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Cloud-based Loan Management Platform

Development Guidelines

Very-very Important!

  • master branch will be used for releases to heroku only.
  • Therefore: DO NOT MERGE TO master DIRECTLY

Still important!

  • Make a pull request everytime you're done with your branch(es)!
  • This repo is integrated to our slack channel so the updates will be there too!

For everytime development has an update!

  • git fetch --all to get the latest updates from origin (GitHub)
  • Then after fetch, please update your branch with git merge origin/development inside your working branch
  • Please keep your-working-branch updated with the latest development branch to avoid conflicts
  • Conflicts will be a total headaches to work on so please don't forget to git merge origin/development to your-working-branch


  • Please checkout to development since we're going to pool everything there first
  • Create a new branch for each features, please
  • develop-[action]-[feature] as a branch name, with everything in lower case.
  • Don't forget to make a Pull Request for each branch/development you're working on
  • Change the tag both in our Trello and your ongoing Pull Requests
  • Optional : Ask someone to review your newly-done function by adding them as the reviewer

Running on your local

  • Checkout to development and then run git fetch --all and git pull
  • Run bundle install and yarn install to make sure any newly added gems/packages are present
  • Run rails db:create db:migrate to get the migration running up to the latest version
  • run rails db:seed to get the db ready with seeds
  • Run rails s to get the server up locally


Rails app generated with lewagon/rails-templates, created by the Le Wagon coding bootcamp team.