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Instruction How to Run

This section describes how to execute build and run petclinic-backed application in QA/Demo/Production and Local environment.

To run application in local or run integration tests in-memory hsqldb is used. While QA/Demo/Production can use real db like Postgres.

Petclinic backend build/test/run is configurable using Maven and Spring Boot Configuration profiles.

To select maven profile -P key is used: example:

$ mvn spring-boot:run -P hsqldb

To run spring boot jar, with specific spring configuration profile chosen java env variable should be specified, example:

$ java -jar petclinic.jar

Maven spring-boot plugin also have special java env run.profiles variable to choose spring configuration profile.

$ spring-boot:run -Drun.profiles=osenv

Liquibase artifact

Most instruction bellow requires liquibase artifact be build and deployed to local maven repository. To do this run this command:

$ cd database
$  mvn clean install

Maven Test'&'Build

Default configuration to run test is uses hsqldb and liquibase to deploy db schema. While hsqldb and liquibase is excluded from final JAR artifact.

No extra steps are required to run test and pack jar, bellows commands that can be used on CI as well:

To run test:

$ cd backend
$  mvn test

To generate jar:

$ cd backend
$  mvn package

Maven Local Run

To run in local environment it is reasonable to use hsqldb and liquibase. Maven profile hsqldb can do that.

$ cd backend
$  mvn spring-boot:run -P hsqldb

JetBrains Idea

In JetBrains Idea it is reasonable to use hsqldb and liquibase. For this reason needs to choose maven profile hsqldb, so JetBrains Idea will import configuration properly.


QA/Demo/Production environment will require to use real database like PostgreSQL. For this reason jar can be build with regular

$ cd backend
$  mvn package

However, configuration needs to be externalized. Spring boot profile osenv can be used for this case.

To run petclinic it is necessary to specify configuration as OSN ENV variables first:

$  export PETCLINIC_JDBC_URL=jdbc:postgresql://postgresql/petclinic
$  export PETCLINIC_JDBC_USER=root
$  export PETCLINIC_JDBC_DIALECT=org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect

Then execute spring boot jar

$  java -jar petclinic.jar

Alternatively, to test os environment variables on local use spring boot maven plugin:

$ cd backend
$  mvn spring-boot:run -P osenv


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