
assert_equal 'Zero', I18n.t(:default => { :zero => 'Zero' }, :count => 0)
assert_equal({ :zero => 'Zero' }, I18n.t(:default => { :zero => 'Zero' }))
assert_equal 'Foo', I18n.t(:default => :foo)

test 'default is returned if translation is missing' do
Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions test/backend/pluralization_test.rb
Expand Up @@ -19,24 +19,24 @@ def setup

test "pluralization picks :one for 1" do
assert_equal 'one', I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :count => 1, :default => @entry, :locale => :xx)
assert_equal 'one', I18n.t(:count => 1, :default => @entry, :locale => :xx)

test "pluralization picks :few for 2" do
assert_equal 'few', I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :count => 2, :default => @entry, :locale => :xx)
assert_equal 'few', I18n.t(:count => 2, :default => @entry, :locale => :xx)

test "pluralization picks :many for 11" do
assert_equal 'many', I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :count => 11, :default => @entry, :locale => :xx)
assert_equal 'many', I18n.t(:count => 11, :default => @entry, :locale => :xx)

test "pluralization picks zero for 0 if the key is contained in the data" do
assert_equal 'zero', I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :count => 0, :default => @entry, :locale => :xx)
assert_equal 'zero', I18n.t(:count => 0, :default => @entry, :locale => :xx)

test "pluralization picks few for 0 if the key is not contained in the data" do
assert_equal 'few', I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :count => 0, :default => @entry, :locale => :xx)
assert_equal 'few', I18n.t(:count => 0, :default => @entry, :locale => :xx)

test "Fallbacks can pick up rules from fallback locales, too" do
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/backend/simple_test.rb
Expand Up @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ def setup

# useful because this way we can use the backend with no key for interpolation/pluralization
test "simple backend translate: given an invalid key it still interpolates the default value" do
assert_equal "Hi David", I18n.t(:does_not_exist, :default => "Hi %{name}", :name => "David")
test "simple backend translate: given nil as a key it still interpolations the default value" do
assert_equal "Hi David", I18n.t(nil, :default => "Hi %{name}", :name => "David")

# loading translations
Expand Down
22 changes: 5 additions & 17 deletions test/i18n_test.rb
Expand Up @@ -216,10 +216,6 @@ def setup
assert_raise(I18n::ArgumentError) { I18n.t("") }

test "translate given nil as a key raises an I18n::ArgumentError" do
assert_raise(I18n::ArgumentError) { I18n.t(nil) }

test "translate given an unavailable locale rases an I18n::InvalidLocale" do
I18n.config.enforce_available_locales = true
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -262,14 +258,6 @@ def setup
assert_equal false, I18n.exists?(:bogus)

test "exists? given an empty string will raise an error" do
assert_raise(I18n::ArgumentError) { I18n.exists?("") }

test "exists? given nil will raise an error" do
assert_raise(I18n::ArgumentError) { I18n.exists?(nil) }

test "exists? given an existing dot-separated key will return true" do
assert_equal true, I18n.exists?('currency.format.delimiter')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -417,17 +405,17 @@ def call(exception, locale, key, options); key; end
I18n.config.enforce_available_locales = false

test 'I18n.reload! reloads the set of locales that are enforced' do
# Clear the backend that affects the available locales and somehow can remain
# set from the last running test.
# For instance, it contains enough translations to cause a false positive with
# this test when ran with --seed=50992
I18n.backend =

assert !I18n.available_locales.include?(:de), "Available locales should not include :de at this point"

I18n.enforce_available_locales = true

assert_raise(I18n::InvalidLocale) { I18n.default_locale = :de }
Expand All @@ -443,11 +431,11 @@ def call(exception, locale, key, options); key; end
store_translations(:en, :foo => 'Foo in :en')
store_translations(:de, :foo => 'Foo in :de')
store_translations(:pl, :foo => 'Foo in :pl')

assert I18n.available_locales.include?(:de), ":de should now be allowed"
assert I18n.available_locales.include?(:en), ":en should now be allowed"
assert I18n.available_locales.include?(:pl), ":pl should now be allowed"

assert_nothing_raised { I18n.default_locale = I18n.locale = :en }
assert_nothing_raised { I18n.default_locale = I18n.locale = :de }
assert_nothing_raised { I18n.default_locale = I18n.locale = :pl }
Expand Down

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