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Hanging Droplets Cleaner for GitLab Runner with authoscale using DigitalOcean


This a a modified version to address issues with:

dropletID is invalid because cannot be less than 1

Original version is from


This tool looks for DigitalOcean droplets that were created and 'removed' by Runner, but were not removed by DigitalOcean. We've found that in some situations API may respond with success response while the droplet was not removed at all. This ends in wasted resources and extended billings for this wasted power.

This tool:

  • lists machines managed by Runner on a host where the tool is running (using one or more configured runner-prefix to filter machines),
  • lists droplets from DigitalOcean (also filters them by runner-prefix),
  • compares the list and removes any droplet that doesn't have representation as Docker Machine on the host.

Additionally it's possible to enable metrics HTTP endpoint that allows monitoring systems to track how many droplets are being cleaned-up.


The service mode

In this mode tool is started as a service that works continuously and executed a cleanup in configured intervals.

The tool requires few settings that should be provided. Notice that some of settings can be also provided with environment variables:

Setting Env Required Default value Description
digitalocean-token DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN yes - Access token for DigitalOcean API. Needs to have write permissions since it's used to remove droplets.
runner-prefix - yes - One ore more prefixes for machine name. This is used to filter locally found machines and droplets present at DigitalOcean.
machines-directory MACHINES_DIRECTORY no /root/.docker/machine/machines Directory where Docker Machine stores configuration of created machines. This is used to list existing machines. Must be an absolute path!
interval INTERVAL no 900 Interval between subsequent cleanup attempts. Provided in seconds.
listen LISTEN no - Address on which metrics server is started. If empty, then the feature is disabled. Provided in form of


$ ./hanging-droplets-cleaner service \
                             --digitalocean-token DO_TOKEN_HERE \
                             --listen \
                             --runner-prefix runner-abc123- \
                             --runner-prefix runner-def456- \
                             --runner-prefix runner-zyx987-

The one-shot mode

In this mode tool executes one cleanup attempt and exits. Additionally it doesn't do a real cleanup by default. This mode can be used if someone wants only to list the number of droplets that are no more managed by Runner and could be removed.

With additional flag it can also remove droplets.

Setting Env Required Default value Description
digitalocean-token DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN yes - Access token for DigitalOcean API. Needs to have write permissions since it's used to remove droplets.
runner-prefix - yes - One ore more prefixes for machine name. This is used to filter locally found machines and droplets present at DigitalOcean.
machines-directory MACHINES_DIRECTORY no /root/.docker/machine/machines Directory where Docker Machine stores configuration of created machines. This is used to list existing machines.
delete - no false If provided the tool will do a real cleanup and remove droplets from DigitalOcean


# To only list droplets that could be removed
$ ./hanging-droplets-cleaner one-shot \
                             --digitalocean-token DO_TOKEN_HERE \
                             --listen \
                             --runner-prefix runner-abc123- \
                             --runner-prefix runner-def456- \
                             --runner-prefix runner-zyx987-

# To only list and remove droplets
$ ./hanging-droplets-cleaner one-shot \
                             --digitalocean-token DO_TOKEN_HERE \
                             --listen \
                             --runner-prefix runner-abc123- \
                             --runner-prefix runner-def456- \
                             --runner-prefix runner-zyx987- \

Using Docker container

Prepared Docker image is configured to run the tool in service mode. It also starts the metrics server by default.

When starting this as Docker container we need to add some additional configuration.

First - we need to mount host's machines directory to the container. With a default configuration the process inside of Docker containers assumes, that the machines-directory is set to /machines. In that case we need to use the -v /path/to/hosts/machines/:/machines.

If we want to access metrics server from an external monitoring system, then we should also bind container's port to some host's port, e.g. -p 9380:9380 which will bind container's 9380 port to host's 9380 port on all host's interfaces. Notice that if you want to access this port from an external machine you will probably need also to update your firewall.


$ docker run -d \
         --restart always \
         --name hanging_droplets_cleaner \
         --log-driver=syslog \
         --log-opt tag=hanging_droplets_cleaner \
         -e NO_COLOR=true \
         -v /root/.docker/machine/machines/:/machines \
         -p 9380:9380 \ \
            --runner-prefix runner-abc123- \
            --runner-prefix runner-def456- \
            --runner-prefix runner-def-


Tomasz Maczukin, 2017, GitLab
