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Track static class fields and improve handling of class getters/setters
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This aims to improve tree-shaking of code that uses static class
properties (#3989) and to improve detection of side effects through
class getters/setters (#4016).

The first part works by keeping a map of positively known static
properties (methods and simple getters) in
`ClassNode.staticPropertyMap`, along with a flag
(`ClassNode.deoptimizedStatic`) that indicates that something happened
that removed our confidence that we know anything about the class

Access and calls to these known static properties are handled by
routing the calls to `getLiteralValueAtPath`,
`getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath`, and
`hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath` to the known values in the properties. In
contrast to `ObjectExpression`, this class does not try to keep track
of multiple expressions associated with a property, since that doesn't
come up a lot on classes.

The handling of side effect detection through getters and setters is
done by, _if_ the entire class object (or its prototype in case of
access to the prototype) hasn't been deoptimized, scanning through the
directly defined getters and setters to see if one exists (calling
through to superclasses as appropriate). I believe that this is solid
because any code that would be able to change the set of getters and
setters on a class would cause the entire object to be deoptimized.
  • Loading branch information
marijnh committed Mar 26, 2021
1 parent c3b76f7 commit c3b03b7
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Showing 10 changed files with 396 additions and 13 deletions.
212 changes: 199 additions & 13 deletions src/ast/nodes/shared/ClassNode.ts
@@ -1,44 +1,173 @@
import { getOrCreate } from '../../../utils/getOrCreate';
import { CallOptions } from '../../CallOptions';
import { DeoptimizableEntity } from '../../DeoptimizableEntity';
import { HasEffectsContext } from '../../ExecutionContext';
import ChildScope from '../../scopes/ChildScope';
import Scope from '../../scopes/Scope';
import { EMPTY_PATH, ObjectPath } from '../../utils/PathTracker';
import { EMPTY_PATH, ObjectPath, PathTracker } from '../../utils/PathTracker';
import { LiteralValueOrUnknown, UnknownValue, UNKNOWN_EXPRESSION } from '../../values';
import ClassBody from '../ClassBody';
import Identifier from '../Identifier';
import MethodDefinition from '../MethodDefinition';
import { ExpressionEntity } from './Expression';
import { ExpressionNode, NodeBase } from './Node';

export default class ClassNode extends NodeBase {
body!: ClassBody;
id!: Identifier | null;
superClass!: ExpressionNode | null;
private classConstructor!: MethodDefinition | null;
private deoptimizedPrototype = false;
private deoptimizedStatic = false;
// Collect deoptimization information if we can resolve a property access, by property name
private expressionsToBeDeoptimized = new Map<string, DeoptimizableEntity[]>();
// Known, simple, non-deoptimized static properties are kept in here. They are removed when deoptimized.
private staticPropertyMap: {[name: string]: ExpressionNode} | null = null;

bind() {

createScope(parentScope: Scope) {
this.scope = new ChildScope(parentScope);

hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(path: ObjectPath) {
if (path.length <= 1) return false;
return path.length > 2 || path[0] !== 'prototype';
deoptimizeAllStatics() {
for (const name in this.staticPropertyMap) {
this.deoptimizedStatic = this.deoptimizedPrototype = true;

deoptimizeCache() {

deoptimizePath(path: ObjectPath) {
const propertyMap = this.getStaticPropertyMap();
const key = path[0];
const definition = typeof key === 'string' && propertyMap[key];
if (path.length === 1) {
if (definition) {
this.deoptimizeStatic(key as string);
} else if (typeof key !== 'string') {
} else if (key === 'prototype' && typeof path[1] !== 'string') {
this.deoptimizedPrototype = true;
} else if (path.length > 1 && definition) {

deoptimizeStatic(name: string) {
delete this.staticPropertyMap![name];
const deoptEntities = this.expressionsToBeDeoptimized.get(name);
if (deoptEntities) {
for (const entity of deoptEntities) {

path: ObjectPath,
recursionTracker: PathTracker,
origin: DeoptimizableEntity
): LiteralValueOrUnknown {
const key = path[0];
const definition = typeof key === 'string' && this.getStaticPropertyMap()[key];
if (path.length === 0 || !definition ||
(key === 'prototype' ? this.deoptimizedPrototype : this.deoptimizedStatic)) {
return UnknownValue;

getOrCreate(this.expressionsToBeDeoptimized, key, () => []).push(origin);
return definition.getLiteralValueAtPath(

hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(path: ObjectPath) {
if (path.length <= 1) return false;
return path.length > 2 || path[0] !== 'prototype';
path: ObjectPath,
recursionTracker: PathTracker,
origin: DeoptimizableEntity
): ExpressionEntity {
const key = path[0];
const definition = typeof key === 'string' && this.getStaticPropertyMap()[key];

if (path.length === 0 || !definition ||
(key === 'prototype' ? this.deoptimizedPrototype : this.deoptimizedStatic)) {

getOrCreate(this.expressionsToBeDeoptimized, key, () => []).push(origin);
return definition.getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(

hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(path: ObjectPath, context: HasEffectsContext) {
if (path.length === 0) return false;
if (this.deoptimizedStatic) return true;
if (this.superClass && this.superClass.hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(path, context)) return true;
const key = path[0];
if (key === 'prototype') {
if (path.length === 1) return false;
if (this.deoptimizedPrototype) return true;
const key2 = path[1];
if (path.length === 2 && typeof key2 === 'string') {
return mayHaveGetterSetterEffect(this.body, 'get', false, key2, context);
return true;
} else if (typeof key === 'string' && path.length === 1) {
return mayHaveGetterSetterEffect(this.body, 'get', true, key, context);
} else {
return true;

hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(path: ObjectPath, context: HasEffectsContext) {
if (this.deoptimizedStatic) return true;
if (this.superClass && this.superClass.hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(path, context)) return true;
const key = path[0];
if (key === 'prototype') {
if (path.length === 1) return false;
if (this.deoptimizedPrototype) return true;
const key2 = path[1];
if (path.length === 2 && typeof key2 === 'string') {
return mayHaveGetterSetterEffect(this.body, 'set', false, key2, context);
return true;
} else if (typeof key === 'string' && path.length === 1) {
return mayHaveGetterSetterEffect(this.body, 'set', true, key, context);
} else {
return true;

path: ObjectPath,
callOptions: CallOptions,
context: HasEffectsContext
) {
return !callOptions.withNew ||
path.length > 0 ||
(this.classConstructor !== null &&
this.classConstructor.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(EMPTY_PATH, callOptions, context)) ||
(this.superClass !== null &&
this.superClass.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(path, callOptions, context));
if (callOptions.withNew) {
return path.length > 0 ||
(this.classConstructor !== null &&
this.classConstructor.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(EMPTY_PATH, callOptions, context)) ||
(this.superClass !== null &&
this.superClass.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(path, callOptions, context));
} else {
if (path.length !== 1 || this.deoptimizedStatic) return true;
const key = path[0];
const definition = typeof key === 'string' && this.getStaticPropertyMap()[key];
if (!definition) return true;
return definition.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath([], callOptions, context);

initialise() {
Expand All @@ -53,4 +182,61 @@ export default class ClassNode extends NodeBase {
this.classConstructor = null;

path: ObjectPath
) {
const key = path[0];
const definition = typeof key === 'string' && this.getStaticPropertyMap()[key];
if (!definition || this.deoptimizedStatic) return true;
return definition.mayModifyThisWhenCalledAtPath(path.slice(1));

private getStaticPropertyMap(): {[name: string]: ExpressionNode} {
if (this.staticPropertyMap) return this.staticPropertyMap;

const propertyMap = this.staticPropertyMap = Object.create(null);
const seen: {[name: string]: boolean} = Object.create(null);
for (const definition of this.body.body) {
if (!definition.static) continue;
// If there are non-identifier-named statics, give up.
if (definition.computed || !(definition.key instanceof Identifier)) {
return this.staticPropertyMap = Object.create(null);
const key =;
// Not handling duplicate definitions.
if (seen[key]) {
delete propertyMap[key];
seen[key] = true;
if (definition instanceof MethodDefinition) {
if (definition.kind === "method") {
propertyMap[key] = definition.value;
} else if (definition.value) {
propertyMap[key] = definition.value;
return this.staticPropertyMap = propertyMap;

function mayHaveGetterSetterEffect(
body: ClassBody,
kind: 'get' | 'set', isStatic: boolean, name: string,
context: HasEffectsContext
) {
for (const definition of body.body) {
if (definition instanceof MethodDefinition && definition.static === isStatic && definition.kind === kind) {
if (definition.computed || !(definition.key instanceof Identifier)) {
return true;
if ( === name &&
definition.value.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath([], {args: [], withNew: false}, context)) {
return true;
return false;
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions test/form/samples/literals-from-class-statics/_config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
module.exports = {
description: 'tracks literal values in class static fields'
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions test/form/samples/literals-from-class-statics/_expected.js
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@

class Undef {
static y;
if (Undef.y) log("y");

class Deopt {
static z = false;
if (Deopt.z) log("z");
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions test/form/samples/literals-from-class-statics/main.js
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
class Static {
static t() { return true; }
static f() { return false; }
static x = 10;

if (Static.t()) log("t");
if (Static.f()) log("f");
if (!Static.t()) log("!t");
if (Static.x) log("x");

class Undef {
static y;
if (Undef.y) log("y");

class Deopt {
static z = false;
if (Deopt.z) log("z");
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
module.exports = {
description: 'treat getters and setters on classes as function calls'
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions test/form/samples/side-effects-class-getters-setters/_expected.js
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
class RetainedByGetter {
get a() { log(); }

class RetainedBySetter {
set a(v) { log(); }
RetainedBySetter.prototype.a = 10;

class RetainedByStaticGetter {
static get a() { log(); }

class RetainedByStaticSetter {
static set a(v) { log(); }
RetainedByStaticSetter.a = 10;

class RetainedSuper {
static get a() { log(); }
class RetainedSub extends RetainedSuper {}

class DeoptProto {}
64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions test/form/samples/side-effects-class-getters-setters/main.js
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
class Removed {
get a() { log(); }
set a(v) { log(); }
static get a() { log(); }
static set a(v) { log(); }

class RemovedNoEffect {
get a() {}
set a(v) {}
static get a() {}
static set a(v) {}
RemovedNoEffect.prototype.a = 1;
RemovedNoEffect.a = 1;

class RetainedByGetter {
get a() { log(); }

class RetainedBySetter {
set a(v) { log(); }
RetainedBySetter.prototype.a = 10;

class RetainedByStaticGetter {
static get a() { log(); }

class RetainedByStaticSetter {
static set a(v) { log(); }
RetainedByStaticSetter.a = 10;

class RemovedSetters {
set a(v) { log(); }
static set a(v) { log(); }

class RemovedWrongProp {
get a() { log(); }
static get a() { log(); }

class RetainedSuper {
static get a() { log(); }
class RetainedSub extends RetainedSuper {}

class RemovedSub extends RetainedSuper {}

class DeoptProto {}
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions test/form/samples/side-effects-static-methods/_config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
module.exports = {
description: 'allow calls to pure static methods to be tree-shaken'

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