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Fix token position functions for Elixir >= 1.9.0
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rrrene committed Jun 26, 2019
1 parent b2fb133 commit 353b46c
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Showing 4 changed files with 267 additions and 4 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .tool-versions
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
erlang 21.2.3
elixir 1.8.2
elixir 1.9.0
44 changes: 43 additions & 1 deletion lib/credo/code/interpolation_helper.ex
Expand Up @@ -153,6 +153,8 @@ defmodule Credo.Code.InterpolationHelper do, &find_interpolations(&1, source))

# Elixir < 1.9.0
# {{1, 25, 32}, [{:identifier, {1, 27, 31}, :name}]}
defp find_interpolations({{_line_no, _col_start2, _}, _list} = token, source) do
{line_no, col_start, line_no_end, col_end} = Token.position(token)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,7 +188,47 @@ defmodule Credo.Code.InterpolationHelper do
{line_no, col_start, line_no_end, col_end + padding}

defp find_interpolations(_value, _source), do: nil
# Elixir >= 1.9.0
# {{1, 25, nil}, {1, 31, nil}, [{:identifier, {1, 27, nil}, :name}]}
defp find_interpolations(
{{_line_no, _col_start, nil}, {_line_no2, _col_start2, nil}, _list} = token,
) do
{line_no, col_start, line_no_end, col_end} = Token.position(token)

{line_no, col_start, line_no_end, col_end}
# |> IO.inspect()

col_end =
if line_no_end > line_no && col_end == 1 do
# This means we encountered :eol and jumped in the next line.
# We need to add the closing `}`.
col_end + 1

line = get_line(source, line_no_end)

# `col_end - 1` to account for the closing `}`
rest_of_line = get_rest_of_line(line, col_end - 1)

# IO.inspect(rest_of_line, label: "rest_of_line")

padding = determine_padding_at_start_of_line(rest_of_line, ~r/^\s*\}/)

# -1 to remove the accounted-for `}`
padding = max(padding - 1, 0)

# IO.inspect(padding, label: "padding")

{line_no, col_start, line_no_end, col_end + padding}

defp find_interpolations(_value, _source) do

defp determine_padding_at_start_of_line(line, regex \\ ~r/^\s+/) do
Expand Down
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions lib/credo/code/token.ex
Expand Up @@ -74,6 +74,12 @@ defmodule Credo.Code.Token do
position_tuple_for_quoted_string(atom_or_charlist, line_no, col_start)

# Elixir >= 1.9.0 tuple syntax
def position({{line_no, col_start, nil}, {_line_no2, _col_start2, nil}, atom_or_charlist}) do
position_tuple_for_quoted_string(atom_or_charlist, line_no, col_start)

# Elixir < 1.9.0 tuple syntax
def position({_, {line_no, col_start, _}, atom_or_charlist}) do
position_tuple(atom_or_charlist, line_no, col_start)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,6 +157,8 @@ defmodule Credo.Code.Token do
Enum.reduce(list, {line_no, col_start, nil}, &reduce_to_col_end/2)

# Elixir < 1.9.0
# {{1, 25, 32}, [{:identifier, {1, 27, 31}, :name}]}
defp convert_to_col_end(_, _, {{line_no, col_start, _}, list}) do
{line_no_end, col_end, _terminator} = convert_to_col_end(line_no, col_start, list)
Expand All @@ -161,6 +169,22 @@ defmodule Credo.Code.Token do
{line_no_end, col_end, :interpolation}

# Elixir >= 1.9.0
# {{1, 25, nil}, {1, 31, nil}, [{:identifier, {1, 27, nil}, :name}]}
defp convert_to_col_end(
{{line_no, col_start, nil}, {_line_no2, _col_start2, nil}, list}
) do
{line_no_end, col_end, _terminator} = convert_to_col_end(line_no, col_start, list)

# add 1 for } (closing parens of interpolation)
col_end = col_end + 1

{line_no_end, col_end, :interpolation}

defp convert_to_col_end(_, _, {:eol, {line_no, col_start, _}}) do
{line_no, col_start, :eol}
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201 changes: 199 additions & 2 deletions test/credo/code/token_test.exs
Expand Up @@ -21,8 +21,205 @@ defmodule Credo.Code.TokenTest do
@no_interpolations_source ~S[134 + 145]
@no_interpolations_position {1, 7, 1, 10}

# Elixir >= 1.6.0
if Version.match?(System.version(), ">= 1.6.0-rc") do
# Elixir >= 1.9.0
if Version.match?(System.version(), ">= 1.9.0") do
@single_interpolations_list_string_source ~S[a = 'MyModule.SubModule.#{name}']
@single_interpolations_list_string_position {1, 5, 1, 33}

