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AutoCADLI - The AutoCAD List Extraction Tool

This is an application that is used to extract AutoCAD Entity information from a list command's output. The list Command generates an output text that is then copied into the Applications text box and then information is extracted. Also I now have an online version avalible at AutoList Online.


In AutoCAD there is a command that is called LIST or simply LI its output generall looks like this

Select objects:
                  LWPOLYLINE  Layer: "0"
                            Space: Model space
                   Handle = 240
    Constant width    0.0000
              area   76.9729
            length   30.9270

          at point  X= 107.1441  Y=  46.3544  Z=   0.0000
             bulge   -0.2599
            center  X= 136.6538  Y=  39.0116  Z=   0.0000
            radius   30.4094
       start angle       166
         end angle       108
          at point  X= 127.3799  Y=  67.9725  Z=   0.0000

where the above is the output when the user has selected a LWPOLYLINE. AutoList can then use this text to extract the length of the LWPOLYLINE.

Currently Supported Objects

  • MTEXT: Mtext objects for block names
  • TEXT: Text objects for block names
  • LWPOLYLINEs "Polylines": Length property extraction is currently supported
  • HATCHs: area property extraction is currently supported

For Block Extraction

There is an option for block extraction. A block is something that is used in residential development planning. On a block there is a frontage line represented as either a line or a polyline and the area of the block is represented using a hatch. Also, the blocks name is represented using text. The data must be selected in the order of text, frontage and then area, a frontage line is optional. This will then output as a csv file.