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JSONLibrary is a Robot Framework test library for manipulating JSON Object. You can manipulate your JSON object using JSONPath

JSONPath is an expression which can help to access to your JSON document. The JSONPath structure is in the same way as XPath which use for accessing XML document. This is an example of JSONPath syntax.

JSONPath Description
$ the root object/element
@ the current object/element
. or [] child operator
.. recursive descent. JSONPath borrows this syntax from E4X
* wildcard. All objects/element regardless their names.
[] subscript operator. XPath uses it to iterate over element collections and for predicates. In Javascript and JSON it is the native array operator.
[,] Union operator in XPath results in a combination of node sets. JSONPath allows alternate names or array indices as a set.
[start: end: step] array slice operator borrowed from ES4
?() applies a filter (script) expression.
() script expression, using the underlying script engine.

This library can help you to add, get, update and delete your JSON object. So it's very useful in case that you have a very large JSON object.


Please note this library is a bridge between the Robot Framework and the parser jsonpath-ng. Hence, issues related to parsing should be raised on

Starting with version 0.4, Python2 support is dropped as Python2 reached end of life on 1st of January 2020.


Install robotframework-jsonlibrary via pip command

pip install -U robotframework-jsonlibrary

Example Test Case

*** Settings ***
Library JSONLibrary
*** Test Cases ***
${json_obj}= Load Json From File example.json
${object_to_add}= Create Dictionary country=Thailand
${json_obj}= Add Object To Json ${json_obj} $..address ${object_to_add}
${value}= Get Value From Json ${json_obj} $
Should Be Equal As Strings ${value[0]} Thailand
${value_to_update}= Set Variable Japan
${json_obj}= Update Value To Json ${json_obj} $ ${value_to_update}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${json_obj['country'] ${value_to_update}
Should Have Value In Json ${json_obj} $..isMarried
Should Not Have Value In Json ${json_obj} $..hasSiblings
Dump Json To File ${OUTPUT_DIR}${/}output.json ${json}
${schema_json_obj}= Load Json From File schema.json
Validate Json By Schema ${json_obj} ${schema_json_obj}
Validate Json By Schema File ${json_obj} schema.json


For the detail keyword documentation. Go to this following link:

For an example of JSONPath expressions. Go to this link:

Parser: jsonpath-ng:

This github:

#Help & Issues Mention me on Twitter @nottyo