@tag :token_position
test "should give correct token position" do
source = @no_interpolations_source
tokens = Credo.Code.to_tokens(source)

expected = [
{:int, {1, 1, 134}, '134'},
{:dual_op, {1, 5, nil}, :+},
{:int, {1, 7, 145}, '145'}

assert expected == tokens

position = expected |> List.last() |> Token.position()

assert @no_interpolations_position == position

@tag :token_position
test "should give correct token position with a single interpolation" do
source = @single_interpolations_bin_string_source
tokens = Credo.Code.to_tokens(source)

expected = [
{:identifier, {1, 1, nil}, :a},
{:match_op, {1, 3, nil}, :=},
{:bin_string, {1, 5, nil},
{{1, 25, nil}, {1, 31, nil}, [{:identifier, {1, 27, nil}, :name}]}

assert expected == tokens

position = expected |> List.last() |> Token.position()

assert @single_interpolations_bin_string_position == position

@tag :token_position
test "should give correct token position with a single interpolation with list string" do
source = @single_interpolations_list_string_source
tokens = Credo.Code.to_tokens(source)

expected = [
{:identifier, {1, 1, nil}, :a},
{:match_op, {1, 3, nil}, :=},
{:list_string, {1, 5, nil},
{{1, 25, nil}, {1, 31, nil}, [{:identifier, {1, 27, nil}, :name}]}

assert expected == tokens

position = expected |> List.last() |> Token.position()

assert @single_interpolations_list_string_position == position

@tag :token_position
test "should give correct token position with multiple interpolations" do
source = @multiple_interpolations_source
tokens = Credo.Code.to_tokens(source)

expected = [
{:identifier, {1, 1, nil}, :a},
{:match_op, {1, 3, nil}, :=},
{:bin_string, {1, 5, nil},
{{1, 15, nil}, {1, 40, nil},
{:paren_identifier, {1, 17, nil}, :fun},
{:"(", {1, 20, nil}},
{:alias, {1, 21, nil}, :Module},
{:., {1, 27, nil}},
{:paren_identifier, {1, 28, nil}, :value},
{:"(", {1, 33, nil}},
{:")", {1, 34, nil}},
{:dual_op, {1, 36, nil}, :+},
{:int, {1, 38, 1}, '1'},
{:")", {1, 39, nil}}
{{1, 52, nil}, {1, 58, nil}, [{:identifier, {1, 54, nil}, :name}]}

assert expected == tokens

position = expected |> List.last() |> Token.position()

assert @multiple_interpolations_position == position

@tag :to_be_implemented
@tag :token_position
test "should give correct token position with multiple interpolations in heredoc" do
source = @heredoc_interpolations_source
tokens = Credo.Code.to_tokens(source)

expected = [
{:identifier, {1, 1, nil}, :def},
{:paren_identifier, {1, 5, nil}, :fun},
{:"(", {1, 8, nil}},
{:")", {1, 9, nil}},
{:do, {1, 11, nil}},
{:eol, {1, 13, 1}},
{:identifier, {2, 3, nil}, :a},
{:match_op, {2, 5, nil}, :=},
{:bin_heredoc, {2, 7, nil},
{{3, 10, 3},
{:paren_identifier, {3, 12, nil}, :fun},
{:"(", {3, 15, nil}},
{:alias, {3, 16, nil}, :Module},
{:., {3, 22, nil}},
{:paren_identifier, {3, 23, nil}, :value},
{:"(", {3, 28, nil}},
{:")", {3, 29, nil}},
{:dual_op, {3, 31, nil}, :+},
{:int, {3, 33, 1}, '1'},
{:")", {3, 34, nil}}
{{3, 47, 3}, [{:identifier, {3, 49, nil}, :name}]},
{:eol, {4, 1, 1}},
{:end, {5, 1, nil}},
{:eol, {5, 4, 1}}

assert expected == tokens

position = expected |> List.last() |> Token.position()

assert @heredoc_interpolations_position == position

@tag needs_elixir: "1.7.0"
test "should give correct token position for map" do
source = ~S(%{"some-atom-with-quotes": "#{filename} world"})
tokens = Credo.Code.to_tokens(source)

expected = [
{:%{}, {1, 1, nil}},
{:"{", {1, 2, nil}},
{:kw_identifier_unsafe, {1, 3, nil}, ["some-atom-with-quotes"]},
{:bin_string, {1, 28, nil},
[{{1, 29, nil}, {1, 39, nil}, [{:identifier, {1, 31, nil}, :filename}]}, " world"]},
{:"}", {1, 47, nil}}

assert expected == tokens

position = expected |> Enum.take(4) |> List.last() |> Token.position()

assert {1, 28, 1, 47} == position

test "should give correct token position for map /2" do
source = ~S(%{some_atom_with_quotes: "#{filename} world"})
tokens = Credo.Code.to_tokens(source)

expected = [
{:%{}, {1, 1, nil}},
{:"{", {1, 2, nil}},
{:kw_identifier, {1, 3, nil}, :some_atom_with_quotes},
{:bin_string, {1, 26, nil},
[{{1, 27, nil}, {1, 37, nil}, [{:identifier, {1, 29, nil}, :filename}]}, " world"]},
{:"}", {1, 45, nil}}

assert expected == tokens

position = expected |> Enum.take(4) |> List.last() |> Token.position()

assert {1, 26, 1, 45} == position


# Elixir >= 1.6.0 && < 1.9.0
if Version.match?(System.version(), ">= 1.6.0-rc") &&
Version.match?(System.version(), "< 1.9.0") do
@single_interpolations_list_string_source ~S[a = 'MyModule.SubModule.#{name}']
@single_interpolations_list_string_position {1, 5, 1, 33}

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