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List of tokens

Robin Dupret edited this page Jan 31, 2017 · 4 revisions

The HTML which is generated by Rouge is based on a list of token. Each piece of code is associated to a token. Here the list of tokens that Rouge supports. This list is based on list of builitin tokens of Pygments :

Note that in lexers you will access these tokens as constants, as in Keyword::Constant, and you may use the special aliases Str for Literal::String and Num for Literal::Number.

Token name Token shortname Description
Text Any type of text data
Text.Whitespace w Specially highlighted whitespace
Error err Lexer errors
Other x Token for data not matched by a parser (e.g. HTML markup in PHP code)
Keyword k Any keyword
Keyword.Constant kc Keywords that are constants
Keyword.Declaration kd Keywords used for variable declaration (e.g. var in javascript)
Keyword.Namespace kn Keywords used for namespace declarations
Keyword.Pseudo kp Keywords that aren't really keywords
Keyword.Reserved kr Keywords which are reserved (such as end in Ruby)
Keyword.Type kt Keywords wich refer to a type id (such as int in C)
Name n Variable/function names
Name.Attribute na Attributes (in HTML for instance)
Name.Builtin nb Builtin names which are available in the global namespace
Name.Builtin.Pseudo bp Builtin names that are implicit (such as self in Ruby)
Name.Class nc For class declaration
Name.Constant no For constants
Name.Decorator nd For decorators in languages such as Python or Java
Name.Entity ni Token for entitites such as   in HTML
Name.Exception ne Exceptions and errors (e.g. ArgumentError in Ruby)
Name.Function nf Function names
Name.Property py Token for properties
Name.Label nl For label names
Name.Namespace nn Token for namespaces
Name.Other nx For other names
Name.Tag nt Tag mainly for markup such as XML or HTML
Name.Variable nv Token for variables
Name.Variable.Class vc Token for class variables (e.g. @@var in Ruby)
Name.Variable.Global vg For global variables (such as $LOAD_PATH in Ruby)
Name.Variable.Instance vi Token for instance variables (such as @var in Ruby)
Literal l Any literal (if not further defined)
Literal.Date ld Date literals
Literal.String s String literals
Literal.String.Backtick sb String enclosed in backticks
Literal.String.Char sc Token type for single characters
Literal.String.Doc sd Documentation strings (such as in Python)
Literal.String.Double s2 Double quoted strings
Literal.String.Escape se Escaped sequences in strings
Literal.String.Heredoc sh For "heredoc" strings (e.g. in Ruby)
Literal.String.Interpol si For interpoled part in strings (e.g. in Ruby)
Literal.String.Other sx Token type for any other strings (for example %q{foo} string constructs in Ruby)
Literal.String.Regex sr Regular expressions literals
Literal.String.Single s1 Single quoted strings
Literal.String.Symbol ss Symbols (such as :foo in Ruby)
Literal.Number m Any number literal (if not further defined)
Literal.Number.Float mf Float numbers
Literal.Number.Hex mh Hexadecimal numbers
Literal.Number.Integer mi Integer literals
Literal.Number.Integer.Long il Long interger literals
Literal.Number.Oct mo Octal literals
Literal.Number.Hex mx Hexadecimal literals
Literal.Number.Bin mb Binary literals
Operator o Operators (commonly +, -, /, *)
Operator.Word ow Word operators (e.g. and)
Punctuation p Punctuation which is not an operator
Comment c Single ligne comments
Comment.Multiline cm Mutliline comments
Comment.Preproc cp Preprocessor comments such as <% %> in ERb
Comment.Single c1 Comments that end at the end of the line
Comment.Special cs Special data in comments such as @license in Javadoc
Generic g Unstyled token
Generic.Deleted gd Token value as deleted
Generic.Emph ge Token value as emphasized
Generic.Error gr Token value as an error message
Generic.Heading gh Token value as a headline
Generic.Inserted gi Token value as inserted
Generic.Output go Marked as a program output
Generic.Prompt gp Marked as a command prompt
Generic.Strong gs Mark the token value as bold (for rst lexer)
Generic.Subheading gu Marked as a subheadline
Generic.Traceback gt Mark the token as a part of an error traceback
Generic.Lineno gl Line numbers
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