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View instance information on EC2, Azure, GCE & OpenStack.

Support for other cloud service providers may be easily added thanks to Apache Libcloud

Docker image available at


usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-f FORMAT] [-l {none,debug,info,warning,error,critical}] [-o {text,html,json}] [-p PORT] [-P {ec2,gce,azure_arm,openstack}] [-r]
                    [-s {name,state,time}] [-S {error,migrating,normal,paused,pending,rebooting,reconfiguring,running,starting,stopped,stopping,suspended,terminated,unknown,updating}]
                    [-t TIME_FORMAT] [-v] [--version]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        path to clouds.yaml (default: None)
  -f FIELDS, --fields FIELDS
                        output fields (default: provider,name,size,state,time,location)
  -l {none,debug,info,warning,error,critical}, --log {none,debug,info,warning,error,critical}
                        logging level (default: error)
  -o {text,html,json}, --output {text,html,json}
                        output type (default: text)
  -p PORT, --port PORT  run a web server on specified port (default: None)
  -P {ec2,gce,azure_arm,openstack}, --providers {ec2,gce,azure_arm,openstack}
                        list only specified providers (default: None)
  -r, --reverse         reverse sort (default: False)
  -s {name,state,time}, --sort {name,state,time}
                        sort type (default: None)
  -S {error,migrating,normal,paused,pending,rebooting,reconfiguring,running,starting,stopped,stopping,suspended,terminated,unknown,updating}, --states {error,migrating,normal,paused,pending,rebooting,reconfiguring,running,starting,stopped,stopping,suspended,terminated,unknown,updating}
                        filter by instance state (default: None)
                        strftime format or age|timeago (default: %a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y)
  -v, --verbose         be verbose (default: None)
  --version             show program's version number and exit

output fields for --fields: provider,name,id,size,state,time,location


Docker or Podman to run the Docker image


Edit examples/clouds.yaml with the relevant information and run chmod 600 /path/to/clouds.yaml.


  • The key names are not arbitrary and are the names of the arguments passed to the class factory of each provider in libcloud.
  • If this file is not present, cloudview will try to get the information from the standard AWS_*, AZURE_*, GOOGLE_* & OS_ environment variables.

The script scans clouds.yaml and environment variables to execute the proper docker command.

To run the web server with Docker Compose:

If you have a TLS key pair, put the certificates in cert.pem, the private key in key.pem and the file containing the passphrase to the private key in key.txt. Then edit the docker-compose.yml file to mount the directory to /etc/nginx/ssl in the container like this: - "/path/to/tls:/etc/nginx/ssl:ro". Set and export the NGINX_HOST environment variable with the FQDN of your host.

For HTTP Basic Authentication, create a file named auth.htpasswd in the same directory with the TLS key pair.

If you don't have a TLS key pair, a self-signed certificate and a random password for logging in will be generated. You can see the latter with docker compose logs. The user is test.

After running docker compose build & docker compose up -d you can browse to https://localhost:8443


  • For debugging you can set the LIBCLOUD_DEBUG environment variable to a path like /dev/stderr

Additional information

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