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Auto Redeploy swarm services via Webhooks

Adopted from Shephard to enabled unsupervised redeploy of services deployed in docker swarm. Similar to how it used to be in Docker Cloud when it was alive.


1. Setup server

  • Deploy a service using riyasdeen/docker-swarm-redeploy:latest.
  • Please replace secure-token with a secure token value, can be any string. Request from docker hub webhook will be authenticated with this token
docker service create --name auto-redeploy \
                      --replicas 1 \
                      --constraint "node.role==manager" \
                      --mount type=bind,source=/var/run/docker.sock,target=/var/run/docker.sock \
                      --env TOKEN=secure-token
                      --publish published=5000,target=80

2. Docker Registry Authentication

If you are using private images in docker registry then your registry credentials can be provided via Docker Secrets.

Create a Secret names registry-auth with secret value as { username: your-docker-username, password: your-docker-password }. Please replace your-docker-username and your-docker-password with your docker credentials

The last argument is set to -, which indicates that the input is read from standard input.

$ docker secret create registry-auth -
{ username: your-docker-username, password: your-docker-password }

3. Docker Hub Configuration

Add a webhook in Docker hub for the repository that you would like to be redeployed when a new image is pushed. Please replace your-server-endpoint with public end point of docker-swarm-redeploy, and secure-token with token used in step 1

That's it!!! Every time a new image is pushed to your repository, the services using that image will be redeployed with the new image.

How does it work?

docker-swarm-redeploy just triggers a service update of all services deployed with image name & tag as posted by Docker Hub.

Most of the work is thankfully done by Docker which resolves the image tag, checks the registry for a newer version and updates running container tasks as needed.

Also, Docker handles all the work of applying rolling updates. So at least with replicated services, there should be no noticeable downtime.


Auto Redeploy swarm containers with the latest image







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